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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Ok ok, enoughs enough. I'm getting sick of all the childish behaviour. So far as i am concerned, use of bad language from now on will result in a warn. another instance and you will be put on moderator preview. Have a laugh by all means, but this is getting beyond a joke. Please remember schools have access to the internet now, and i would like to think they could visit this site without any worry of them learning profanities whilst reading whats happening in bedlington.
  2. coz a quick look at the moderator section will reveal i dont have access to those forums.
  3. lol, no idea then, but i did get a simmiler message when trying to post the examples before... let me know if it happenes again.
  4. i believe this is because the message you are replying to has had the formatting altered, make sure there is both a quote and a /quote there wrapped in [ and ] you know what i mean? the [ quote ] starts a quotation, and the [ /quote ] ends it. (although there will be other info in the first one, ie name='Mr Darn' time='11.00' etc)
  5. Not a problem Pete: examples follow:-
  6. Its not just the fact they are exempt, its the fact that these laws have been brought in to protect the worker, and the barstaff in these places are still going to be affected by the smoke, so they should be in this legislation too. however, there is always the point that they could employ only smokers, and have an uproar from the equal working rights people! they wont win that one without making it a blanket ban with no holes.
  7. Perhaps use of the 'report' button would be better than complaining about something that has not been brought to the attention of the moderators via the proper channels? If we edited every comment someone out there dissagreed with, EVERY post (nearly) would have to be pre-moderated. and i aint got the time for that! Swearing has been brought to the attention of the moderators, and a standard has been achieved. Should you feel any other content is 'objectionable' please feel free to bring it to our attention, where a personal reply will be given.
  8. i agree, i enjoyed a quiet (no music in JDW's) cheep (£1.20!)pint after work. and would do again should their be such a place opened in Bedlington. i just dont agree with spending £10 and only getting 4 pints for it!
  9. I believe the 'nail' was first 'erected' as a podium for the town crier.... like in the days before t'internet, newspapers etc. People would gather all round and the crier would walk all the way around addressing the whole crowd... at least thats what i was told
  10. come on blank, were biting at the bit here!
  11. Hehe! hmmmn, full alert eh? cancel my trip to the dogs...
  12. Nope, i just missed it! see? not god after all, just mortal (drunk)! You got a yellow card? it would seem not!
  13. I remember hearing alot of talk back when the police station was being built about that mine, apparently that building stands on huge stilts hammered into the earth to bypass the possibility of subsidence caused by the mine... but back to the topic... i aint got any photos, but my mother does, i'll see what i can get scanned...
  14. I am an asda employee, and i agree totally with you. asda, tesco and sainsburys, as well as morrisons etc, have the ability, and the customers to create big, out of twn hypermarkets, for those who can travel to them, and for those that cane, they have online shopping. i say keep those big supermarkets out of the towns and villages, and give the good old village shop a chance. i liked the idea put forward a while back for the old co-op ( i think thats what it was!) building to be three smaller shops, more stores at the bottom, a DIY place in the middle and offices at the top. Whatever happened to that idea? the place could even be split down the middle creating 6 spaces for smaller buisnesses! The bigger supermarket chains have a lot to answer for...
  15. lol like the embedded pic, shame my firefox browser dont show it...
  16. yes, and this would be great if the same person started, replied and ended each thread with no other intervention, unfortunatly several different users post on each thread, leaving several people capable, in each thread, of modifying their own posts. This first user has shown us a flaw in the system, and the only alternative is to remove all users editing ability, which i think would cause more of an outrage than an old topic being closed, thats if it can be done. Anyways, this is the decision that has been made, the only thing left to decide is the length of time before an inactive thread is checked and closed. Obviously this will only be decided from the input of the members, ie, how often were called to re-open posts. if, after a week, a post is closed, and no request for a reopen is recieved, a week is where it will stay. if we recieve many requests, it will be raised to 2 weeks, etc etc.
  17. i dont have the power to remove privalidges, only to suspend accounts. and its been the case that we dont know who's doing it till well after its done. This way means we only have a weeks worth of threads to look thru at a time, rather than months. I'm moving this to chat central, as i think its more chat than discussion of bedlington.
  18. With what? what do you disagree with? the masking of bad language? the suspending of a member that was abusing the forum? you cant say the deletion of posts, as i have not deleted any. you cant say the deletion of topics, as i have not deleted any. the closing of threads? fine, i welcome the feedback, how long do you think a thread should lay dormant before being closed? or should they never be closed and lay open to the abuse of the children that wish to disrupt this forum? I've been asked by the moderators of this forum to lead these two forum sections, making sure the topics are not disrupted, that posts are acceptible for review by visitors of any age (ie language) and to close spent threads. Thats what i'm doing. Of course i will get it wrong at times, i'm human, and i'm suseptible to moods like anyone else. sometimes things will slide, sometimes i'll keep to the letter of the rules. same as threegee FourGee and missvic. of course, if you disagree with anything, you can always dispute it. i will listen.
  19. no, what shouldnt happen is people shouldnt change them. unfortunatly we have been forced into this position as certain members have been changing their posts in old threads to reveal indecent content. unfortunatly this change does not alert the moderators, so the change can go unnoticed for a good while, offending visitors to the site that are 'reading from scratch'. Now, should this childish behavour not have happened, their would be no need to close threads. Besides, its easy enough to open a new thread on the same subject I completly agree with your quote above tho....
  20. It seams the point has been proved.... "some people are never happy!"
  21. see--> HERE <--- As explained, threads can be re-opened if need be.
  22. OOOH, YEAH! i love a good frost! and i love the snow, it makes my garden look like everyone elses!
  23. The local kids would leave with the dog and come back with £20, my cut on the sale!
  24. Well, its coming to something when i start a conversation about the weather! Anyone enjoying the rain? i personally love it, except when i'm at work. i'm one of those sad people you see walking the dog when its pis.....istantly raining... Whats your favorite type of weather?
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