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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. No idea how they appear upside down but turn around for me when I click. Try these two
  2. Again not sure why it appears upside down but changes when I click.
  3. The pub was in Caterham on the Hill. Part of Hell Fire corner I guess.
  4. We can say no more than this:-
  5. You guessed Canny Lass! Actually the picture was yesterday while waiting for the doors to open to the pub at lunch time Seaton Sluce. The Rainbow did appear to end over Bedlington. Not sure how it looks upside down, but when I click it appears ok! Here is a less controversial picture of why we love the NE. Taken last month
  6. Saw these in a pub and thought of you lot . Sorry the pictures are not to good. It is the thought that counts.
  7. Once again the History of Bedlington is a triumph. Vulcan Place God of Fire but we could settle for some help from Star Trek.
  8. Need I say more than this card.
  9. Too young to die but the music lives on and on.
  10. Merry Christmas one and all. The end of the rainbow is Bedlington.
  11. Symptoms says 'wall to wall Morriseyesque clones have been infecting the scene for a generation' Hence my comment What is wrong with Morrisey! After all 'there is a light that never goes out' The Tay Bridge disaster is a comment on Mc Gonagall The students in Edinburgh gave him a spoof award. Symptoms insists that 'a generation have reduced cultural vigur to a trickle' Stirring things up or Working his ticket perhaps. Morrisey is a favourite within our household.
  12. Right found it. Obviously not worth Hacking. Today we have bought two vinyl LPs The new Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin 1 Windows in the Central Arcade is doing well. Pink Floyd LP was £28 .
  13. I cannot find the thread on music bought in 2014. Anyone any idea. Mysterious hackers maybe, from North Korea.
  14. There is a great cd out, The Basement Tapes which is a compilation of musicians working with Dylan.
  15. What is wrong with Morrisey? Typical Dirges now your talking ! You cannot beat misery music. Cultural Vigour trickling away! 'On the last Sabbath Day of 1879 Which will be remembered for a very long time' William Mc Gonagall Maybe the students of Edinburgh could award our very own Symptoms with an award. Or simply quote Monty Python and the poems of Ewan Mc Teagle! 'Lend us a quid I am expecting a Postal Order' Or 'What's bloody twenty quid to the Midland Bank' Check these out for more misery ! Try not to laugh.
  16. Yep Where is the 'topic that this was split from?'
  17. Symptoms were you on the Radio 4 PM programme tonight. If not someone was echoing your views.
  18. Insults to those poor pies ! No one needs to eat all of them as the saying goes.
  19. 'Yellow Mattered Custard' That's my memory. Still use it to shock the Grandkids. Then there is a terrible rhyme about eating worms. Bush tucker trial.
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