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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. I believe the cast iron rails were made here in Bedlington before Birkinshaw. They replaced the wooden rails. Folk Tales / Folk Music oral history is always fascinating . By it's very nature it is subject to the fact or fiction debate.
  2. We will have to agree to differ. No accounting for taste. After all it's only Rock and Roll and all!
  3. Perhaps more important:- Come on Blyth Spartans. 2/1 against Altringham in the cup so far. Not a lot of corporate sponsorship at the ground. Newcastle at last on a winning spree. Sunderland have won too! A change of subject maybe but just as controversial as local politics.
  4. Geordie's Overboard. One of these councillors featured in that programme I think.
  5. I have seen a picture of the Tyne Bridge with a wreath of poppies. Brilliant, hope it is not just a made up picture. (Photo shop) Is that the modern term? The poppies in London at the tower look amazing. Brilliant idea. One grandson was in a play about the First World War , the finale was all the cast walking to the music of Emili Sande 'Read all About it' then they lay /crouched down and put poppies up above themselves. The emotions on display in the audience and with the students was very thought provoking. No one was left in any doubt about the consequences of war any war! Brave soldiers one and all.
  6. On Jools Holland this week. He is still better than most.
  7. Why don't the rich pay their fair share? We have tried the 'name and shame ' with politicians . Secret is the rich have money to work around any system with a little help from the odd lawyer.
  8. I love this story HPW. History is all about facts and events often told by 'word of mouth'. I am reading 'From Store to War' by Linda Mc Cullough -Thew ( Ashington origin.) The preface to the book comments on the fact that everyone has different memories of the basic facts and events. Folk Tales of our region include a tale of King Arthur waiting, asleep in the hills, to be woken in time of greatest need. Little details like a shepherd knitting socks tell us a lot about the past, or someone's version of it. Fact or fiction both present us with a version of history. King John escaping from the barons is brilliant. Who can say it is not true! Underground tunnels, boats at high tide escape to France. Good versus bad, beheadings. Magna Carta. A tale to get everyone interested in our town and it's history. There is another folk tale about trying to get the tide to Morpeth! Bedlington did not need to try. The old Iron Works and the quays are testament to that being true. Then there are the first ever metal rails ! We need some writer to develop these ideas into our very own story. A new generation thinker. Last week at the Sage the new generation thinkers really impressed me. Our children are the future and their presentations of ideas ( inspired by modern culture) are far from boring. The old guard often seemed less inspired.
  9. If you do one thing today or before next Wednesday :- (BBCI Player Radio) Listen to last Wednesday 5th November Radio 3 - 22:00 Right Thinking People. So many people have political ideas on this forum and this programme addresses most of them. Stick with it for questions from the audience. Morals and ethics in politics, a brilliant programme. We had tickets but due to Grandparent duties missed the live recording. I wish I could have persuaded others to take the tickets!
  10. I think a lot of people would agree with you Symptoms. In the NE everyone knows how to live life to the full. The Red Lion is busy morning noon and night. On the subject of the Harley Davidson I guess you have listened to Jethro Tull and ' 'To Old to Rock and Roll' 'Hitting the trunk road doing 120'
  11. In those far off times buildings would probably be wood in construction. Pity we have not got a time machine. One way or another our town was and is important to History.
  12. You need to see the film Pride Symptoms. The past is coming back to haunt politics. OK it is now all History but that sense of unfairness , felt at the time , is still very much alive. The film 'Still the Enemy Within is playing to sell out audiences. The play about Queen Coal even makes digs about Tony Blair. Students are there with pen and paper making notes. All things considered it is very important to document. Our contributors on this site are and will be an important part of the story.
  13. What about the pub at Monsal Head. The tunnel is now open for walkers and cyclists. We need more of the old railway lines opened up as cycle ways.
  14. Tonight at ten is Ian Mc Millan with the Verb . On his show is Matt Miller performing his work inspired by growing up along the Tyne. Also Bridie Jackson and the Arbour winners of something or other at Glastonbury 2013. After that it is a short thing on beards and whiskers. All these you could have seen performed live at the Sage.. Even if the talks were awful what a view.
  15. Sadly the news is out about how beautiful our county really is, the result is traffic and congestion.. The tractors are contractors who travel huge distances, not just between the odd field. We need a motorway! When the railway was constructed between Bakewell and Buxton there was / is an incredible quote on a viaduct in Monsal Dale that the 'Sun-kissed valley was being ruined so any fool could get between the two towns in a short space of time' Get out and walk the old railway line it is still beautiful. Our County will still be one of the best place in the World after the construction of a Motorway.
  16. Read, listen but make up your own mind. Who Gains! When given any news Local or National think for yourself. The same goes for any gossip.
  17. We are recording so very many deaths. It occurs to me we need to plan. My recent postings will no doubt alert people to my actions here there and anywhere. As Dylan Thomas said 'Rage rage against the dying of the Light.' Our kids are now reading books on 'The Bucket List'. Maybe together we can make our very own 'Bedders Bucket List'
  18. Interesting film if you like music and remember the 70s.
  19. A worthwhile pastime Paul. Everyone in France seems to play boules. It would be great to have young and old involved here. Maybe they are and I just have not heard. You and Brian were ahead of your time. Some might say!
  20. I was born in North Shields tomtom but don't tell anyone. Lots of the ancestors have history around the town. The history community are doing amazing things. They have documented WWI with maps and details of almost every soldier. It went on line at the end of June to coincide with the death of the Arch Duke.. Not sure about the Jungle Tonyp. Sounds like you have a tale or two to tell. For history purposes of course.
  21. Agreed tomtom. It would be great to have another piece of our history doing well. This particular building seems at risk to me.
  22. Pod casts are good to Symptoms. Listen again anywhere.
  23. The History of the Miners Strike is now down to a Drama.presentation. Bryony Lavery has written 'Queen Coal' It features 'Women against Pit Closures', 'The Battle of Orgeave' and the consequences of what happened on life now. Basically people get together to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher which they did in true Yorkshire style by burning an effigy. Symptoms you are going to need that Spitfire again to get to Sheffield. The play is on until the 22nd November. The venue is the small stage with a tunnel effect / mine working entrance. Seats can be armchairs on the stage if you get there early.. Thought provoking Drama.
  24. Sorry to hear of your loss rick65. You belong to a very interesting family, they have made a worthwhile contribution to our local history in Bedlington.
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