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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. that wont work either, their not worth the paper their written on. to get a waiver worth its salt you need to apply each case in court on an individual basis. if your practicing something dangerous then the organiser of that event is liable for your safety, waiver signed or not.
  2. i'm sure it was mentioned that this was going to be part and parcel of the power stations development. build the power station first then experement with the river. the power of the river is/was enough to power flour mills, why not generators? i'm sure they can do it. its a shame they cant develop this 'earths magnetic field' theory they have come up with for wirelessly charging mobiles, laptops etc
  3. Well, since becoming a delivery driver for a local supermarket (i'd say which one but ASDA's strict security policy wont let me !) i meet a lot of people who otherwise dont have much human contact, one of which enjoys trawling the internet. I've also heared that they want to install smaller versions along the peir edges to cultivate the river flow, as that only stands still for a few hours a day in this place, as the tide flows in, and the fresh water flows out.
  4. Hey all, I missed last nights instalment, but i did see a recap of 'bubbles' on youtube. That Michael Jackson impersonation is funny as hell! Bubbles does Michael jackson Whats your favorite bit?
  5. Has anyone heard the roumours of a tidal farm off the coast of Blyth? From what i hear, 3 square miles of the sea just off the coast of Blyth is to be used as a testing ground for tidal turbines, 300 in all, which can produce as much electricity as a gas powered power station. Apparently tests are currently underway using a scaled down version near the tyne. My point is...Why has this not been done already? theres nothing more predictable, or as reliable, as the tide coming in and out. even the sun can be blocked by clouds, the wind can die to nothing, fossil fuels can run out, but the tide still comes in and goes out. i find it unbelievable that so much money has been put into wind energy development, and turbines not many people want on their doorstep, when all these turbines can be on the sea bed utilising the natural current created by the tides. What do you think? do you think its the worry of cleaning these machines? maybe the cost of repair if one fails? or do you think someone pushed a few grand in a 'bigwig's' pocket to push thru there plans for wind turbines?
  6. Her boyfriend at the time used to...and still does....spin the waltzer cars. she used to work on the burger vans i believe... am i right hunni?
  7. The land and the safety side are the big issues here, as if we had the land, i'd be more than willing to hire a mini-digger for a day or two to sort the track out. i'm sure there would be more offers of help too, if it looked like becoming a reality. but lets face it, the first accident and the law suit would close the place !
  8. i just wish i knew the difference between left and right wings, not all that far into politics i'm afraid...well, not on a concious level anyways...
  9. yup, i did notice our 'status' has not changed, but i assume thats coz were just forum leaders, and not moderators in full. However, i have also noticed ThreeGee and FourGee's posts are also editable
  10. i both agree and disagree. whilst a motorbike track would never be allowed for safety reasons, a track where they could be monitored might work, but then who would pay the monitorer-er-eres... you know what i mean ! making it a pay-to-play wouldnt work as the kids are skint !
  11. perhaps a youth club with an area to vandalise would be the answer.. we have good and bad kids verywhere, the good kids could repair whats broke, and the bad kids could wreck it again the next night... what do you think?
  12. Thankyou! saved me a fair bit of time that did !
  13. I shall see what i can russle up!
  14. Thankyou for the kind words everyone. For the first while, i'll be sitting back and see-ing how it all pans out, don't want to jump in too deep too quick, however, you all know what is expected from you. My main request is this: please make my job easy by refraining from testing my boundaries. i take everyone at face value, from this point on. Past comments, quotes and incidents are forgotton as far as i am concerned, so lets all start from square one. If you dont want something deleted, dont break the rules, regardless of their flexability. simple. Oh, and yes, i can moderate missvic andposts will be edited rather than deleted by me. i believe if someone has taken the time and effort to contribute a post to this site, then the main essence of the post should remain, as much as possible. Any changes will be signed for. Hope i do a good job! Regards, Mr Darn
  15. Well, it depends how you look at it... if i lived with you or alone i'd have to pay gas, electric, council tax, rent, food, entertainment (pub etc) internet, phone, mobile and tv lisence to name but a few... here i pay £100 a month, my mobile, my entertainment and internet. tough decision, eh?
  16. Mr Darn


    CAR BOOT SALES might help you... just select northumberland from the drop down list.
  17. possibly, after a rough breakup 6-7 years ago i been milling about at my parents house as mine had to be sold. i think its a bit bad being close to 30 and living with parents! only other option would be moving in with miss darn... (BedlingtonLass)
  18. A while ago, an old man died in a flat fire in red house farm. since this has happened, a board has gone over the window and door, and the place has just been abandoned. does anyone know of any plans for this flat, and if someone was to offer to do the work for a reduced rent, would WDC consider it? or would they rather it just rotted? i know one of you out there knows the answer, so please, keep it serious!
  19. To be honest....and that may not be a good thing....i wouldnt mind proving a few of those above points, i mean, come on, all the mermaids i've seen have been HOT! i'd be gutted to find myself in the position to prove the point either way with a fit blond big breasted mermaid just to find she diddnt have an...erm...'the tackle' down below.... is it wrong i find half animal, half human creatures a turn on?
  20. css style? in relation to what exactly? what is it you want to do?
  21. Perhaps the same place that other fish like creatures.... ...the storks blanket !
  22. i'll try and get a few on my 'loaner' phone, but dont expect anything flash!
  23. and more shall follow, only problem is my phone got wet on holiday, and my birthday aint till july, so you may have to watch this space a bit longer!
  24. i do use banking services, and i do pay for banking services, but i dissagree with being charged £30 because i 'would have' went 4p overdrawn IF they had paid a bill for me. what i do agree with is paying for the computers time to locate and stop this transaction (about 0.003 seconds) and for the stamp, ink and paper required to send 2 automated letters, one to me and one to my debtor. all in all i cant see this costing more than (and i'm being very reasonable here) £5. But, to back up your point, i think someone wheel clamping a car parked in a car park is wrong. i also see it from their side tho, as i would like to clamp the little git who parks over my drive at nights so when i get up in the morning i have to wait to get out of my drive to get to work (as the pubs have to do in a round about sort of way to get their beer in). i think the cars abusing the ample free spaces behind the front street should be clamped, but the release fee is way too extortionate. maybe £20? £10 for the clampers wages for an hour, and £10 for the upkeep of the equipment. fair enough eh?
  25. you kidding? you seen the state of the teeth in bedlington station??
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