Oh, and just to stop Bedlingtonlass worrying... no, its nothing to do with her either. (well, 98% not ) She is not the compulsive liar i was refering too, and i dont even think this liar is a member of this website. I was not refering to anyone in particular when i commented on people being two faced, but apparently the shoe fitted . I'm sorry i made it look like it was Bedlingtonlass (which i did!) but i thought it would ave been a laugh. (which it was!) the worst part is i've bitten, and this has got out of control AGAIN! i wish i'd just said i liked him now! you'd think i'd learn! And just to put an end to it all, i dont like him coz i heard he has a flash car, a flash bike, loads of money and.... I'M JEALOUS!!! (cries!)