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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Excellent Malcolm. Give George the Poet a listen.
  2. tonyp the group ISIS are a group of deluded thugs. The people who organise any terror activity are deluded. Fighting the so called Axis of Evil ended up with a lot of our brave soldiers dying. These acts are designed to provoke. Actions we take may inflame an already difficult if not impossible situation in the Middle East. At some point we have to trust our government to do the right thing. They have the knowledge that we do not possess. The two choices you mention in a negotiated settlement, seem a little over stated. However as you say it is all done in a democratic way. We will have to hope things change and the people funding Isis stop. We also have to ask ourselves why so many people are seeming to support this group of thugs. Differences of religion or race should not prevent a humanitarian response .
  3. Very interesting comment tonyp. Did that policy ever work! The White Feathers that were handed out in the First World War caused a lot of controversy. Cowardice or being shot at dawn, is now seen in a different light. Do you not negotiate within your job. Fight or flight maybe the first response but somewhere sometime people have to try to live and work in peace.
  4. I am not for anyone being persecuted. War often cannot be solved by violence alone.
  5. The Area has a history of instability. With Turkey the Armenians have a tale to tell. Not to mention the Cyprus situation which still rumbles on. 1974/2014 40 years since The Coup . Then the Turkish invasion / they refer to it as The Peace Keeping Force.
  6. I want to rewind and go more often.
  7. You are making me question our downloads Eggy. We are all becoming more connected. Unlimited WiFi and downloads maybe the answer but how long till someone works out a way to charge you for thinking time.
  8. The soldiers are without doubt brave. I just wish it was simple. Love your quote mickypotts.
  9. Over the summer we went to a place near Madrid called El Escorial. Near by is a valley which has a basilica dedicated to the war dead of the Spanish Civil War. In reality it is the tomb of Franco and Jose Antonio it is scary but magnificent.. The whole mountain has been tunnelled out. Monastery on the other side to the Basillica. Funicular railway up to the cross you can see from the main road.. Basically it is testament to the powerful. In the end, who remembers the deaths. Who wins the propaganda war? Possibly the people who win. One son joined the armed forces Tonyp, my input was trying to persuade him not to take ' The Kings Shilling' There is a record track which says ' A heros grave is only six foot deep, not big enough for all his friends' It did not work. So much has been written about war and the poetry of the First World War haunts me. I am not against fighting but all too often it does not end well.
  10. While the issues of the County are important the World issues are critical. We live in unsettling times and who knows when the fight will come to us. The killing of the hostage/ hostages is awful. The things that are being done in the name of ISIS are truly horrendous but how do we solve the crisis. Drones and bombs can kill innocent civilians. To end a conflict needs some degree of negotiation but how can that happen. Bush and Blair attacked the 'Axis of Evil' and that does not seem to have made the World a safer place. Most of us remember where we were on 9/11 and the dreadful consequences . What we did not expect to happen was potentially another huge war involving so many innocent people soldiers and civilians
  11. It is alleged that Cameron sites Tony Benn's early diaries as an influence in his life and political career. Maybe that accounts for the variety of people at the talk by Chris Mullen. 'Know your enemy' After all there is an election coming up next year.
  12. Layers of corruption or ignorance. With maybe a touch of arrogance, or we know what's good for you. Politics surely will change, my hope is our children see through all the layers. Then make a better and fairer World. Maybe Clause 4 could be a point to debate. Not that I am politically minded.
  13. The thing should have been Just syah nah then negotiate. Sorry Another canny saying or three Yee hev got more issues than the Chronicle. Yee are multi- talented, so yee are. Yee can taak an P--- me off at the same time. Howay man, you've got a face leik a cuddy in the huff.
  14. You have more patience than me Canny Lass.. Bread making now there is a job I enjoy. Cannot see the point of a bread maker when you just throw the lot in and bish bash bosh.. There must be a Geordie way of saying that maybe ' it's just beat the hell out of the mix'. Yesterday I got a book of Geordie One Liners at the Sage. My favourite so far is 'Just shah nah. Then negotiate '
  15. The night was a very straight forward talk about Tony Benn. The questions after were enlightening. The audience was made up of interesting characters. Next to me there was an older character whose accent did not appear to be 'labour heartland' He appeared to think that not many people would turn up. In fact it was a sell out with a waiting list for tickets. Chris Mullen is interesting to listen to anytime.
  16. Started 2011 but in need of a re read. Then where are the LPs not the CDs Happy Days. Retirement needs working through. Long holiday that ends in death or listening to the odd bit of music.
  17. Here is another buried thread worth the time taken to read. Spoaching again through the archives
  18. We nearly always get side tracked. This thread might interest you willyj Talking about exile, I am now listening to Van the Man with John Lee Hooker. 'Too Long in Exile' love the track 'Wasted Years'. Maybe there are others who would identify with the track and sentiment !
  19. We missed the tours you mention willyj. Sadly we were in exile for a while. However we were listening to most of the music you list.
  20. Now tonight it is the Live Theatre and Chris Mullen and 'An Appreciation of Tony Benn' Sold out.
  21. We saw BB king a few years ago. However one highlight was Newcastle City Hall circa1978/9 and seeing Clapton with Muddy Waters as support.
  22. Yes yes yes you cannot waste food. I do make bread and I do use milk but not a lot of it is off. However I have been known too and it tastes fine. Pure culture au natural. The Grandkids have been known to refuse toast if it's not homemade and the latest here is dough balls with garlic butter. Then there is the pizza
  23. We have ventured out and bought the cd. Excellent reminds me of listening to early Led Zeppelin and Cream. Tom Paxton is a folk music but his track is very good.
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