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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. i have no idea pete, perhaps it was getting a bit to big, at your request, i can reopen it? let me know!
  2. You, my friend, as always, are welcome !
  3. LMSO is laugh my socks off, IMSO, i have no clue!
  4. Mr Darn

    How Many

    yup, the curse of being a prat!
  5. mine was ment to be static. dont like the glittery stuff, looks girlie...
  6. I have consulted with missdarn/BedlingtonLass and that would be an affermative big lad!
  7. As most of you know, i'm kinda new at this moderating carry on. I'm trying to be as fair as i can, but i still seem to be stepping on peoples toes. The main reason for this is most of you on here are friends, and things that i would consider to be slanderous, seems to be normal banter for you lot, so i've made a decision... Anything WAY over the top (ie your a !*!@# ) will be unaproved until i get a chance to speak to the person its directed at. other stuff (ie, your a tool) will be left until a complaint has been made. to make a complaint/request, please click the arrow next to my name in the top left of this post and select 'send a PM'. I hope by taking this action the flow of this forum returns to a pleasurable state and we dont look so much like 'litttle hitlers'! I personally dont mind being called a 'tool' etc, but referances to me sucking things will be deleted.
  8. Ok ok, you all missed it! see? you need to be coming in every day to make sure you miss nowt! Topic Closed! (p.s., next one is Ms Hairs on July 13th!)
  9. Yes, and no. the other board is for topics to stay on topic, with referance to bedlington. now if this is the views of bedlingtonians, then thats ok. Chat central is for those topics that started serious and just went south, missing the point of the origional post entirely, and for those topics that just have nothing to do with anything! If you make a topic in chat central, that you want to be kept serious, and you want it to stay within the origional topic, let me know and i'll move it to the more strictly moderated section. In Talk of the town, if a topic becomes too vague, the vague part will be cropped and a new topic started in the relevant section for the new conversation. ...or at least thats the plan.. were only human, so if you have any suggestions, let us know and we'll try to act on them. Regards, Mr Darn
  10. Love the Signature cympil/m0ngo!
  11. Firstly, i knew someone would quote oz, it made me smile whilst posting the topic just thinking of it. I was once on the bus with my two boys, on our way back from Newcastle, when an elderly lady said " what a lovely, well behaved pair of boys you have there, how do you do it? you must be a really good dad, how old are they?" well, as we were just about to get off, i thought i'd have a little fun.. i said ***** is 4 and ******* is just turning 3. And their is a secret to my sucsess... the boys know if they step out of line i'll beat them to within an inch of their lives, isnt that right boys? at which point, the two boys looked at the lady and nodded quickly before heading for the door. Speachless and with a look of shock on her face, i winked at her, said 'just kidding', bid her good day and got off the bus. Me and the boys laughed at her expression the rest of the way home, and was even mentioned again last year with a big smile. just for clarity, i never beat my boys, i only once ever smacked either of them more than once at a time, and it was thru temper,( i felt so ashamed of myself imeadiatly) so appologies were made and he was took out for a treat as a 'sorry'. this never happened again, and is the basis for my '1 smack is ok, if it does not mark, 2 or more is temper and abuse' theory. I think its the same as the fire, a child can be told its hot a million times, but until it feels that sharp heat for itself, it will always be curious.
  12. Its always hard to find the right words to say in these situations, and i'm not even going to try to find them... its regrettable to hear the news, but i'm pleased your not letting it get you down. Keep your chin up mate, enjoy what you have left, however long it is! i hope to see many more posts from you in the future, as i dont really want to be left wondering if anything has happened! selfish or what? All the best Joe!
  13. connie and the bartenders thru to the final! i simply cant decide who my favorite is tho, the bartenders or the monkey guy...
  14. dunno, s/he has never posted!
  15. So, let me get this right... leave the kids at BEDLINGTON BEARS while you go to ICHIBAN MARTIAL ARTS for a quick training session, then its off to FREEDOM SCHOOL OF MOTORING for an hours lesson and meet up in THE MARKET TAVERN for a quick celebratory drink? (where i hear there are live bands on every weekend!) is that what your saying? or have the subliminal messages become confused?
  16. By smacking i mean across the bottom so it does not leave a mark. of course if you leave a mark its abuse. anyone hitting children in the head needs locked up, its stupid and dangerous! and thats an opinion!
  17. Ministers brought in a law 3 years ago that ststed if you smacked a child, and it left a mark, cut or bruise, you were in trouble. now their going one step further and banning the smacking of children all together. My view is the lack of punishment is the reason the world is the way it is today. i was kept in line as a youngster because of the "fear*" of being punnished. it was to the point where i had been smacked before, it hurt, and i diddnt want that to happen again. the 1-2-3 rule was in place to give me the chance to rectify what i was doing, and i can only remember 1 occasion where my dad got to 3, i was good from then on. I now have this practice in place with my own children, and i have not got to 3 for a good few years. they know where they stand, and sure, they test the boundarys every once in a while, but if your consistent, it works. Whats your opinion? (* by fear i dont mean a physical fear which kept me up at night, just a waryness, caution, i cant think of the word that describes it!)
  18. Happy Birthday People, home you have a good day !
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