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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. A vote is to be held today in Parliament to establish whether Margaret Thatcher's Government misled the nation in 1984. Well done Ian Lavery Page 2 The Journal today 'It was really a political dispute, not just an industrial dispute' 'If the government at the time lied to us, then we demand to know why it happened and we demand an apology'
  2. Now threegee I do not know what you mean. Politics or just self preservation. Remember the Italian Job and the song; 'This is the self preservation society' It could however be a film for the party of your choice!
  3. Stop 'slavering on' The perfect way to shut someone up if they annoy you. Obviously I would never be that unpleasant !
  4. This group who sing Arrogance Ignorance and Greed are on at the Sage on Saturday. Their latest cd is Wake the Union which sounds like an interesting idea.
  5. Could there be an election next year.
  6. Excellent film. On again next week by popular demand at the Tyneside.
  7. The suspense is killing. Indian restaurant maybe
  8. A lot of people from local groups were brought together for a funeral yesterday. An amazing tribute to one individual from Bedlington.
  9. Great individual. A friends daughter, born up here, helped edit her autobiography.
  10. Monday 27th October the history society talk is by David Cowans. 'When Tommy Went to War' 7:30 Coffin Chapel or the Bedlington Christian Fellowship Church. Make a point of waving at the camera as you go down Vulcan Place and by the Chemist Corner.
  11. There is a Farmers Market in Morpeth too, just a pity it is not Bedlington.
  12. No it's a quote from the 'Pub Landlord' Good idea though. I was far too conservative as a kid but don't tell anyone !
  13. Look forward to your thoughts on the constitution. You read it and then we do not need to read or buy
  14. Did you ever hear Tynemouth Song. It formed part of a cd for the tall ships. Great song. Living in exile during the late 60's / 70's Lindisfarne became one favourite to listen too.
  15. Tonight Symptoms you will need your Spitfire.
  16. The story of Lindisfarne is doing the rounds. I remember first hearing 'Nicely out of Tune ' in 1971. Seeing them not to long after at the Brighton Dome they were the headline act. Support was Genesis and another group called Audience.
  17. It would be great to have a French Style market. These days it would have to be called A Farmers Market to succeed and maybe held.elsewhere. Shame Bedlington now has so many new houses there must be a demand for quality.. Back to that Everly Brothers record about Dreaming.
  18. The film at the Tyneside cinema on the 22nd next week is selling out. They have transferred to a larger cinema, but maybe if anyone is interested it would be a good idea to book tickets before hand.
  19. The good thing is surely to discuss and attempt to understand. When the major players disagree then it is not and probably never has been easy to distinguish 'Fact from Fiction' People are hopefully thinking about the underlying issues. I shy away from opinions that are extreme. The quote threegee was from a certain comedian who said (at an Amnesty International Show' 'My father was liberal party candidate for Bavaria and he was up against Herman Goring who was standing on 'Vote for me or I will kill you' so his mother took him down to the river and fashioned a boat out of reeds. From then he was brought up by Wolves. Who taught him to fish and play backgammon ' Oh and you cook the fish gas mark five with a few herbs. Humour is important although some would say not appropriate in a serious topic. I have been pulled up before on another topic.
  20. Maybe they are here already. Maybe not. We could end up with a Philosophical Debate. When is a tree not a tree etc. I think therefore I am. 'Dream dream dream' The Everly Brothers
  21. Clear as mud. I am sure there are lots of humorous responses to that post Eggy So the question of how many MB in a GB, appears to be 1000 Does it matter just go unlimited.
  22. Will do mercuryg We were in for breakfast today plus tea and coffee of course.
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