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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Could the place be in Newcastle close to the Laing Art Gallery and along from the old City Library?
  2. I agree HPW. Life has changed and ( in some cases) not for the better. My life here was surrounded by kind and inspirational people . Simple humanitarian principals. Often an act of kindness can be viewed with suspicion these days. In Bedlington and many mining areas kindness was survival. People shared and cared for their neighbours as well as their own family. In current speak it is simple! 'Feeling Blessed '
  3. Ah the memories come flooding back. How about the Farmer wants a wife, then the dog, then the bone. Finally we all pat the dog. Poor dog! I cannot remember if it was all done skipping or just standing in a circle. Maybe there was more to it !
  4. Happy Birthday to both of you. Hope you find time to enjoy the day.
  5. Interesting listening Ovalteeny . Always good to listen to music you have not heard before. Guess you are a fan of the Sage Americana Festival.
  6. Politics politics and guess what more politics. No clear cut answers. Claim and counter claim. 'You are right from your side and I am right from mine' The next year will be interesting but may get a little/ lot boring. My opinion (sadly ) and I enjoy the debate/s.
  7. They have got to be my next purchase. First Aid Kit. After all everyone needs a first aid kit. They sound like a 'real therapy '
  8. Hidden meaning Tonyp? Or is it stating what you did in the past!
  9. Desert Rose by Sting is on our Christmas playlist. Give the track a play Symptoms. Keep an open mind.
  10. In 1961 who changed the rules on gambling! I wonder if it was just a money making exercise for the government. I have very mixed feelings on gambling. My Dad enjoyed following the 'horses' I enjoyed the old card games prior to TV. Playing for Matchsticks or Two and a half pence. Newmarket , Dark Horse. Anyone remember Stop the Bus card game.
  11. Thanks Ovaltenny but I prefer the hard copy. I would still like the cover to be the size of the old LP. Then I do not need to argue with any digital company about the rights to music I have bought. The only track I have bought was one New Years Eve when I wanted Antony Hegarty singing Leonard Cohen 'If it be your will'. The album was not available to buy. I do have a problem with storage.. Our Christmas CD / Playlist is a mixture. This years releases include :- Elvis Costello from the Basement Tapes The River Robert Plant and the Sensational Space Shifters with Tearing the Walls Down Paulo Nutini These Streets And George Ezra Budapest . However the oldies include The Who , Joni, Runrig , Stones and Dylan. Our Grandkids complain about any Dylan track. Tweeter and the Monkey Man is timeless. A track of Alan Hull called United States of Mind is great.
  12. I agree Brett, our kids and Grandkids educate us on music. In the same way we have given them our ideas and influences. As Joni would say it is part of 'the Circle Game' Symptoms you are just being a 'Workie Ticket' Reverse psychology.
  13. Not sure we have bought that many CDs that were released this year.
  14. I miss my mothers cooking. My guess is others feel the same. Steak and Kidney pie , roast dinners, home cooked fish and chips, ham shank and pease pud, beetroot cooked and eaten hot no vinegar. So many more and not one word about healthy eating.
  15. Bill Kell's (not Kerr) book gives details of the illegal bookies runners in Ashington. Obviously in Bedlington names must stay secret but I do believe a lot became legitimate after 1961. Being against the law would rule you out Paul , as the Polis' son. Bets were collected from the door but could be 'put on ' in the Club. I personally have never been tempted to gamble. Maybe if I knew more about the horses it could be exciting. I suppose now we can gamble on anything. Even National Lottery, can we accept that the money collected goes to good causes. Some people can become addicted. Do they live in the hope or dream that the win will change their lives.
  16. Kell not Kerr sorry once again. I even think I looked up Kerr at the library. Old Age 'it's not dark yet but it's getting there'.
  17. You all have an amazing amount of knowledge on this subject. My education is sadly lacking.
  18. Were you deaf before or after certain gigs mercuryg. Raising Sand with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss was a great cd out the other year. (Seems like only one or two but probably more) Must look out for Band of Holy Joy. There were a group with a name like 'Los Trios Paranoia' Funny lot claimed to kill their lead singer on stage each night. Circa 1976
  19. Thank you Ovaltenny it is Bill Kell and not Kerr. Did anyone ever go to the Candlelight Club? I remember going in 1967 ish. Most folks are just too young.
  20. Interesting comments threegee. On strong government I merely posed the question. Here is another one:- Do governments need to lie because the electorate cannot cope with the truth? Mass panic maybe. We all need that 'Fluffy Bunny Story' Is it the case that when the government says there is nothing to worry about, then that is exactly the time to worry. Really really wish I knew the answers and not the questions. Sorry to be irritating. I used to be indecisive and now I am not sure.
  21. In Bill Kerrs' book on the Portland he talks about the Monday Club. In the Red Lion it is just people keeping warm.
  22. Great photos but who are the handsome characters. Maybe they are out takes from Top Gun.
  23. How about a Don Lynn's pie with lots of veg and gravy. Who could possibly argue with that ! Followed by Sly / Fly Cake maybe a little ice cream or custard.. In these cold days extra calories needed.
  24. Band of Joy with Robert Plant great listening. Would not mind seeing The Scene Shifters, I think that is his latest lot. Great list mercuryg . We saw the Ramones at the City Hall ear burstingly loud.
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