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All played wizards?

Technically you could be right Malcolm, although one was a Time-lord. It would be a wizard wheeze if it were correct...BUT...Wrong.

Posted (edited)

Anyone starting a conversation with "technically…” is only heading one way……..prevarication!

I wouldn't dare evade the truth from Time-lords and Wizards. I was just technically trying to break the bad news to you gently. But Wizards is not the connection I am after, but it's a good one this, interesting to see how many peeps get it.

Edited by keith lockey
Posted (edited)




Darn bunch of churnheads, been eatin' locoweed agin.

Edited by keith lockey
Posted (edited)


Your star prize this time is a fortnight's holiday in the Freeze Your Butt Off Trans-Siberian Gulag.

(This may be extended to four years, actually, depending on the political disposition.)

The camp itself is situated in the breathtaking wilderness of the Siberian wastes…er...landscape, surrounded by snow, ice, tundra and…more snow, ice and tundra. You will have the sky as your ceiling and permafrost for your bed.

The activities at the camp are boundless, varying from cutting down trees – whilst avoiding bears – sawing logs – whilst avoiding wolves – and other such pleasurable pastimes like foraging for food, counting your head-lice and seeing who can loose all their teeth to scurvy first.

Your accommodation is seven stars – the Pleiades actually, for that is what you will see through the hole in the roof, if you are lucky to have a roof. You will share your hovel….er…suite with fifty smelly dissidents…er…likewise minded people from various wakes of life.

You can sit around the empty grate eating potato peelings or rancid carrots and talk about the old days when you discussed politics in the bar…though I guess that was how many of your fellow prisoners…er…campers got there in the first place.

But please don't think of this holiday as a run-of-the-mill outdoor adventure; think of it as a survival course instead and think of the friends you will meet there – Boris the Bear, Amourous Ivan, Sergei the Psychopath.

Now wave bye bye to your family and friends and tell your next of kin where your life insurance policy is. But above all do enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience – for that is what it probably is.

Do svidaniya, comradsky.


Edited by keith lockey
Posted (edited)

CAN'T WAIT, !!!! I've just shown the wife (couldn't contain my excitement) She reckons I will be spoilt and she told me that when I get back, not to expect such luxury's at home. Ihad better not get to used to the high life in Siberia.

Edited by keith

All together now....Ra ra Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine....

I will be posting some more later - got the painter in today, the house is nearly finished.

(PS. Keith, I've just got a Friend's reunited message off Stew Dobson from school. Can you remember him? Same age as me, 56)


I thought the only person the same age as you was Methuselah Keef2? :dribble:

Same year, Malcolm, but two months younger, I taught Archangel Gabriel how to blow his horn...er...I'll rephrase that. As you can see, I've kept my boyish good looks.



I've got it! They've all looked after Kate Bush's Iguana!

Posted (edited)



Dear Malcolm, congratulations on solving my connection before I even had time to watch the first coat dry on my bathroom walls. For being so quick on the draw I have decided to give you a breathtaking prize.

In keeping with the Invisible Man theme I am going to make you disappear, Or rather my colleagues the Baddass family are going to do so.


They are a small firm, originating in Chicago at the height of the flapper days. The Firm have been making people disappear for a long time now and are quite proficient at it. They are reticent to talk about their methods but I have it on good authority that all they need is a pair of concrete wellies and a deep lake or reservoir. So could you please forward me your boot size, they say this helps move things along quicker if they have the specs'.

Edited by keith lockey

All together now....Ra ra Rasputin Russia's greatest love machine....

I will be posting some more later - got the painter in today, the house is nearly finished.

(PS. Keith, I've just got a Friend's reunited message off Stew Dobson from school. Can you remember him? Same age as me, 56)

Aye he lived just up the road from me. The families were god friends. There was Jennifer, Stewart and Derek. Did he not move to Ashiton.?

The link is the Scarlet Pimpernel...........

David Niven, ...............Anthony Andrews, Richard E Grant.

Now then.......hmmmmm...Marius Goring......had to think about him for a minute there Keef! AKA The Expert.


Hmmmmmmm, only an old fart could get that one right ...... Marius Goring eh !! who the hell was he. He must have been around when you had to switch your telly on half an hour before you wanted to watch something.

Posted (edited)

Sink me for a Frenchman, that blaggard Robinson has scuppered my plans again.

Well, done Malcolm, a suitable prize is forthcoming after my lunch. (I've been stripping wallpaper all day...nice girl but a strange name.)

Edited by keith lockey

For some reason keith I was fixated on the Quatermass Experiment and Marcus somebody...............

I remember seeing him in the film as the Scarlet Pimpernel and even though they were poncing around it was still a good watchable film. Must have been real early in colour too.

And of course as Niven's astral conductor in Stairway to Heaven or as UK audiences had it A Matter of Life and Death.

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