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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. I'm torn between wanting to be diplomatic, and being happy coz the forum is busy... what to do what to do!!
  2. *sniggers* eee, i really shouldn't encourage this should i!
  3. any private rooms available? lol shouldnt this be more of a 'chat central' thread???
  4. somwhere between the north and best bite. heard alot of good things about it myself too !
  5. well, if we were all the same, it'd be a boring life! ROLL ON VARIETY!!!
  6. Got to be best bite for me! But then again thats no secret. If i could find somewhere else that done sliced ham on a pizza instead of diced, i'd try it. And yeah, i have heard the rumors, but i've never had a dodgy pizza from there, unlike other places i've been to.
  7. ok, i'm not new to the market, but: is it considered reasonable to charge £300 a month for a 1 bed house on brook court with a kitchen with 2 cupboards, and a bathroom with no bath?
  8. Surely this has went far enough off topic now! geez! what we need is a new, experienced moderator to keep the threads in this section in check!!!
  9. or "Totally Masculine" (a jibe from the 'who turned darney gay thread!)
  10. The BASTARD! I hate him nearly as much as my ex
  11. not sure anymore. sure he had a scooby once... maybe he can shed some light...
  12. Not a bad age to be at! Happy birthday!
  13. Oh, and just to stop Bedlingtonlass worrying... no, its nothing to do with her either. (well, 98% not ) She is not the compulsive liar i was refering too, and i dont even think this liar is a member of this website. I was not refering to anyone in particular when i commented on people being two faced, but apparently the shoe fitted . I'm sorry i made it look like it was Bedlingtonlass (which i did!) but i thought it would ave been a laugh. (which it was!) the worst part is i've bitten, and this has got out of control AGAIN! i wish i'd just said i liked him now! you'd think i'd learn! And just to put an end to it all, i dont like him coz i heard he has a flash car, a flash bike, loads of money and.... I'M JEALOUS!!! (cries!)
  14. mac? MAC!! *spits* Actually, we could do with a destinction between mac, linux and windows based questions.....
  15. oh, and before anyone else asks, NO! What i heard and based my assumptions on is hearsay, so i wont be repeating it here. (big sigh of relief from the background) should anyone concerned want to know what was said, and what its based on, then PM me. Anyone not directly involved, just be happy with whats been mentioned so far, because as far as i'm concerned, i aint commenting any further publicly. Christ! all i was saying was i dont like the bloke! Geeez!
  16. well, there you go then. you make up your own mind. the point is, i heard stories, and because of that i've made a judgement. i do however reitterate, Tez returning to the forum could be the best thing thats happened to it since it reopened. i certainly hope it is. I dont have to like the guy for that to happen tho, and he dont have to like me. There was never a doubt about his work on the forum, and only good things have ever been said about that! sometimes a little too good for my liking, but again, thats not his fault! it seems it hasn't changed either! Welcome Back Tez!
  17. i can confirm i was not talking about Cympil, Nor your good self. what makes you think i mean just here?
  18. I thought i had here: My reasons are based on what people have told me tho, which is unlike me, as i usually take people as i find them... as i said before, it just pisses me off when people are willing to slate someone to me behind their back, then come over all lovey dovey in public. TBF the stuff i heard was probably all !*!@# anyways, as the one who told me has been proved to be a compulsive liar. I'm just not one to jump on the bandwaggon, and i thought you'd appreciate knowing where you stand with me from day one. Not everyone can get on with everyone, and i'm not one to pretend just to keep the peace. I'm sure you wont lose any sleep over it
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