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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. that would be the sun inn pub, although i dunno what that big red thing is! it looks like the garage down the station at the entrance to waverley ave... nice to see other pics appearing tho, this section may take off after all!
  2. Awww, i'll have to 'youtube' it and see...
  3. lol, took me a while too. the pic has to be a certain filetype to show directly on the board, other types will only be available for download, to add a pic, look at the bottom of your 'add new post' screen (not the quick reply one) you'll see an attachments box with a browse button. select this button, search your pc for the file ( i believe .jpg or .jpeg are best, but may be wrong!)then click 'upload' once its uploaded their will be an 'add into post' option where a code will be placed into the post (something like [addpic89] but i cant remember exactly what!) move this code to where you want the pic to be displayed, (using the center button if you want it centered) and hit 'add post' simple really!
  4. i missed last nights episode, gonna see if dear old mumsie has it sky+'d. was that the one that sang 'somewhere over the rainbow?'
  5. Adding to threegee's point, a simple addition to an engine managment system could read a transmitter at every set of speed limit signs, that simply does not allow the car to go faster than that limit ! it could be rolled out gradually too, having the device fitted at the next MOT for the next 3 years and every new car on production. the devices on the signs could be rolled out slowly too, starting with school 20mph areas and progressing from there. the technology is there, theirs just no-one willing to say 'yup, lets start this thing!'
  6. lol, i dunno how either, i was so sure the little guy would get thru, what a beaming little smile that lad had, he'll go far regardless. perhaps simon has his eye on him already? ...watch this space...
  7. is my point taken or what? you contribute some good arguments mongo, please dont spoil it!
  8. "dad, do you know the piano's on my foot?" "you hum it son, i'll play it!" Classic !
  9. More like mine! i did something similer next to B&Q next to the A1. we were looking for that 'the ceramic experience' and i suddenly decided to do a 180 and look back the other way. in my defence, the other carridgeway was completly obscured by trees and bushes, so it did look like a single carridgway! wasnt till i got to the roundabout i realised! good job it wasnt busy!
  10. I hope that monkey guy gets thru tonight, although tonights performance wasnt up to much, the potential is so there!
  11. come on all, is this town so boring we cant even spark up a conversation? Theirs got to be something happening !
  12. I'm assuming it was just the various second guesses compiling together to create 3 seperate versions of the same event, and with those 3 seperate versions it was assumed it was 3 seperate people? but again, thats just a guess !
  13. It is always sad to hear of such a tradgedy, even more so when it happens to someone you know. i cant imagine how his friends feel right now. My sincerest condolences to all involved.
  14. well, its good to hear bedlington is finally being considered for something.... ...dunno what exactly, but its something nonetheless !
  15. i hear the police went in and arrested many people, many of whom were released after a statement was given. However, their seems to be only one confirmed, maybe the other 2 were just versions of this first story? nothing in the news seems to point to the police wanting as much uncorrupted evidence as possible before releasing details... i should be talking to a friend of mine tomorrow, i'll see what i can get confirmed officially.
  16. Awwwwwwwww, marvelous ! i went down the woods today to do the same thing, sis not see 1 living creature apart from humans and dogs
  17. Thankyou mongo, very decent of you, but i cant see a problem if you are 100% sure your 100%.
  18. not a case of privacy, its a case of a lot of people use this site that are not from the bedlington area anymore, and it could cause undue distress if they think an old friend or loved one has been the victim of an unfortunate set of circumstances. should the names be confirmed by at least 100%, then by all means, post away.
  19. yup, i have altered all that has come from my name mentioning, however, i expect any other person who mentiones any names to use their own judgement. Thanks for the tip Mr Neck
  20. i dunno, bedlingtonlass mentioned the name on MSN earlier... apparently early 20's?
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