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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. It makes no sense that they do not maintain our essential services . Sadly the flooding problem is not going to go away. Building huge numbers of houses will not help.
  2. Wildlife Haven between Westlea and Red House.
  3. Interesting amount Malcolm. Is that the amount received by the NCC or the Water Authority and is the amount per year. I wonder who owns the Water Authority these days!
  4. Learning a language could mean a lot of people returning to UK.
  5. Daniel Gooch gets a mention on tonight's Great Railway Journeys .
  6. All very overgrown in that area behind Westlea and The Red House Farm. If it was not for the risk of flooding it could be a wild life haven! Certainly no stream flows in the direction of the Green Letch. Around the Red Ash path there are three man hole covers in a small area. I think at some stage someone has attempted to change the course of the stream. The problem now is all channels are blocked. The water has to go somewhere. Hence flooding in the cemetery .
  7. Just wondering where your pictures were taken toakley1965 Great to know I am not alone in my concerns. i think there has to be an answer. Hopefully before houses are affected.
  8. Exactly my problem Eggy. Tried everything. Then it seemed my user name on the site was required so I thought that was problem solved. Nowp Now I can get into the system on one hand held devise but not on another. Same name and password used. My guess is the a lot of people are giving up.
  9. I had not realised I had been promoted Symtoms! Probably means I can be demoted. 'Workie Ticket' status
  10. Success at last The website no long wants the name I signed in originally with but my name on the site.
  11. 'All our trials Lord soon be over' Well in five years perhaps. We have a champion Dean Jackson and a host of others 'playing' for us. Lets hope we win the cup any cup plus a vibrant town centre.
  12. Still needed the dreaded I have forgotten my password way in! Sorry Fourgee. Patience is needed by all! Good Luck with all these changes. May the force be with you!
  13. I have tried everything Fourgee . I wipe the previous info only to get the same result. I am going to try signing out now and using a mobile. Dare I say I Phone. Now it seems easier to just go for ' I have forgotten my password' which I have not. Leaving spaces between lines seems a problem too. At the end of a line it can split a word and then I join the word and I have a spare line space.
  14. Well done Eggy. Now Canny Lass ,about wearing purple, there is the challenge. Can we challenge convention as the poem suggests or just for now should we behave ourselves. Would anyone notice two upstanding citizens behaving badly.
  15. Here goes after signing in after I did not sign out. My guess is that the higher ground of Nedderton Village and the equally high ground of Bedlington itself have caused the area to form tributaries that flow into the Green Letch and thence to the Sleekburn then to the Blyth. These tributaries are essential given buildings at the school and new houses at The Chase (opposite the school) . Add into the equation Hazelmere and the new houses that are planned and we have a problem. There was a tributary at Westlea that I remember crossing to get to the old Red House farm . That tributary caused flooding . It now appears to have been channeled underground . However not very successfully . This land was not put back successfully by the Coal Board after the opencast years and the run off collects to form a huge lake. Before houses are affected it seems we should be finding the cause and maybe a solution. The weather is a factor but not the only one. The picture I am about to post ( hopefully ) is opposite the Netherton Club and is always 'clarty' to walk past you need to cross the road or walk in the road.
  16. Logging in is not easy! Every single time you have to say 'I have forgotten my password'. That gets you to a page that says you will be sent information 'in a few minutes'. Maybe that is the situation 3g for Canny Lass . Personally I sign in with my new old password and then disappear to do some task or other and find I am signed out. Hopefully it becomes easier for all users. The present system with these problems must be putting people off contributing. You can access all information without being signed in but in order to contribute you need the dreaded 'I have forgotten my password' button to renew the password you already have .You then gain access to reply to topics. Trying to understand and find a solution to the flooding in West Bedlington is my initiative at the moment. Something I think is of huge significance to any future building work between the Village on a ridge and Bedlington itself on higher ground. Given the state of the flooding at present it seems a short time until houses are affected. Right back to the topic with another picture.
  17. Welcome back HPW. Hope you and yours are well ! Have a good and happy New Year.
  18. Oops the picture is not trying to get to the Green Letch, the water maybe!
  19. I am still experiencing problems signing in . The picture above is looking towards the school on the West Ridge . The water here is running out of the cemetery onto the road and into a drain on the road. the next picture is looking to wards Westlea and appears to be in line with the Green Letch maybe trying to head to Choppington.
  20. These are my pictures Eggy. sorry i cannot submit the pictures , they are using more than 2.21 mb 's it seems
  21. Happy Birthday from me too Canny Lass. Have a good day and a good year.
  22. That makes sense Bayardm. I wonder if culverts are blocked. The other flooding issue is the old entrance in the hollow before the road rises to Westridge and the Ridge Farm area. All weekend the water has been running out of the cemetery and into a drain on the road. Again maybe a blocked culvert. The new houses and buildings at the school may have had an effect. Drainage is not effective either way and there are houses that could flood.
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