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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. lol, they aint by far the only ones. i never did understand it myself!
  2. Since the 'edit' feature has been abused, all topics that seem to have died a death are being closed both here and on Talk of the Town. Should you wish any of these topics re-opened, please use the PM feature, and ask. Simple really! (please allow a few hours for someone to reactivate the topic, as, contrary to popular belief, we are not here 24-7 to see to every whim!) Another method is to open a new topic, and if its close enough, i'll merge the two and leave it open. The cut off point at this time is 7 days, although this may be adjusted in time.... Regards, Mr Darn
  3. i just noticed the other day, when i had a few hours spare and watched the activity on the board for a while... Missvic and threegee sometimes sign on as an anominous member, which accounts for them, i look in all the time although i dont always post. i've never noticed FourGee sign in anominously, but he might. I do try to chat where i can, but hey! i cant help being boring!
  4. Yes, i suppose that is a point. i was refering to the parking on the buisness premisis tho. If he/they is enforcing the law so far as what the Highway Code states, i hope he/they have checked with the relevant authourities.
  5. I'm in two minds on wether to let this continue, as it is a bit close to the mark. I appreciate people wanting to make a point about what the company is doing, and have their views made clear, but the content thats appearing is very close to slander, and could result in bad reprecussions on the site. It might be better to refocus your attention on the company its self, and not individual employees/managers/directors. as for clarification, Mr Perry works for, or owns, a 'parking managment' company, where he has saught the permission of several of bedlingtons buisnesses, to implement a clamping scheme, where he clamps cars parked illegally arround the buisnesses premmises and charges a release fee. i am led to believe he 'hires' these rights from the buisnesses for a modest sum, and keeps any profit for his own buisness. Now, as far as i know, he is leagaly within his rights to do this, although it seams the rules are bent a little at times, so, any remarks made personnally towards Mr Perry or his employers/employees are the views of the poster, and in no way reflect the opinions of this site, its moderators or its owners. The comments made previous to this post will remain until a complaint is recieved, or until we as a website decide to remove them. Please, from this post on, be careful how you word your posts, as this is a publically viewable forum.
  6. Actually i prefered to remove the persons voice, so s/he can see everything that is going on, but only i can see what s/he types... I see your point!
  7. As for the 'basics of botting', that relates to a program that was used frequently on a download site chat room. Using this program, one could open a 'chat room' and be the dictator of who could talk, kick peolple out, ban people etc, anyway, this 'bot' was a seperate program whom entered the room as an entity. you could program this bot to look for certain things like swearing etc and post a pre-determined reply that would kick, ban or just warn the user. After a while, the programmers got clever and started creating games you could play etc. this resulted in alot of people wanting to know 'how' to program these bots, hence the website i started. ( i was quite good in this field if i do say so myself!) Unfortunatly just as it was getting going, the download program's servers were shut down and the program went underground. I stopped work on the website and left the program where it was. Since then i hear the community has built right back up because of a few patches that were released, but i no longer have any interest. I still frequent the forum on the bots developers website, but i dont do much programming now. The bots program was named 'Metis'. Better answer?
  8. Well, without going into too much detail, my relations have the name Doyle, so the Mrs Doyle quote was quite apt!
  9. lol, i forgot all about that! i havent been on there for ages, except to upload a few pics.
  10. Hmmmmn, do you know me stu? Thats a freaky co-incidence if you dont!
  12. i dunno...theres some truth in there somewhere....
  13. Thankyou! You must realise, i do have a life and a full time job to see to...as well as this site. We do try you know!
  14. Mongo will be back tommorrow, so long as he behaves and as for me shoving my moderation down his neck, he only has himself to blame for the attention.... however, i am the mod thats on his side, and lets his posts thru (although moderated) so he can have his say....
  15. Mr Darn

    Mr Darn

    I'm gonna tell you all my side now, just so its on the reacord. Mongo was warned many times about his posts before i became a 'led by' on this board. when i took on the position, he, as well as others, were told they had a clean slate as far as i was concerned, and that i would act on their actions from that day forth. Let me just say now that mongo, 70-80% of the time, is a worthy member of this forum, and has on many occasions posted content that has helped this site move on in a positive way. the trouble is the other 20-30%. when he consistantly ignores the warnings given by myself, missvic, and threegee, to settle down and watch his posts. The other night i moderated a 50-50 post of his. Perhaps in hindsight i would have let it go, but it was a blatant insult, and i stand by my desicion. i then went to spend time with my family, returning to the board about an hour later. i had a message that he was offended by a post, and he wanted it removed. as i actioned this request he sent another message saying he wanted his account and all his postrs deleted. i tried to reason with him, telling him the reasons why he was moderated, and what was being done about the post he complained about. whilst this negotionation took place he edited several of his posts to read something along the lines on 'delete my account, my posts and all the content i have posted here because i dont want to be part of a bias forum' Had he sent this as a new reply, i would have let it slide, and probably have approved the post, but because he was re-editing previously moderated posts, i had to suspend his account. Please be clear. i am not two faced, i am, so far as possible, reasonable, and i do not bear grudges. i am actually really disapointed in the action mongo forced me to take. Please also be clear, this is the last time i will explain my judgement... i hope form this explanation, you can see where i was coming from, and a base of trust be formed from that decision. I am not here to bully or harass anyone, but creating topics with unacceptible language WILL result in you being put on moderator preview. Editing previously moderated posts WILL mean your account will be suspended, and making my life as a moderator WILL mean your more closely watched than the rest of the group.And finally posting posts with unacceptible language will be moderated. continual abuse will result, like mongo, in ALL your posts being pre-moderated. I hope you can see where i'm coming from here, and that my judgement shall not be brought into question again publicly. The PM feature is there for such enquiries. Regards, Mr Darn
  16. Mr Darn

    To Mongo

    I'm not sure wether you can read this, but your actions have made it impossible for me to take any other action. i know you have a second account here, so i'm assuming you are using that to read this. your complaint was delt with, and the reasons explained to you. the action was taken because you ignored the previous warnings you were given. I am sorry you have forced me to take this action as i have always been in your corner as much as possible. The same action will be taken for anyone who re-edits moderated posts, in the same order of warnings. I do hope you can calm down enough to resolve any issues you have with the board, the board members and its moderators. The action will remain until i can speak to Threegee/Fourgee about future moderating practices. I again appologise for this getting so far out of hand. Regards, Mr Darn.
  17. Like you stick to your recomended alcohol level intake! (i know i dont!) The thing is, once the smell of the cigarettes have gone, what smell will be left? cigarette smoke hides a multitude of sins....
  18. dosn't the swan do B+B? (between bedlington and choppington over the railway lines) also, the bedlington terrier pub used to do B+B too once...no more?
  19. Naaaa, i'd prefer a pint in a smoke free enviroment ta! Well, till they ban alcohol too...
  20. Not be long now! i think we should all get a scaled down fire extinguisher to carry around, so we can blast a wave of water at anyone that sparks up! just for a laugh!
  21. Not a clue. i split the topic because it was in talk of the town and went way off topic, however i aint going back thru all the topics ever posted, so i'll just catch them up as they get revived. how it got back to the top of the forum? i dunno, i just saw the post saying 'whats this doing here'!
  22. Mr Darn

    Is It Me?

    Right, thats my head twice the size it should be! Good to know i aint upsetting too many of you, and as one or two of you know i can be reasoned with if i get the wrong end of the stick. Thanks all! Topic Closed.
  23. Mr Darn

    Is It Me?

    i dunno if i'm the only one, but has anyone else noticed how dead this forum has become? i was talking to barlass tonight and she says she wont be back for the forseable future, so i ask this question... is it me? coz if it is, i'll gladly relinquish my moderating rights and return to being a regular of the board. Whilst i hope this isnt the case, i would hope the old regular posters will at least pm me with their board problems, if not make their own topic, as i think the old flow of the board made the forum what it was!. Thats one of the reasons i dont delete posts,and rather keep the main point of the origional post as much as i can. Anyways, i do hope if any of you have a problem with me, you will get in touch either via PM or on the board, as i'd hate to be the death of www.bedlington.co.uk! Regards, Mr Darn
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