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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. The hair never stayed straight for long. Damp air and cold created their own version of style for me. Still do !
  2. It is up country and the valley of the river Glen. Not far from Wooler and you can go cross country to Belford and Bamburgh. The setting for the ancient kingdom. There is so much that could be explored. The route even takes in the Saint Cuthbert's Cave. So many people have ideas on this period of history but as it is pre Bede, no one truly knows. Names are one glimpse of the past and have often been miss interpreted. Seemed a good idea to get you on the case. Particularly as we are now the Ancient Britains. Well I am !
  3. Takeaway chips etc not everything on this thread is relevant. Re read Tony The Blyth News, delivering papers all relevant to someone, even you. What is wrong with going off topic, we all do it.
  4. Where an ambitious man or woman surrenders moral integrity for power and success. Has our last century been Faustian do we need to get back to a kinder and more humane World. Listen to this :- Only a few days left to listen on the BBC website
  5. Anglo /Saxon of course. My fat little fingers again
  6. Very good threegee but we still need clarification from Canny Lass. Never believe everything you read on the Internet. The Angli /Saxon connection with a little help from the Celtic fringe may provide other answers. Either way beautiful place and on our doorstep. No need to emigrate !
  7. Your post Symptoms was an attempt to educate. Maybe that was what Dr Stone tried to do for you! Health issues are important. However there is always going to be someone waiting to be offended. Hopefully they do not learn to late!
  8. Sorry Eggy I am talking about the Broadway House Farm field. Twenty Acres surely belongs to the people of Bedlington. In the same way village greens are protected . I cannot believe any political party would dare to put this amenity up for sale to the highest bidder. It would be like selling the Crown Jewels !
  9. My Dad had a Norton in the 50s and my mother got an ex police scooter. We often had to turn around to retrace our steps and find out where the scooter had gone. (Slowly being the operative word)
  10. My old Ford Focus got a death sentence this year. Fourteen years of happy motoring. Not too sure what to replace it with. Really would like a brand new Renault 4.
  11. There was an Indian restaurant in Whitley Bay opposite a pub where an old lady played the piano and everyone had a 'Sing Song'. Then there were the Indian restaurants in Newcastle's Bigg Market. Plus one near Westgate Road which had a door to the toilets in a wall painted to look like a jungle. Happy Days.
  12. It would be great to find some restrictions to the planning. Particularly as this site was one that was not in the expensively produced 'Core Strategy'. I was assured by NCC that the extra sites for consideration had just been put forward and any development would not be for years. West Bedlington Town Council did not appear to know of these sites because no one was at the meeting to represent the council. The same night Bedlington in Bloom was being discussed. The people involved in that initiative made an amazing difference to the town last summer. Their 'halo's ' are shining bright. Simply FANTASTIC!
  13. I doubt it stayed a hill for goats for long. The ancient capital would surely have rather a lot of inhabitants and buildings. Then the hill was actually Yeavering Bell. Where is that time casual and we can play spot the goats.
  14. On a Xmas theme watch the 'Geordie Penguin' Spoof on the John Lewis ad. My guess it will be banned soon.
  15. In the 'Low Lights Tavern ' North Shields they have a sign saying 'Xmas jumpers are banned / barred until the 23rd December' Anyone any ideas on banning them in Bedlington.
  16. Strange times! Has anyone had a video message on a personal telephone number thread that turned out to be spoof. We could start ' How to be Hacked . Com'
  17. Did anyone see Jack Bruce playing with Lau!
  18. The oldest Indian Takeaway in our memory was in Station Road Ashington. Circa late 70s early 80s. Before the Cavalier Restaurant in Morpeth changed to the Manzil maybe 83/4. Our kids claimed they would never touch the food. Pity that did not last they have cost us a fortune. Today the food does not often taste of being cooked over charcoal. We love all the fresh herbs and spices. Pilau Rice , Nan Bread , tandoori Yum Yum
  19. Wonder if Canny Lass can help with translation or any Scandinavian meaning. The Old Golden Age of Northumbria is our heritage. Ad Gefrin
  20. November 24th A talk by Barry Mead Rescued from the Sea. Usual time 7:30 at the Coffin Chapel but followed by mince pies and a drink. Wednesday 26th 9:30 -12:30 an interactive timeline is being created of Bedlington History. For details of Where and What is involved phone 01670 820088
  21. Libraries are great! No copy in Bedlington but just got a copy from Morpeth.
  22. 'Everything is political' Even 'Black Bullets' maybe
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