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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. ...all our friends. on the way they popped into the off licence to buy...
  2. ... Baseball bat. With Mr Darns head under one arm, our crusading young fellow decided to go shopping. on the way he met a young girl. "Whats your name?" he asked her... "Sally" she said, "Whats your name?" Realising this was his chance to let the readers know his real name, our crusader smiles, and says "Well hi there sally, my name is......"
  3. ...Eat cheese again, which ment when he bent over and strained, a.....
  4. It fits? then what is the point of the bollard? i thought the reenforced streetmaster #2 classic 4ft 3in bollard was designed to stop any vehicles from entering the cordoned area, thus protecting the pedestrians and property within.
  5. told the story to a group of cub scouts (whom missdarn is looking for her local group!) who then 'went prepared' and located the burial site, where they found......
  6. I found these film cuts that they obviously diddnt want you to see.... a MUST for matrix fans... Click Here
  7. ...little england flags...(like the one Mr Darn has for sale on bedbay!), this reminded our crusading hero of home, so he went to the travel agents asking for a cheap flight. the girl behind the counter was young, pretty and blonde, and he was rather embarressed when she noticed his.....
  8. New York, (coz with our new next day delivery service....) In new york, he went to the local wal*mart where he bought...
  9. i still have, on the odd occasion, a dollop of ice cream in a half glass, then slowly pour coke over it.... lovely! what a foam it makes! And splashing thru puddles on my bike, only now its in my car.... I love puddles me!
  10. ... a bycicle with only one wheel, he thought 'thats strange' and started to fumble in his pocket, looking for a...
  11. i do hope so, newcastle has become so boring and undefendable i havent even bothered to keep track lately... is kevin keegan still the manager?
  12. denzel's profile, the porn link....
  13. as stated before, i dont mind friendly banter, just dont get personal! and that reminds me, she-ra:- PPPWWWAAAARRRRRR!!!!
  14. It wasnt the name that offended, it was the way it was directed.
  15. I agree, Partly anyway (muppets? ) Stay mongo, your a good addition to the forum!
  16. Yup, but this is the exact place to go as far off topic as we want! Great innit?
  17. Maybe a little too true to be funny....
  18. The pubs i drink in, at the times i drink in them, are not 'packed' but there is a good few people in them. I think a wetherspoons in bedlington would be a great idea! its like the CIU clubs used to be, only no membership cards! (in relation to drink prices that is...)
  19. I'm getting sick and tired of explaining myself to you lot. I've talked enough about my moderating, and i'm sure you all know where you stand now. As of THIS POST i will no longer discuss moderating decisions in the open forum. if you have a question, PM me, you'll know its me, as i always put the 'edited by' line in the post. Any posts on the forum directly asking for any explanations will be DELETED. Any further posts made by me will be as a member of the forum and NOT as a moderator, although i will still be moderating these 2 forums. I hope i have made myself clear.
  20. Many people already have left the forum, since missvic and myself were appointed, they are drifting back. Its simple enough, you have 2 areas, Talk of the town WILL be moderated much more than here with relation to going off topic, so long as it is going way off on a tangent. going too far? all i'm doing is stopping the swearing! the splitting of topics in TOTT was always there, just you never noticed coz the posts were deleted instead of moved to chat central. Every forum needs rules, or else it spirals into chaos. i'm only imposing 2 rules at the moment, and thats just coz their being broken
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