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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Is there anyway to sign without giving an e mail address. I wonder if this will put people off signing Adam. There are still people with no internet access. Remember to give details of how the petition is going. ie how many people have signed to date. I wonder what publicity the cause could achieve. It makes one hell of a story. Injustice and maybe corruption. Perhaps merely self interest, money going to other towns. Bedlington from important to irrelevant. Only in the eyes of the people with the power. Arguments about all main roads not bringing people to our town apply equally to Blyth , Ashington and Morpeth. Even Cramlington! Morpeth may get a Northern bypass. Less traffic going through has never affected Morpeth. I believe things will change. They must ! Bedlington must become a priority to our elected leaders.
  2. Good pictures HPW and a good looking garden. The balance of nature and wildlife. Harmony. Something achieved by our very own Bedlington in Bloom heros.
  3. Hope the results of the fire are not too problematic pilgrim. Aga's always seem like a good idea but cooking takes on 'a work of art ' significance. Then there is a mental image of you typing while the house burns down. Symptoms humour again . Sorry.
  4. The 'Dog Leap Stairs' are just up from Dene Street HPW under the railway bridge or down from near the Black Gate. All near the High Level Bridge. There is even a section of the Roman Wall to discover. Dire Straits sing about Down to the Waterline on there first LP. Circa 1976. I do not think you need to apologise for how you feel HPW . You have very valid reasons for being Tee Total. Your comments are educational. We, perhaps, all know people who turn unpleasant when drunk. The effects on peoples lives can be considerable. Sadly when addiction becomes a reality it is too late.
  5. I have to admit to never even trying to smoke. Seems 'goody two shoes' but my Dad was a smoker and I hated the smell. He had a serious op in his early life and was told not to smoke. He continued and all the coughing etc alarmed me. He did stop but the damage was done. Emphysema cut short his life. We do learn some lessons the hard way. Another reason for me was cost, it always seemed crazy to burn money. I think that just one day potato picking meant a different attitude to money. Still applies to this day. Really hard to spend money, my children do not have the same problem. Bring back child labour. Obviously joking. The Symptoms effect!
  6. I did not think it would take long for politics to emerge. Less than an hour. What was Malcolm saying ' it's all about politics'
  7. It is good to hear your stories HPW. I grew up with the folks rearing pigs and chickens. Our pets were a dog and a cat. I can still remember the day the dog died. He had a long life and is still remembered by me. Animals and birds can bring out the best in people.
  8. I am not keen on smoking but it is good to have a subject that is not political.. Well done Paul. Who will be the first to make it political? Yawn.
  9. It certainly needs investigating. The why and wherefore /s. Even the sign posts on the A1 and A189 tell a story ! Bedlington with all its history has been edited out. One information post in Gallagher Park even misses Bedlington off. That is on an overview map detailing major towns ie Blyth Morpeth but not Bedlington. I have posted the picture elsewhere on the site . I will try to post it again. Well done Adam for trying to change things . Who know maybe someone somewhere will listen and do something. Just maybe the people with any influence will feel ashamed they have not acted before now.
  10. It seems UKIP were out in force outside a Pub Landlord Gig, trying to persuade the audience. Maybe there really is no bad publicity . Turning a negative to a positive or could it be a positive to a negative.
  11. Now now pilgrim that is an interesting thought. I don't think even you could keep up with the old 'Hells Grannies generation ' Handbags at ten paces and all.
  12. Still have not found the picture. Sorry Maybe I could 'fake' a picture.
  13. Anyone know where to buy the book? Bet it will be Ashington.
  14. Thanks for that pilgrim. My mother tended to be the font of all knowledge for me . Sometimes I did not pay attention. Things to do kids to look after and that is not even mentioning work. Retirement allows a different view on life and parents. Where is that time machine when you need it!
  15. Aye bluff and double bluff! Fact and fiction! Pencils and rubbers who says life is dull! I am not even mentioning politics! Maybe I am not keeping to the point! What or who will be erased in the months to come!
  16. Not a problem mercuryg. You all looked to be having fun. Living in Bedlington there are always things to do, people to see.
  17. I think Keswick has a pencil museum. Writing a book on how to sharpen the pencil is quite a task. It even 'makes a point'. You must have had a good birthday.
  18. Spike and The Quireboys played as support for The Stones at Saint James' Park maybe 91/92 ish Yet another influence on life and music from the NE. Just saying!!! I think that is the current Teccy Speech
  19. HPW the question I asked about the bike was from my old 'Rocker' of a husband. Bikes were an important part of his teenage and early twenties life in Lancashire. He thought the bike was a 500 Clubman Goldstar, later he thought not. Tank and seat not quite right! The 'cafe' part I am informed was something that maybe started on the North Circular Road London at the 'Ace' cafe.
  20. Dear Tonyp Maybe just maybe you need to come home. Life in Greenwich and the South has coloured your perception of Blyth Bedlington and Ashington. Last time I walked through Greenwich Market I saw a mix of people. Congestion and low emission zones we do not need here. We can visit the coast without a lengthy journey. Night life is the same everywhere. Things can get very out of hand. Alcohol and petty crime are problems no one escapes. I have read of some terrible problems in London. The Riots, Stephen Lawrence, people and children expecting to be mugged on the underground or simply on their journey to and from work. One friend in Croydon was subject to an attempted mugging outside his home. Fortunately he is 6ft 8" and the mugger ended up with problems. We have friends who simply do not go out at night in London. Too much hassle. In the North we have freedom and people enjoy a good quality of life. Ask your son in Widdrington. Life in the South can be challenging. However keep telling people it is 'Grim 'up here. If that is how you feel. Remember we have it all and who wants to share. (Bank holidays and the back roads to beautiful countryside with no other cars.) What could possibly be better, certainly not life in the smoke and pollution of London. Visits to London are fine for a while but living there must be a challenge even for you Tonyp.
  21. In the 90s we were listening to R Cajun and the Zydeco Bros. Only have a tape of their music but enjoyed seeing them live at a venue near the Railway in Derby. I think they were from that area. They sounded as if they should be from America.
  22. Aye and you can meet and hear the lady (Dinah Iredale) in April at the History Society. An impressive individual who did most of the illustrations for her book.
  23. Sorry Symptoms nearly forgot you. Surely you watched the programme the other night. If not it was on ITV eight o clock Monday night. Featured Dolphins near Beadnell , Cragside and even skinny dipping in Druridge Bay. He was also on local TV discussing the programme. Sting has put on another show in April at the Sage. I know you will be interested. Just to keep that sense of humour going strong!
  24. Tonyp is there no night life in Greenwich, or London. I do not think we are so different.
  25. Very happy memories of Maureen Shelley or was it Shelly She was friendly with my mother. When returning to Bedlington and sent shopping, I could never be too sure what I would be asked to discuss. It was a shame to see the business boarded up for so long. I think it is now a private house.
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