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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Welcome to the group Campers. I will try and find some old photos of the area, I believe, Front Sone Row and Back Stone Row were located. This current Google aerial shot shows the area. This list of house, from the late 1940's, posted by @Reedy, is the street names etc that his dad remembers from that era.
  2. @James - do you have a book with that info in or is it online? I was thinking of creating an Album - 'Doctor Pit and Rows' - where any member could add new entry and info.
  3. Photo posted on the Cambois group by Ian Hedley with the comment :- 'Class of 1951 West Sleekburn the year we all left school' Removed some of the scratches and posted the photo on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group - some names from the Cambois & Bygone Bedlington Bedlington group members.
  4. 1. Which branch of dentistry is concerned with the correction of badly positioned teeth? Answer = 2. What English name is given to the great tower of a castle? Answer = Keep 3. In which London Borough is Poplar? Answer = Whitechapel 4. What did Grace Kelly’s surname change to in 1956? Answer = 5. In which cartoon series did the characters try to avoid Officer Dibble? Answer = 6. A spat is the young of which mollusc? Answer = Oyster 7. During which battle did the Charge of the Light Brigade take place? Answer = Balaclava 8. How does a Japanese billiard table differ from others around the world? Answer = No pockets – 4 balls 9. Which British cathedral has a clock with no face? Answer = Salisbury 10. Who asked “What do you want if you don’t want money?” Answer = Adam Faith 11. Which golfer was nicknamed the ‘Golden Bear’? Answer = Jack Nicklaus 12. The plant Kniphofia is better known by what name Answer = Red Hot Poker – my wife just planted some bulbs in 2019 :- I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The first book on plastic surgery was written in 1597. Answer = I didn’t – who ‘nose’
  5. I was guessing that,☺️ but naturally I couldn't be positive. Wish I could help you more. I don't do genealogy so I am not a member of any of the sites like 'ancestry uk' but I have done some basic searching before, for a mate of mine, on a free site called 'familysearch'.It is run by the Mormom church but you don't have to sign up to do any basic search. I have no idea what happens if you want to dig further. I input your info :- William Locke - Born 1871 and a number of names were returned. This is a direct link to the site :- https://www.familysearch.org/search/family-trees/ This is a direct link to the info that was returned from my search :- https://www.familysearch.org/search/family-trees/results?q.birthLikeDate.from=1871&q.birthLikeDate.to=1872&q.birthLikePlace=Bedlington Northumberland&q.givenName=William &q.surname=Locke This is part (screen dump) of the info returned :-
  6. Can't remember stumbling across any plans of Shiney Row. I know on the OS maps Shiney Row first appears on the 1896 map (published 1898) - no rows at all on the earlier OS map published 1866. In the Bedlington Time Line by sixtownships it has the entry :- 1870 Shiney Row was built by the Bedlington Coal Company Link to the Time Line :- @Rigger - pure shot in the dark - have you ever used 'Familysearch'? I don't have access to the 'normal' genealogy sites but I have used Familysearch when helping a mate track some relatives down. I do remember that on each successful search we did the street adress of where the person we were searching was returned. You don't have to join for using this search facility. This is a link to the site :- https://www.familysearch.org/search/family-trees/
  7. I would like to thank all who voted and welcome them all on to the stage to accept this award with me
  8. Posted around the same time @Family Detective posted the comment above this photo and info was posted on the Bedlington remembered Facebook group - 12th April 2017 - by Anne Ensoll. . @Bedlingtonian & @Canny lass checked the Bedlington Equitable Co-operative Society 1861-1911 album and it's 'A Locke' that gets a mention on page 57.
  9. Not a lot the general public can do or say in these Lockdown restricting times. Sorry for their loss but would hope with the current R rate etc that a large gathering doesn't pass on the virus that might result in more sadness.
  10. 1. Which instrument is used to measure the strength of earthquakes? Answer = 2. In which country is the source of the Amazon? Answer = 3. What name is given to the cultivation of plants without soil? Answer = 4. What was the Christian name of the Mr. Marks who set up penny bazaars with Thomas Spencer in 1887? Answer = 5. Which stretch of water separates Denmark from Sweden? Answer = Oresund 6. Which two cartoon characters were used by the Ministry of Food during WW2 to promote the benefits of vegetables? Answer = 7. Who had a Top Ten hit with Jo le Taxi? Answer = 8. Who chose Ottawa to be the capital of Canada? Answer = Vic 9. The volume of what shape is equal to a third of the area of its base multiplied by its height? Answer = 10. Androphobia is the fear of who or what? Answer = Men 11. How many years of marriage are celebrated in a china wedding anniversary? Answer = 20 12. Which former Prime Minister was created Earl of Stockton in 1984? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. A bumblebee can fly at speeds of up to 11 km per hour. Answer = I didn’t – but as a child I could run faster
  11. There are a number of reports, online, on the loss of the K class submarines and they include some info on the K5. Unfortunately when you see this statement you can see not a lot was known about what happened to the K5 :- K5 left Torbay on 19 January 1921 with the K8, K10, K15 and K22 as part of the Atlantic Fleet for a mock battle in the Bay of Biscay. The submarine was commanded by an experienced officer, Lieutenant Commander John A Gaimes, DSO, RN, but had a new crew. The other officers on board were Lieutenant F Cuddeford, Engineer-Lieutenant E Bowles, Acting Engineer-Lieutenant G Baker, Lieutenant B Clarke and Acting Lieutenant R Middlemist. The full complement included 51 ratings on board. All 57 hands were lost on 20 January about 120 mi (190 km) south-west of the Isles of Scilly. She had signalled that she was diving but she did not surface at the end of the exercise.[1] An oil slick was discovered and after planks from the battery covers and a sailor's "ditty box" were recovered, it was presumed that she had somehow gone past her maximum depth and been crushed. Links to the online reports on the K series subs :- https://www.submerged.co.uk/the-k5-submarine-disaster/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_K5 https://portsmouthdockyard.org.uk/timeline/details/1921-loss-of-submarine-k5 https://www.britishpathe.com/video/submarine-disaster https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/45550413 This one lists some of the men on the K5 and shows a group photo of the K5 sailors :- https://www.naval-history.net/xDKCas1921.htm
  12. @Canny lass - reply on Facebook from Hazel Krzyzanowski - ' ..sorry I don't know anything about it . I just shared the posting off someone in our group, sorry xxx' Normally that means that the photo + comment, from the person who initially posted it, has been 'Shared' = posted from one Facebook member to another and so on and so on - so tracking back to Lewis barker could be a never ending trail of 'Shares'.
  13. @claire Holmes - If you are on Facebook then you could join the Cambois Facebook group where there are some Calumboski family members :- Michelle Grant - Rayne Calumboski
  14. Info stored into memory banks ------------------------------ its the retrieval that I will have the problem with but that knowledge surfaces during an afternoon session in Seghill Cluuuub I will hope to remember to tell you of that event.
  15. Now if I had been that member of the public that saw the police officers vehicles outside The Chef House Kitchen Cafe I would not have investigated the sighting but would have simply thought they were doing their job. I might have been tempted to report the cafe owner, as the cafe should not have been open on the 9th Jan during a Lockdown, but I wouldn't have reported the police officers.
  16. Unfortunately not as it wasn't Lewis Barker that posted the photo + comment on the Bygone Bedlington group. But I can, and will, ask Hazel Krzyzanowski that 'Shared' Lewis's posting (from somewhere on Facebook) if she is in contact with Lewis and if she will ask her . Let you know if Hazel replies. This is the full posting :-
  17. I must have missed Maggie's topic . Another member @graeme had posted pages from that book and I created an album in the gallery :- Page 47 of the book has the list of officers of the society and the Tindal Talor, as well as the secretary, gets a mention.
  18. CL - Church of Christ = Front Street West and the Lion Garage extended it's buildings replacing the church. Garth Cottage was next to the church and the church caretaker's family, Marley, lived in Garth Cottage. Mr Marley worked at the Dr Pit and he and his wife were church caretakers. I know that info as back in the 1950's I used to attended the Church of Christ Sunday School held in the single story building behind the church. The caretakers grand daughter also went to the Sunday School (as did @Ovalteeny) and I courted that young lady in the late 1960's and visited Garth Cottage many times.
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