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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. or the bad ones might get bored with wrecking the place and actually help rebuild it...learning something as they go...
  2. those ones where i take a close up, and you have to guess the location...
  3. was one ***** ****? or is someone pulling my leg?
  4. Yup, thats what happened...almost...
  5. Thats the one! Really? i never saw that! Bit too close to home i think too!
  6. Me too, but i once heard someone say "do one thing each day that scares you" these days its used up when i look in the mirror first thing in the morning, but i used to do things like drive right to the top of the multi storey car parks etc, just to get that adrenaline rush. now they dont bother me that much, i can even look over the edge, for a minute or so anyway ! i think its more a fear of falling with me, rather than the height, coz i'm fine on a plane...
  7. Why thankyou Mr(s) Blank ! as for the moderating being fair... thats what the PM function is there for, just let either 3G or 4G know if you think something is unfair, that is if you think we are too unaproachable. My personal opinion is this tho: if you do have a problem with me, talk to me via PM first, if you get no joy, PM another mod...still no joy, then maybe a topic is due. i think some of the topics relating to the moderation on here could do with being kept indoors before being made public, but thats just my opinion !
  8. No Way! i'm the type of person that will try anything once....and i have tried a fair few things ! my experience of bungee jumping was at the hirst high crain jump about 10 years ago? well, it was one of those body harness ones, where you go feet first...tame, i know, but they wouldnt let us go via the legs. well, i got all strapped up, lifted up and did the whole 3-2-1 GO! thing, jumped...filled my underwear...came within feet of the floor (it seamed like it anyway) then returned most of the way back up. Great experience!...until...the rope looped as the slack was removed. this loop went over my head, and luckily only went as far as my eye level before it tightened again, leaving 2 nasty friction burns on my forehead. i was later told the normal procedure is to let the rope unravel every 5 jumps, but this had not been done as it was nearing the end of the session. the last few jumpers had twisted round a few times more than usual, creating the effect i experienced. my money was refunded as a 'sorry', and thinking back, they got away with it lightly! had that rope gone round my neck.... Anyway...i wont be partaking this year ! Anyone else?
  9. the signature was removed because a complaint had been made. it would seem the complaint has been reviewed, and the signature returned. All complaints are tret seriously by the moderating team, and action is taken as appropriate. i completly agree with you, but then again, i have no idea what 'BNP' is ! To be frank, i think the moderating is settling to a point where both the moderators and the members are in sinc... almost ! you have to remember, both myself and missvic are fairly new to the job, and we are trying our best. perhaps decisions made in the past were a bit harsh and maybe they will be in the future, i'm sure i'll make a few mistakes myself, but its all a learning curve, and we are trying to improve everyones experience of this site. the main thing is, the complaint was delt with, and monsta has his signature back. no real harm done eh?
  10. Yup, Lau's buffet king ! Hint: keep away from the rice and noodles, they only fill you for an hour or so, tuck into the ckicken and spare ribs...the meat will keep the hunger at bay ! i recomend the lemon chicken, and i know, i know, this is disgusting, but i like it; potato croquettes and sweet and sour sauce !" mmmMMMmmmMMMmmmm
  11. a third osbourne ? really ? naa, your pulling my leg arnt ya !
  12. lol, did i miss a 'yes' there monsta? If so...congrats on having an opinion and fighting for it !
  13. I'm thinking this topic has served its purpose, so its now closed. If your wanting it re-opened, please PM either me or another moderator. Thankyou !
  14. getting back to the topic, my favorite chinese takeaway is lau's on stowell street, the roast duck on an afternoon is to die for. in bedlington? dont go to many, but the one between paramount and dopey micks is the one i go to. not tried bens, is that the one just up from the northumberland?
  15. My personal opinion is: i dont agree with food being called '!*!@# ', just as i dont like 'charlies shop' to be refered to as 'the !*!@#'s' although i do occasionally say that phrase myself. it is chinese food, and i can see offense taken by that other discription, however, i have never heard of english food described any other way other than 'english food', nor would i take offence at it. i mean, when i worked in london, and asked the local supermarket if they had any pease pudding, they looked at me funny, and i heared someone say 'thats geordie rubbish that, cant get it here', but i was a long way from being offended by it, more ammused than anything! so, while i understand offence is taken by these people at times, i do not understand why. it was just told to me, by someone i respected, that it was wrong to say such things so i try not to ! Daft really !
  16. as for good schools, i hear ofsted have given West End First School one of the best marks in the country !
  17. i would hun, but when you press the capture button on your phone it dont take the picture till next week!
  18. LMAO, i can just imagine you two doing that too!
  19. just an update to keep this thread alive... photo's have been taken, just looking to find a way to get them to my pc for free now i have formatted the drive and no longer have the disks to install my phone lead and my bluetooth !
  20. LMAO, i missed the drawing! well, what can i say? Thank you! i'm touched! might even print it off and put it on my office wall!
  21. Well Well Well, I'm impressed! Nice bit of cutting and pasting there MONGO, thankyou for taking the time to look that up
  22. the nail has been hit right between the eyes there ! (quote:Johnny 5's inventor friend)
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