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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. i particularly like the truck and motocross games.... and the perfect parking is good!
  2. Not really, as with tom, i have not agreed to settle for the £750, it was given to me as a goodwill payment. i have not accepted this as full and final payment, and have sent a letter thanking them for the initial payment and the admittion that they were wrong to charge me so much in a round-about sort of way, and have asked for a responce as to when, and what amount i am to recieve as the final settlement payment. At least now i am not gonna end up with nothing, and it adds a little leverage to my case. after all, would you pay someone £750 compensation if you had done nothing wrong?
  3. And it wonders why this forum is dull... Maybe if you spent more time posting intellectually stimulating content yourself, you wouldn't be so bored! Try www.mousebreaker.com if you are that bored, and leave us non-moaning users to enjoy the help we get from the content other members put in. As for myself, i wont be posting any more "boring" topics that could help fellow bedlingtonians claim back thousands of pounds, just so you are happy! I'm sorry i spoiled your otherwise productive day with my "pointless thread".
  4. has this board not got the ability to show OS and Browser information?
  5. in light of that outcome, i took the £750... but i diddnt ask for it, they just said "were giving you this as full settlement" and put it in my account.
  6. i think you may mean we came 19th, and had 25 points??? http://www.eurovision-contest.com/
  7. 9? i'm sure they did better than that, i hear ireland gave us 12! time for a look!
  8. i'm a pc person, although i aint keen on vista, i'm XP thru and thru. i got the bog standard entertainment laptop, cost about £450. has good ram and cpu tho, so it'll do me! never tried a mac, dont like apples much-they remind me of the dentist!
  9. did the uk get "nill points" again?( cant do a french accent when typing!)
  10. i have to admit, i have been checking in frequently, but i have not been posting, as my lasses laptop is slow as hell, and i just get frustrated. now i have my own, i may be here more!
  11. nope, its definatly a housing development....bedlass?? link please?
  12. tried uploading 1minutes worth to the gallery and into a post, but got an error saying contact an administrator. the video is an mp4 and is 2865KB in size. i also can no longer see a pm button???
  13. my phone takes mp4 movies, will these be uploadable?
  14. Thats the reason i am not voting. i dont even know who is up for it, never mind what their promising!
  15. i did the same, i read the comment and voted from that....a bit of a double edged question there! another vote taken from brown in, and placed into the 'we need an election' box please!
  16. But we only have 1 station and they believe their a different country, never mind town!
  17. not at all, i was just stating my current position. judging by the views on the poll, i think it may be better so ask for a little more. what i dont want to happen is, say no to the cash now, then tom loses and i get nowt! a third letter is already drafted...i'll wait till the weekend before i send it, like i said, friday@noon is showdown time!
  18. What she said.... here's phase 1:
  19. it wasnt maxine, although, a relative of his, is called maxine...
  20. Lets face it, if he wins, this will mean economic crisis, claims will flood in, banks will go bankrupt, it will be mayhem. he will be the barrister everyone wants in their corner, and he will make millions., however, if he looses....£750?? that will sort out 3 of my financial problems at the moment...at the moment, my position is this: they have said the money will be in my account in 10 days...i'll let this happen, if tom looses, i have £750 i wouldnt have had, if he wins, i'll say "hold on, i never said yes to this settlement, i want the full amount.!!" that way, i cant lose, and i get the money straight away. hopefully this court case wont take long!!!
  21. perhaps its the insurance company that has insisted it stays like that till a conviction is made? BLOB?? any news??
  22. Well, news is filtering thru, but i dunno how true it is, so no names just yet... what i've heard is: a young lad (early 20's) had an argument with his parent, his stepdad stepped in and was flattened... then a guy from down the street interviened and got a swift one to the chops too. Apparently this guy phoned the police, who turned up, tried to arrest this lad only to recieve a bunch of fives as the lad ran over gardens... this went on from the west end of the town, across the front street, down by the law courts and finally ended in the plantation. of course, this is all here-say, and i dont believe any of it, and i dunno if the lad was caught, but i have since seen the named lad in his home and all seemed well... so i doubt this story is true. i will ask him next time i see him tho. Anyone else heard anything??
  23. Their waiting for the police to get their finger out and charge someone, until then they are staying boarded up. i dunno why tho, they should just fix them, using the cheapest of 3 quotes and keep a reciept!!
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