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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. It seems the pup is slightly confused at how that little sprig of tree could grow from such an old stump! i just had to take a pic!
  2. i agree, anything but the blinking terrier! i think the market cross has to be favorite!
  3. Check it out guys and gals, Tom is taking the banks on head on! "Court Battle In The News" just so you lot know, i got awarded a few hundred pounds today after 2 letters to my bank, the first stating i was intending to take them to court if no offer was made, then, after a standard reply from the bank saying 'no' i sent a second saying i would disregard the last letter and give them 28 days to make an offer before i handed the matter over to my solicitor. i can prove £1,200 of charges, and they offered me £750 to settle, which, when you think the charge was fair, just the monitary amount was excessive, means i am better off now than if i had given money to a solicitor or went with a 'no win no fee' £200 + 20% deal... what do you lot think? shall i accept it or wait and see what happens with tom? Poll closes on Friday@12 midday!
  4. It seems, overnight, a fence has been erected and cabins situated on the grass outside, and around, Netherdale Venue. anyone got any clue? i heard rumours that a block of flats were to be built there... anyone seen any planning applications etc?
  5. what you need is 17000 email addresses, that way were sure to get a place!! ps, i voted!!
  6. Ern, No....i've seen your garden lol!
  7. i think you'll find it was BedlingtonLass
  8. Me and Miss Darn had a few hours in the garden the other day, and created this... What do you think? i personally think the fence needs replaced, but money ran out so we took the cheep option! I dont think we done too bad for a few hours work!
  9. yeah, but then the 3G joke wouldnt be funny!
  10. Well, 3g is sometimes known as 3 grand, or £3000, monsta is suggesting their names relate to the ammount of money they have in their bank accounts, since 4G has gone missing, 3G has inherited 4G's cash, making 3G's total 7G or £7000. i dont think this is the reason tho.... (i got it monsta!)
  11. Ty missvic, i remembered my password... i was just wondering, coz i saw the user history bit myself, hence the question.
  12. Ask any questions you want about the items here....just dont expect an answer to all of em!
  13. i diddnt, could you post it please??
  14. Item sold and delivery taken....Thankyou BedBay!!! Watch out for the next lot....might just be a rower for twice the price lol!
  15. is this upgrade affecting the bedlington.co.uk site at all? or am i the only one suffering from slow loading pages... just the rest of the sites i visit come up no problem!
  16. Unfortunatly i was not... and apparently MissDarn is well pleased i'm not too! any news on it being resurected?
  17. wasnt those the ones you got a free tattoo off? i loved those tattoo's!
  18. AHHHHH, RADGY!!! (those who do know him will know what i mean) last i saw of him he was on his way down the front street on a shiney new bike! diddnt he have a scooby before?
  19. Which part of bedlington is blyth in? shouldnt this be in northumbrian chat? lol (go on, mention the US Shooting thread...) Hell of a blast looking at the journal today...pheeeeeweee!
  20. I do believe we have a BedBay sale! is this the first confirmed sale Threegee?
  21. "it is the right of every female in britain to decide, on the spot, whether or not to support womens rights and womens equality, should either argument, in either direction, benifit them at that given moment" -Unknown
  22. this 'planning application' diddnt happen to involve the developers of perrystone mews by any chance did it?
  23. lol, their is a reason for that missvic...
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