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Malcolm Robinson

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Everything posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Anyone fancy a boozer? http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/mar/20/punch-taverns-break-up-default?INTCMP=SRCH Might just split 3000 off into Spirit.
  2. I suppose it could be argued we are building in disposability into our weapon sales………….we sell these people the weapons, then bomb them to bits every few years and sell them more soon afterwards. Ya gotta make a dollar or two ma boy………
  3. Off to War again, this time against who..........oh yes......
  4. The Fukushima 50 deserve a bit more than just a passing respect. Once again we see another country's leaders belittled by the selfless actions of a few brave souls working for the common good.
  5. Happy birthday Brian.............
  6. I think you are right Tomtom that is something I have noticed myself. I presume we are talking yon side of the river in which case I don't think the land is any of the Bedlington parish's as I think the river is the boundary. NCC will have a duty over the road however even if the land is in private ownership. I think landslip is a potential problem there as well as falling trees.
  7. Had to come........... http://newsthump.com/2011/03/10/government-urges-poor-people-to-die-younger/
  8. Seconded.............
  9. You know I like Monsta, but then I like the Beast.................. Only one way to settle this......................
  10. This could get worse......... http://live.reuters.com/uk/Event/Japan_earthquake2
  11. Bank basher Bill...........
  12. I think it could be..........
  13. Couldn't have helped Mr D?
  14. Thats a hell of a Tsunami in Japan........... http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/03/11/uk-japan-quake-idUKTRE72A0UU20110311
  15. I hear we are about to have the second major casualty to the pub scene in the town..........
  16. Aye, what he said...........
  17. Yesterday I was at my local Sainsbury's buying a large bag of Winalot dog food for my loyal pet and was in the checkout queue when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had - an elephant? So, since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Winalot Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in hospital last time, but I'd lost 2 stone before I woke up in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with Winalot nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in queue was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked me if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off the kerb to sniff an Irish setter's !*!@# and a car hit me. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. I'm now banned from Sainsbury's. Better watch what you ask retired people ~ they have all the time in the world to think of daft things to say
  18. So Freddie has taken out an injunction to stop him being referred to as a banker, needn't have bothered there is no 'w' in banker........ http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20110310/tuk-goodwin-legal-ban-on-banker-tag-6323e80.html
  19. Nice telephone manner Mr D!
  20. And I thought Mexicans were.........what was it now Top Gear.... http://www.forbes.com/wealth/billionaires Sir Phillip Green, 7.5 billion, see what avoiding tax can get you!
  21. The new Government in Egypt has asked the city's taxi drivers to drive around Cairo sounding their car horns. It is hoped that the familiar sounds of the city will induce a return to tranquility and normality. Operation Toot 'n Calm 'Em will last for the rest of the week.
  22. Wonder if that is the same one that was going into the top floor of the Red Lion until Wetherspoon got it? Just wondering if there were two Italian restaurants looking around Bedders or one?
  23. A THOUGHTFUL SCOTTISH HUSBAND? Did you hear about the thoughtful Scotsman who was heading out to the pub? He turned to his wee wife before leaving and said, "Margaret, put your hat and coat on lassie." She replied, "Awe Jock, that's nice. "Are ye taking me tae the pub with ye?" "Naw, I'm switching the heat aff while I'm oot," he replied.
  24. Minutes of the meeting of West Bedlington Community Partnership held on Tuesday, 25th January 2011 at 6.30pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Bedlington Present Brian Oliver Chair Margaret Oliver Secretary Malcolm Robinson Vice Chair William Buglass Resident Keith Dalton Resident John Masters Bedlington Chamber of Trade Bill Dobson Resident Russell Hogg Resident John Hetherington Dr Pit Allotments Hugh Kerr Resident John Fox Resident Rose Mills Resident John Nicholson Town Clerk Irene Webster F.O.G.P. Joan Douglas Resident George Webster Chair F.O.G.P. Brian Thorns Bedlingtonshire Mary Allen Town Councillor Rotary Club Paul Hedley Town Councillor Dave Armstrong East Bed. P.C. Irene Harbottle East Bed. P.C. Allan Stewart East Bed. P.C. Jim Scott Resident Eric Duffle Resident G. Carrick Resident R Wearmouth Salvation Army B Roberts Resident Neal Younger S. Northumberland Radio Group Stephen Shepherd Town Councillor Sgt Dave Morrison Northumbria Police Bill Curtis Bedlington Rotary Club Neil Nevens Northumbria Police In Attendance Lynda Fakir NCC Hope Alderson WCVS 1. Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that it was well attended. Everyone then introduced themselves to the meeting. 2. Apologies for Absence Mary Kelly Resident Arthur Pegg NCC Cllr. G. Todd NCC Councillor M. Penny Resident Jenny Tindale WCVS 3. Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd November 2010 These were agreed as a true record. 4. Matters Arising 4.1 The Chair gave an update on the problem with coach access (3.6) to St. Benet Biscop's School. He and the Police were to have had a meeting with Alan Armstrong about this but it had been thought to be cancelled due to the bad weather. The Chair had then emailed him and was awaiting a response. NCC had refused permission for a Toucan crossing but there was still considerable concern regarding safety especially since there had not been a Lollipop person since Christmas. Various options were suggested to solve the problem and it was decided that the Chair and Police would look into the matter of the Lollipop person as a matter of urgency and the Chair would continue to try and contact Alan Armstrong. 4.2 An update was requested regarding Elliot's Garage (8.3). It was reported that the foundations should be in within the next four weeks but the meeting remained sceptical about this. 4.3 With regard to the lighting issue (8.6) it was reported that it was the responsibility of NE Distribution Ltd to remove the old lampposts and that Richard Schofield was pushing them to do this. The new ones were now working. 4.4 Bus shelter - the meeting was informed that broken panels had been replaced with metal ones because of vandalism. It was pointed out that they provided inadequate shelter and there were no rubbish bins. 5. Police Update 5.1 PC Nevens reported that manhole covers were still being taken by thieves and asked that everyone keep vigilant. 5.2 18 local people whose behaviour had been found unacceptable for a variety of reasons, have signed "Acceptable Behaviour Agreements”. 5.3 Bogus officials were still operating in the area and targeting the elderly in particular. PC Nevens asked everyone to keep an eye on vulnerable people and to let the police know if they had any concerns. 5.4 Valuables had been taken from cars in the Stakeford, Guidepost and Cambois areas and everyone was being urged not to leave such items in cars. 5.5 The detection rate for the area was currently 44% which was quite high and meets the Area Command Target. Bedlington does not, generally, suffer from high levels of crime. 5.6 St. John Heaton had moved on and his replacement, Sgt Dave Morrison, was introduced to the meeting. He had been in the area for 18 months and was delighted to be part of the Neighbourhood Policing Team. He is keen to get to know everyone and continue the work already started. 6. Synergy Radio Update. 6.1 Neil Younger reported that planning approval for change of use had been submitted for the group to use 90 Front Street East as their studio base. They have received £10,000 in funding, the majority from Awards for All, but also some smaller grants. They have quite a large number of volunteers and are hoping that the radio station might be up and running within the next six months. 6.2 Questions were asked whether this would be the only radio station. Neil replied that, although there might be others, they would be internet based and not as community friendly. This would be the only truly local, community radio station. 7. Chair's Update The Chair spoke of the cuts that NCC had to make: £45 million this year and £33 million next year. Lynda Fakir said that the new budget would be announced on 23rd February. Bedlington Forum had funds to keep going in the short term if the County withdrew its support for this Community Partnership. Supporters have already come forward to make sure we still have community meetings. BKO and MR were asked to sit on the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Alliance steering group. Following an open meeting of all voluntary sector groups, BKO raised the issue that there seemed an absence of representation from the Bedlington area. BKO will look at the mailing list currently held by Wansbeck CVS to see if any further groups could be contacted throughout the S.E. area. George Carrick said the Country and Western Club would be interested in being considered to join. The Conservation Area was to be extended from Front Street to include the first four houses in Church Lane. The residents were not happy with this decision as it meant that they would be unable to do any work on their properties without all the necessary permissions. It was questioned who had made this decision and what was the architectural merit of the houses. BKO will bring this issue up at a drop in session scheduled for 7th February and at the same time hand in a letter of objection to the plan 8. Open session 8.1 Connect 2 Cycle Route Lynda Fakir reported on the situation regarding the Connect2 cycle route. As Philippa was unavailable James Adamson had provided an update and noted that the route would be 90% finished by June of this year. This will include a new Toucan crossing (for pedestrians and cyclists) over Choppington Road linking to the Black Path and the Gallagher Park Connection. There will be an additional link to Blyth along the south bank of the River Blyth from Furnace Bank Bridge and other signalised crossings are under consultation and review. The link south to Cramlington is not happening - the land at East Hartford is owned by Bellway homes and is being held as a land bank. Sustrans and NCC will pursue this link in the future when a development timeline is known. The closing date for voting for the portrait benches was 10thJanuary but the results were not yet known. East Bedlington Parish Council plans to enhance some of the cycle routes within their Parish. People can view the maps of the Connect 2 route(s) online at: http://www.sustrans.org.uk/what-we-do/connect2/schemes http://www.sustrans.org.uk/assets/files/connect2/maps/Blyth_Bedlington_Nov2011.pdf 8.2 Sports Facility Feasibility Study The consultants that produced the feasibility study for this had based their conclusions on the fact that the High School would become an academy and Meadowdale would become two tier. As this was now not about to happen quickly, the ground rules had changed and so the consultants reconsidered their conclusions based on the change of circumstance – at no extra cost. Brian is awaiting a hard copy of the new report. The cost of putting a new football pitch down in Meadowdale School had been looked at but it was very high at £500,000 plus. There were many pitches in the area but very few were in a playable condition. 8.4 Tesco There was some discussion around the fact that Tesco had received planning permission but the town had lost out in terms of planning and gain. It was noted that other towns had even seen whole leisure facilities, community buildings and even a police stations built under 'planning gain'. The question was raised 'what did Bedlington get'? 8.5 Update on Gallagher Park The BMX track is now complete and there will be an official opening event on 12th March. This will be a big event with lots of publicity. There will be stunt riders, sideshows and the British BMX Champion will attend. Posters will be placed around Bedlington in various places. Work on the Connect 2 route through the park is underway. 8.6 Current NCC Services and the Town Council There was some discussion about the fact that parish and town councils had been asked by NCC if they would consider taking on some of the services currently provided by NCC. This situation has now changed and so throughout next year, NCC and town and parish councils will be in discussion about the future of a number of these services. 8.7 Bedlington Community Centre The situation re: the centre is still being resolved however the forum was told that there was a possibility of it opening by the end of February or the beginning of March. 8.8 Parish Council Charter Some discussion took place regarding the need for partnership working. 9.0 Date and time of next meeting This will also be the A.G.M. This meeting shall be held on Tuesday, 29th March 2011 in the Salvation Army Hall at 6.30pm. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FROM THE CHAIR: On the 25th February all Forums/Community Partnerships in Northumberland were informed that the funding and secretarial help had been withdrawn (due to the financial constraints within NCC). Since that date the Chairs & Vice Chairs of all the forum groups within the Wansbeck area have met and jointly we all feel there is a need to continue holding regular community meetings. It is therefore vital that as many people as possible attend our next meeting on the 29th March as we have come up with a proposal to continue, but we will need your approval & support to do this. Chair's note: Following our last meeting I later learnt that there had been difficulties getting out of the Salvation Army car park, I been asked to remind those of you who come by car that there is also a large car park just to the rear of Don Lynn's Butchers/Post Office.
  25. Tuesday 29th March 2011 6-30 – 8-30pm Venue: Salvation Army AGENDA 1. Welcome & Introductions 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of the meeting held on: Tuesday 25th Jan 2010 4. Matters Arising 5. Police Update 6. Chair's Update 7. Open discussion on the way forward for our Community Group/Forum. 8. AGM. 9. Date, Time & Venue of next meeting
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