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Brian Cross

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Posts posted by Brian Cross

  1. Brian - did you get into your Granny's house through the back. The reason I ask is that you'll remember at the rear of East Riggs were allotments juxtaposed with the back gardens of the houses and through the allotments ran a couple of 'clarty' paths - called The Cut (for our younger viewers all this was where Windsor Court is now ... ah, what would we poor exiles do without Google maps). The Cut linked Front Street to Acorn Avenue. You maybe picked-up The Cut around the back of the Old Hall.

    There were a number of buildings that had archways leading to courtyards; Dowson's Buildings on Hartford Rd (between Catholic Row and Hartford Cres ... next door to the Sally Army and the Masonic Hall [i think]) had a number of dwellings around the cobbled courtyard with the arch access to Hartford Rd. There was another one on Front St (opposite the 60s Council Offices and next door the Eddie Millne's house) but I can't remember the name; the courtyard backed onto Eddie Millne's walled orchard ... yep, we used to shinny over his wall to nick the apples. I've forgotten what we used to call this activity ... I'm sure it wasn't scrumping - anybody know the correct local term?

    Yes i did get to my mammas house via the back and i remember now the paths were always "clarty" no matter how the weather was what you wrote brought back a lot of fond memories for me, the orchard i remember well altho my Grandad did not like me flogging apples as he was a special constable thanks for your comments .....

  2. My wife's grand parents lived in it, it was called the "Old Hall" sort of a multi dwelling place, she remembers going through an archway to a courtyard that had about eight dwellings. not sure about it being called a work house.

    I can remember something which i think was the "Old hall" my grandparents lived in East Riggs and i can remember as a boy cutting thru or going down the side of the Old hall to get to my grandparents home.

  3. We had a great day a few beers and of course the obligatory bar-b-que we had 2 Aussie flags hanging at the front of our home and guess what ........yea you are right some scumbag came into our yard and flogged them while we were out the back .....you see scum is everywhere. :angry:

  4. I would just like to point out that Youth Disorder is not confined to the North East of England ....Disorder is a world wide problem I know in this part of the world you see it every weekend especially when the Pubs/Clubs close and a minority of people want to carry on in the streets and where ever, police do a great job but they are understaffed due to cutbacks on wages. we could do with another 10 to 15 uniformed police officers on the streets to discourage unruly behavior by everyone not only the young in our population.

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  5. Kings at the station with free chips, pickled chilli's as well. Superb with their chilli and garlic sauce poured over the top! rumble .......rumble........be back in about 20 mins jus' poppinn doon the station like :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I am with u on that one Merlin a good kebab at kings kebab.jpg

  6. Well, if i did something small, say Shoplifting... and was jailed for a short time, and that time was over christmas, i certainly wouldn't expect to be allowed out for christmas/birthdays/funerals etc.

    Its simply a case of, if you dont want to be in jail during these times, dont commit crime! (or dont get caught! ;) )

    Well said Mr D but incarcerated people nowadays don't think like that as they are spoiled in prison in the U.K and this country my son is with Corrective Services here so i have some insight into whats goes on ...... :D

  7. When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 220°C and place the pork on a rack inside a large roasting tin.

    Rub all over with oil and season with the rest of the salt.

    Roast for 20 minutes then lower the temperature to 175°C and roast for 1 hour.

    The pork is cooked when the internal core temperature reaches 72°C.

    Transfer the cooked pork to a hot dish and leave it to rest for 30 minutes in a warm spot.

    Thanks Monsta I will give it a go at that for Xmas pork roll ta mate roast-pork-crispy-crackling.jpg

  8. We cooked a Roasting Pork Roll on the rotisserie in the Bar-B -Que, it looked lovely the crackling was great but it was dry inside, it was not over cooked but still dry does anyone have any suggestions on how to cook pork so it's nice and moist ( keep it clean Monsta)

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