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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Good, i like a debate ! So why are you not kicking off about the ban in pubs? i dont see why someone should be exempt from the ban just because they are locked up ! I was a smoker myself once, and i actually dont agree totally with the ban, however, being in prison should be a punishment, not a play area. I am certainly not afraid of going to jail. as i said, i know people who get themselves put away simply because their life in jail is better than on the outside. Thats not good. Maybe if they knew they couldnt smoke/drink/take drugs/play playstations/get 5 course meals cooked by jamie oliver etc etc it would be a detterent. This is my point. if jail was feared, you wouldnt miss paying your fines. if you feared jail, you wouldnt miss a court date. i dont mean just the smoking issue, i mean the whole jail experience. to reitterate my previous point:JAIL SHOULD BE A PUNISHMENT and under no circumstances should they be allowed to do things normal law abiding citizens cant. if you go to jail with a heroin adiction your put on a methadone course. if you go in as an alcohilic your refused alcohol, or weined off it in extream cases. If you go in as a smoker? your given tobbacco! Go Figure! Those inmates that smoke should be put on NRT. anyone found dealing in banned substances should be soliterized. then maybe the jails wouldnt fill up so quick coz people actually dont want to go there!
  2. i cant believe fags are more addictive than heroin, but i may be wrong. I'm sorry, but this is my view as an individual, and this comment does not reflect the viewsd of www.bedlington.co.uk, its administrators or the owner: If your sentanced to a prison sentance, you did something bad. In the old days, you got a cell and bread with water. we really need to go back to that, if only to make jail a bad place to be in. all this 'playstatio' and 'sky tv' cr@p is just going too far. their not there for a cushy life, their there to pay their debt to society. what we need is a big building with 7ft by4ft rooms, a bed, toilet and wash basin in them and 2 hours a day in the fresh air. none of this jamie oliver cr@p, or human rights b******t. there in there to do time, and so far as possible they should be secragated from all human contact other than their jailor. then maybe these cut sentances from life to 10 years may feel a little more than a vacation. i used to be a security guard (i cant say where coz of ASDA's strict security policy). i helped arrest at least 40 people who just wanted to go back to jail, coz life in there was easier than life outside. you really think jail is a deterrant these days? or is it an incentive?
  3. I've just been informed that it was in the papers in the last few weeks: prisioners are the only ones exempt as it will infringe their human rights. is this true? if so i think its an outrage!
  4. Thats not a bad point... although they are allowed outside, will they stop the smoking in there? and what will they do if they disobey? send them to jail?
  5. http://www.diggerland.com is a good day out too apparently
  6. Also, if you want to know exactly whats in store event wise for northumberland, click --->HERE<--- for a rather comprehensive list! (http://www.northumberlandlife.org/admin/COBWEB_AllEvents.asp for those that prefer to c+p)
  7. I have to say me and my children have had many a spendid day down plessey woods at the swimming area of the river, you know, the place thats all decked out? nice sun trap there for a picnic/sunbathing. They got it nice now at the visitors center too so i hear ! see the website here or if your browser wont let you click the link goto http://www.northumberlandlife.org/plesseywoodscountrypark/
  8. The camping ground is still there, Wheres ridley terrace? i know there was a scout group opposite west end first school, but thats since been demolished and built on. was to the right of the cut to bishops meadow...
  9. Sure i will:- as soon as you become a mod !
  10. lol, i can never tell when you lot are pulling my leg, so i'll be diplomatic: your warn level can only be seen by the site moderators. it keeps us singing off the same hymn sheet so we dont warn twice for the same thing. the 0 messages thing pete refers to is the PM section of the website, and has nothing to do with your current warning level, although that number will rise as you recieve messages from moderators warning you to stop whatever it is your doing wrong ! if yours says 8 mongo, click the 'my messages' link and read them m8, they may give you a little insight! the message popup dont always show the full message sent!
  11. funny you should mention it, but i did some digging myself, and it seams the only reason their aint a scout/brownie/rainbow group in bedlington is because no-one is willing to run it ! any offers?
  12. Its ok, i'll take the credit! thought something may have been on youtube by now tho...
  13. In no way am i taking sides here, but ms hair's comment, in my opinion as a member of this site, was in the correct context, the correct forum and the correct thread. No-one was directly mentioned in her comment, so i think it really is a case of 'if your offended, it must have been directed at you'. I am definatly not offended by the comment, as i know i have a clear conscience when it comes to that point, however, this is from joes thread, and any further discussion SHOULD be directed to another thread. Hence the Thread Split.
  14. well, by all means start a new one!
  15. I dont even know what 'points table' he's refering to, although we do have a warning system in place that he's doing well on. you however, have null points!
  16. Was his Funeral today? if so, he had a good turnout... cant remember the last time i saw so many people turn out to pay their last respects. The lad was obviously well liked !
  17. My father has the same attitude, in his late thirties he had his first stroke, which gave him a shock, but he got over it. since then he has had another 4 strokes, suffers from angina, and has had 2 heart atacke, one of which took away his speach and all the movement down his left side. he never let it get him down tho. his brother has had 1 heart attack which had the same results. the difference is my father never gave up, and is now as mobile as he was before the attack with his speach and movement up to about 95%. his brother, who lets everyone do everything for him, is still in a wheelchair and cant talk. i honestly believe attitude is a great healer, and those that dont let it get them down seem to recover quicker or have better lives until the end. "live each day as tho it was your last" is a phrase that we should all live by, not just those that know its coming early. although i find it hard to be positive about my life at times, i do admire people like joe, alan and my father, who 'just get on with it', and their stories often inspire me to do better things with my own life. the one thing my father wants to do before he dies is say the words: "theres nothing i wish i'd done before today, i'm happy with my life" and by god i think he will say them!
  18. i'll see what i can do......
  19. use this space to report anything you think maybe going astray, and we'll act on it, one way or another ! just a place for you to discuss the running of the boards without having to PM an admin. of course, any serious complaints should still be directed via PM to moderators/admin. Please be kind ! Thankyou to Pete for the origional sugestion for this thread (even if it was an obscure request!)
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