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Posts posted by Blank

  1. He would of had a better time at the Reading Festival :lol:


    No doubt he'll be off there next!

    They must have a lot of money to be able to fly all over the world like that...

    I wonder where all this money that is donated to Madeline goes?

  2. You have got a good point there Monsta, look at them Easter eggs by the time the kids have got the wrappers off theres not mush chocolate left, its all packaging.


    Well I have to agree. If it's got to start somewhere, it should start with the people who package the stuff in the first place. They could try to at least use recycable materials. I know it might not be possible a lot of the time though...

    We should all be bothered about the amount of rubbish we produce. We cant just dump it forever...

    Try taking recycable materials like glass to bottle banks etc and compost your food waste. Already there's a hell of a lot less rubbish for you to have to pay to throw away!

  3. There was more than just this eleven year old there was also a gun battle at Letchworth a stabbing in Newcastle. This country is in a downward spiral and we have not got a goverment thats prepared to do anything about it.

    Yeah I heard about the stabbing at Newcastle...

    I agree, things seem to be getting way out of hand.

  4. If it was some poor lad just messing about, and it was his first offence, then yes, way overboard. but what do they have to do before the police do get involved? drive by shooting on a bike?

    i think the officer was bang on the money, with the exception of his mother should have been stood in the dock next to him.

    Of course, we may never know what his other minor offences were - it may be that this isnt the first time he's thrown a sausage at an OAP.

    Anyway, being took to the station and having fingerprints taken etc, has obviously effected him. It might make him think twice in future...

  5. Just been watching the news and some poor kid (11 year old) has been shot in the head and has died in hospital. Apparently a lad went by on his bike and fired 3 times towards the group of kids playing football.


    Is it just me or is there more and more people being killed randomly with guns - or is it just being reported more often?

  6. :lol:

    The poor old chep thought he'd been hit with a stone, apparently people had been hounding him for a while...

    So what should have happened to the kid then?

    Anyone got any better ideas as to what should be done to kids throwing sausages, or do you think the police did the right thing?

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