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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. The bridge near the Welwyn looks in dire need. Maybe paint would help
  2. Happy Christmas wishes to everyone on the site regardless of location.
  3. Happy Birthday wherever you are Pate. I hope you enjoy your time in Bedlington .
  4. Forget the Kalashnikov 's let's go for 'Hell's Granny's ' ' and Monty Python. Maybe people would then die laughing 'On the Sunny Side of the Street' Eddie Izzard told the Wolves to 'Get in the back' of his little red car when he claimed to be brought up by Wolves. The problem was that when they caught up with their prey they could not shoot , they did not have guns. However the Wolves did teach him to fish and cook the fish gas mark 5 !
  5. The 'Bread and Circus' agenda is in every level of society.. Politically correct or not that is up to the individual to decide. Depending on what they consider a circus and what they want for bread.
  6. Other viewpoints can be accepted. The World is not all black and white. As we know only to well if we are Newcastle Supporters. Thinking for ourselves means accepting no one biased theory even if people insist it is obvious true and beyond doubt.
  7. Freudian slip manic or magic ! I somehow do not see any manic action happening anytime soon. Shame on NCC. Priority should not mean in five years time Sadly even our ' Bedlington Champion ' seems just a way of prolonging the present situation. Maybe we are meant to feel we are being listened to but then nowt happens. Promises are made , we are told it is a priority to deal with the Tesco's site but that means not now. I feel the consultation programme is just to fill in time. Why are our Councillors particularly on the County Council not putting forward their ideas. These could and should include a time scale for immediate action if as they say it is a PRIORITY.
  8. Anyone got a manic wand. We could either go back to the future or anywhere but the present. Actions speak louder than words. Maybe the hidden agenda is to allow us all to just give up. Patience takes on a new meaning in Bedlington. Come on Dean Jackson help this is an SOS.
  9. It seems discussions are on going until next March. Such a long time to decide . How long until something happens? This year , next year , sometime , never. In the mean time I guess our council tax will help pay for the PFI developments in the area and the East Bedlington Initiative. So much money floating around but nothing for our Front Street . Just promises ; the never ending story.
  10. I agree pilgrim Hilary Benn gave a good account of himself. The whole debate was a good example of democracy at work. I think we have Corbyn to thank for a debate that allowed such diverse opinions. People spoke ,often , regardless of their party allegiance . The vote everyone has to accept. Unlike ISIS whose basic principle is vote /agree with me or we will kill you. There is a book called 'All Alone in Berlin' written by Hans Fallada : In the book one way of revolting against a totalitarian regime is to write postcards with anti establishment messages. These messages are then left around Berlin. It is interesting how they are received . The Stassi (like Isis ) controlled everyone . Interesting to think what we all would do if we lived under a regime with total control. Hopefully we never have to learn.
  11. A thought provoking article. Who gains in this modern World ?
  12. Brilliant Symptoms. Not sure I agree. I remember one of the Viz lot going on a Newcastle trip and saying that in sixties the 'cafe culture' of outside tables and chairs would have been considered free furniture. On a serious note the causes of the First World War are well documented and make for a good argument. One Grandson said in a project that the countries were 'Itching for a Fight' However the loss of life and the stalemate that followed are another subject. Who can argue with the tragic loss of life when faced with every War Memorial in every town. The lives lost in all countries should / could have been avoidable . The result was the peace being achieved on the eleventh day at the eleventh hour of the eleventh month. No one won. Ben Elton considers all this and has interesting reflections on what could gave happened. I could not tell you what he concludes. You may read the book. I have enjoyed reading lots of his books and agree with a lot of his reasoning on World Issues. Nowt is simple not even the Bedlington Situation. As good old Bob Dylan would say 'You are right from your side and I am right from mine'
  13. Today right now the debate is fascinating. Regardless of what side your on , this debate is history in the making.. Who knows what the result will be? War war or jaw jaw. I should be doing thousands of other things but cannot watch or do anything else.
  14. I understand one irritation for Ben Elton was Michael Gove. Seems he was negative about Blackadder saying that the First World War was being presented as a shambles. Ben Elton had ancestors on both sides in the First World War. There may also have been Jewish roots. Hence his living here : although I think he now may live in Australia. Reading about history is easy when presented in story form.
  15. Time and Time again is a book by Ben Elton. Basically the plot is what one event in history would you change. On the brink of War with Isis , I wonder what we could or would change. In the book the assassination in Sarajevo of the Archduke is the one event to change.
  16. Not sure if I have missed some news announcement. In July the Bedlington Councillors Terry Johnstone. Val Tyler and Alyson Wallace were quoted in the Evening Chronicle saying that the town is a priority. Buying The Tesco's site was / is part of the authority's (NCC and Arch) investment strategy for the town. I have seen that there is investment in Bedlington Station. Is that it. That investment 'begs two questions in my mind :- Does the building the old coop belong to Bedlington. Where does the investment that has been pledged by East Bedlington Parish Council of £450,000 come from . In case anyone has not seen this piece of news. £845,715 has been awarded via the Big Lottery Reaching Communities.(Buildings) £48,500 from the Coalfield Industry Social Welfare Organisation. Total investment£1.3 million Up to seven jobs are to be created as well as opportunities for volunteering and work experience. More money maybe needed for wages. I am sure someone said there was no pot of money around.
  17. Within Isis could some people be decent human beings. If we think of Nazi Germany or Franco's Spain not everyone was evil. In the news 'the valley of the fallen' created by Franco is significant. He has effectively created a history that makes him look not too bad. A little like our 'Chantry' in Morpeth he has people praying for him. I still do not have any idea what solution could be achieved . I go along with Harry Patch the last Tommy who said 'War is licenced murder'.
  18. The Brotherhood of Man. Unless your after power and that power corrupts. Nuclear power worries me the most. Our lives were changed during 'The Bay Of Pigs' era. If not before.
  19. Silver award for Northumberland in UK tourist destinations Even a quote from our very own Val Tyler .
  20. Folding a thousand paper cranes allows you one wish. That is a Japanise legend. If it was that easy :- Maybe one wish could be for World Peace. Allowing for the fact that there will always be evil people doing evil deeds
  21. Religion can be used to justify any action or reaction! Often the issue is about 'power' and nothing to do with anything else. I think we need to remember John Lennon's lyrics in Imagine
  22. Will the bombing solve the problem! Has the bombing so far solved anything. What could be the 'unintended' consequences' of the bombing.?
  23. Paper folding or origami can keep any age occupied.
  24. The music I love but the man himself is very impressive. The programme was so thoughtfully presented. The imagery was worthy of study.
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