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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. We do not need a lap top other than for flash drive and certain sites. The old ones do the job . Cds may become important again when the whole Internet becomes non viable threegee. After all it is easily hacked and therefore could just as easily be shut down. The company's selling items seem suspect. Data selling has become very important. Everyone is after your name and e mail. It is therefore worth money to companies
  2. If you want to see what is happening do not forget tomorrow and the Core Strategy Plan
  3. The best of wishes for a great day and year. Then there are wishes for being healthy wealthy and wise. Keep a had
  4. Our town and surrounding area are the very best location. Higher ground for Defence, Running Water (transport and worship), Fuel (wood and coal), Iron deposits. If a Bedesman is someone who prays for a person then surely our town could be :- Bede Ling Ton A town to pray. No one knows for sure.
  5. It seems they just do not like Emile Sande Brett. I do not agree with them. I classify music as like and dislike!
  6. What lap top should we buy in 2015.? Accepting we have two useless lap tops because of windows 98 or XP not sure which! They still do CDs or play DVDs but they are not supported on the internet.
  7. Guess headphones are the answer Symptoms.. We had to sit through the Newport Jazz Festival on Christmas Day with our kids educating us on the impressive artists. Seems our Christmas cd did not make the play list of acceptable listening. Emile Sande drew the biggest groan. Our Grandkids love 'Frozen' but that proved a big turn off for our children.
  8. Justice is not an issue of gender. Details of the case are disturbing to anyone. No one wins !
  9. At the Brenkley Lane surface mine archaeologists are unearthing a five hectare settlement. It is centred on four roundhouses within a double rectangular enclosure. The remains relate to a period of occupation during the Iron Age. I think Bedlington with our Iron and Coal deposits must have similar areas waiting to be discovered.
  10. Please, if you have any interest in our town and county, look in on one of these sessions. Bedlington local plan can be viewed next Thursday 15th January 2015 between 1pm and 7:30pm. The venue is the Council Offices.
  11. Maybe we will be on the closure list.
  12. Our tradition is to let the old year or the old man out the back door and then in through the front door after the clock strikes midnight and the new year begins. This year there were so many fireworks that the Grandkids refused to come in.
  13. Leonard Cohen and his cd Popular Problems was one purchase last year. Almost as good as Sting's cd The Last Ship'
  14. I do not think the younger generation do First Footing. Shame really because it was a great thing to do. I remember people arriving in the middle of the night and everyone on the street involved. Well most folks. It would be great to hear that people still 'Go First Footing' Now I guess you would need a formal invite.
  15. Have a very Happy Birthday and New Year.
  16. Well 8:30 this morning and a Computer Maintenance call.
  17. Not sure of your comment Keith! Maybe more your life than mine!
  18. Who Gains from the NHS and Government targeting obesity. It would be great to think there was money available and people really wanted help. Sadly it is just a 'headline' and time will tell whether anything makes a difference.. Sorry I should not be so negative. After all it is the season of goodwill.
  19. Who or what is responsible for internet disruption ? On our Bedlington Site . ( Video Camera Down or Lost Postings ) In my case Australian upside down photos!! Someone maybe is 'just having a laugh' As Wise Old Symptoms claims maybe 'kill switching' . I believe Spotify has been down today and there have been some XBox problems. What happens when every internet connection is lost? North Korea or some James Bond spy network of hackers, who is responsible? Will we ever know or learn the truth. Does anyone care! Where is that sherry Canny Lass?
  20. Your right Symptoms 'White Out' and 'No Wipe Out' Plus a posting about this post has disappeared . I will try again. When I first posted this thread , the Forum told me I could not. So I posted again 'Hey Presto' Two postings..
  21. I was never brave enough to use the cafe. In the late sixties it was either the Morris Minor or my Dad's A40.(bench seat ) Parking did not seem to be a problem.
  22. Gremlins in the system or someone's idea of a joke. Not a clue. Up side down is in this Christmas.
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