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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Public conveniences or lack of them. Maybe a topic to consider. All those visitors calling into Bedlington 'en route' to Woodhorn or our Iron Works may need a comfort stop. Where do we direct them? The pub. An excuse for toilet humour! My mother used to have a toilet stop when my kids lived in Ridge Terrace. Just an excuse to wake everyone up, open blinds curtains etc. I miss her but it is good to learn lessons from the older generation.
  2. The Samphire Bay Company are worth checking out. Northumbrian Company with inspirational products.
  3. Maybe we could do something along the lines of the 'Bondagers 'for MP's. After all they often employ their wives. Wonder where they are going on holiday. Have they been inspired by Robson Green. Maybe a 'dual carriageway' to Scotland is planned.
  4. Don't laugh but if 'Brutalist' architecture is basically concrete. My guess is our old top club would qualify. I have not got any pictures of the old club . Maybe of interest to the odd person. Another history item for Bedlington. Also takes the mind away from politics! Roll on June 2015.
  5. 'Whatever people say I am that's what I'm not'. Saturday Night Sunday Morning or more recently The Artic Monkeys.
  6. Ok foxy but I do not always look at the profile pages. Back of the class is fine by me. Lots more can be achieved. What are you saying about yourself foxy. Obviously 'hard working' What do you say mercuryg ?
  7. Leaving or coming to live in the 'Shire'. I left the 'Shire' 47 years ago on Saturday. Lots of people remarked on my accent and asked 'where are you from?' Given my answer of 'about 15 miles North of Newcastle' , there was all to often the cry of :- 'you must be pleased to be living here now' It seems this attitude is no longer too prevalent. Tourist figures are 'up' and Robson Green is doing another set of programme on our beloved area. History can be about change . It seems our lives have seen huge changes . I did not leave the 'Shire' to take a ring to Mount Doom but it has made me very grateful to return. First to visit my parents , friends and family and now in retirement to live a simple life surrounded by people I feel comfortable and 'at home with'. Perhaps sharing our positive memories will help to bring us all together and stop the arguments about politics. Not that there is any problem with arguments but we need to remember the positive and forget the negative. My life led me to live in Cyprus during the years up to and after 'The Coup' taking place. Life in a divided Island was /is difficult to understand. Cypriots both Turkish and Greek lived happily together. One act changed all that and the problems still exist to this day. Let us celebrate our lives here or wherever we are now. Perhaps others would enjoy sharing their experiences of leaving . Equally maybe others would enjoy sharing experiences of staying living or coming to live in the 'Shire' during such times of change. One memory I have is sugar being in short supply ( late 70s or early 80s). My mother queued in the Market for the odd bag of sugar but then queued up again for another. The gossip was good and there was jam or chutney to make. I have used the term 'Shire' because it seems people are not always remembering the whole Bedlingtonshire History. Divided we should not be.
  8. Very kind thought Tonyp. It may surprise you to find we can get any 'obscure veg or fruit' in and around Bedlington. Multi Cultural may not be quite the same as where you choose to live now.. However we are living , as we always did, with new and diverse ideas. Remember a lot of our ancestors found work in Bedlington and brought with them a very different life style. Change is happening outside capital cities. It always has and always will .
  9. You young un you. Only '50' with many many years to come.
  10. Good points High Pit Wilma. Years ago one Bishop of Durham questioned the Bible stories. It did not go down too well.
  11. Peace and Respect then carry on with the argument, brilliant.. Keep calm and carry on. Simple .
  12. Happy 'half way' birthday. What ever that means! Maybe Billy Fury and 'Half Way to Paradise' Don't work too hard.
  13. February 23rd 2015 Mrs Freda Tompson is giving a talk on Admiral Collingwood. Usual time 7:30 Coffin Chapel See you there!
  14. Bondagers. An interesting topic. It has come up because someone is researching their ancestors in rural Northumberland. If anyone wants more information then make the 27th April 2015 a date to remember 7:30 at The Coffin Chapel. Mrs Dinah Iredale who used to live in Bedlington and attend Saint Cuthbert's is to give a talk at the Bedlington History Society on the Bondagers. She has written a book on the subject.
  15. Interesting Malcolm. Money for us ,maybe, or extra for other towns nearby.
  16. What is the bike on your members picture HPW? This question may have already been answered.
  17. Nearly forgot . Birdsong is one of my favourite books. The main character returns home and finds everyone moaning about the basics. Guess that is the message for me. War is suffering for the majority. The people not involved have no concept of that basic fact. This was sent to me recently
  18. Heh Heh High Pit Wilma thanks for your comments. I may need to quote them to my own Kids when they say:- 'Why can't you just admit your wrong?' Diplomacy or 'Working your Ticket' depends on which side your on. A member of my extended family ( in Bedlington) worked on the 'Railway' and basically it was 'Mans inhumanity to Man'. The book defines life as those who worked on the line and those who did not. Some experiences mark people for life.
  19. Maybe I am being cynical but 'Moral Outrage' is a grand way to get your message across. Surely we all want the same things ! Who said 'Patriotism is the last refuge'? Right now you can all just have a go at me 'job done' Democracy, freedom of speech, common decency: Not to mention a good and , maybe , happy life. The morals and ethics of our country UKIP , FUKP or there are other parties available. The choice is up to the individual. No right and no wrong. On a different note , I had not realised who owned Cross Country Trains nor that they were part of the Arriva group. Must tell Al Murray!
  20. My Grandfathers name is in the book at Saint Cuthbert's Carolyn. He died eventually because of the effects of Mustard Gas. Somehow it is nice to know he is remembered. War memorials can be incomplete sadly. Life in Bedlington past and present has always been interesting.
  21. " Howay Bedlington" 'Champion' We know we are one of the best place to live. That all is regardless of our way of fighting.
  22. I am up to my neck in Grandchildren and sorting out an unfair situation with Cross Country trains. Your posts on this thread have made my week. They are excellent and so important for our Bedlington History. They make you feel proud to be associated with the town. HPW you might be interested to read :- The Narrow Road to the Deep North. By Richard Flanagan. It is not easy to read but gives an insight into the War and the building of the Railway.
  23. I remember a leading scientist saying this could happen in the late 70s. The TV needed to be on standby, Life used to be so very simple, or so it seemed.
  24. No simple answer. Seems we as a society have a lot to learn. Even Al Murray as his spoof character jokes that :- 'we will brick up the Channel Tunnel with British bricks but we may need Polish workers to do the work' If we insist on everyone having an academic background before becoming an apprentice etc how many great people do we loose along the way. Not everyone is good at the exam game. Everyone has a role to play in a diverse society. Private Education is an interesting subject in itself. If it is right for the individual and money allows then we all have a choice to make for ourselves Large schools can be intimidating to Year 7 children. Even to certain teachers or visitors. ( if you make it past the fence and security) The 'Old Middle Schools' , which are being swallowed up , allowed children to retain a sense of purpose without to much focus on exams. My original post I thought summed up a life where we push all along a narrow path. Some succeed others fail. Personally I was educated in Bedlington and have never felt at a disadvantage. Certain Grandchildren are being privately educated. It has led to heated discussions at times in our family. There are no definitive answers.
  25. This play is on at the Crucible Sheffield and is then touring. It is extremely thought provoking. Set in the Neil Kinnock years, it describes the politics of that era. Very controversial both now and then. The quote the title comes from appears to be this :-
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