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Adam Hogg

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Posts posted by Adam Hogg

  1. You need to be a bit more wary next time Merc, a similar thing happened to me quite a while ago and now forty years down the line,



    I'm still stuck with her! :devil:

    I Hope Mrs Foxy does not read you posts foxy :pc:

  2. I remember about a year ago an old woman was standing at the market place bus stop and lost her footing, I rushed to help her and so did the people in the hairdressers behind it, they walked her into the hairdressers and gave her a cup of tea and made sure she was fine, but i counted at least 5 people who walked by as if nothing happened.


    On another case I was driving down green lane in Ashington and a car had went into the dike on the sharp left turn and I just passed in the car and never thought till I got home "Was everyone ok?" I regret not stopping to check. That is why I now carry a high viz bomber jacket, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in the car and will stop next time I see anything like that.

  3. The Toilets were owned by the county council and to my best knowledge still are, (they may be Tesco's now after the sale of the gap site and car park.)

    They were closed after Tesco asked for them to be closed as they saw no point in them as the building of the new superstore (which would have toilets) was still on the cards at the time.

  4. Not at the Jobcentre, Adam, they flatly refused me when I asked - I had three interviews in ten days. They told me in no uncertain terms that I was expected to pay for any bus fares out of my JSA unless the interview was beyond my 20 mile job search area.

    Can't understand that I would contact the head office and ask them Keith.


    I GOT THE JOB - sort of.


    Now I know what to do folks. You tick the transgender box, turn up for the interview in fishnet stockings and six-inch stillettos, dab a smattering of Steetwalker56 under your armpits and talk in a husky voice. Works a charm. Mind you my ankles are killing me.


    No, seriously, I start my induction next week and hopefully start work soon after. (There is a lot of paper work and red tape to sort out in between.) Cheers to all.


    Congrats Keith, Well done hope you enjoy the job.


    But now back to the topic at hand I was asked a question in an interview once, "what do you watch on TV?"

    I replied, "I don't watch the TV much I only watch the News sometimes and that is very rare."

    I thought I told the truth that what an employer would want, WRONG!

    I went back 2 weeks later and asked for feedback as I had not heard a word from them and the bloke who took my interview came over and said, "you were very negative about yourself, you said you only watched the news sometimes, you should have expanded on that and said I watch the news sometimes because I am Interested in current affairs."

    I thought to myself so the employer wants me to Lie?

    I don't watch the news or TV in general that often because I'm busy looking for jobs.

  6. A sad moment was announced today (30th April) that Bob Hoskins has Died of pneumonia. I am a fan of Bob Hoskins performance's in all the films and TV Series he was in, he was one of the best and he will be sadly missed, he will never be replaced, Rest In Peace Bob Hoskins.

  7. An Indoor Market was tried down Bedlington Station and I have been lead to believe it has now died a death but I could have been misinformed.

    However the Market Traders did say to me yesterday that the weather plays a major part in the income of the market so indoors sounds like a good idea on their part.

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