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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. I agree with what is being said but I think that often political correctness, religion and even heath and safety is used to stop any opposition view. Democracy is not the only answer, in the same way one religion is not the only answer. The worry is any group out to destabilise a country by violent means. Working together as a group, country or even within the EU or NATO has to be considered.
  2. It seems our NHS data has been sold to private companies and there are sufficient lapses that mean the data could be used improperly. Is money the root of all evil. Private finance initiative wins every time . Secure income for the few, we pay through taxes. Government need more and more money to pay!
  3. Just been to Brussels. Did we at Bedlington provide the first engine to them in 1835
  4. When our enemy becomes our friend. ( Iran) When political correctness stifles debate! When health and safety stop us from doing exactly what we want to do! When we are scared to express an opinion! What is the way forward?
  5. What has happened to the video? EE says enter credit card details. I wonder if this is the same for all on u tube.
  6. Your pictures are very interesting. The Bedlington Terriers picture is taken or credited to someone from Berwick. The soldiers look battle weary, and as if they may be in France but I believe cameras were not allowed. The fact that it is a postcard may mean someone was cashing in. The faces look like familiar Bedlington people. My Paternal Grandfather was called up with his pals from Millbank Crescent in 1916. Thank you for the post. The Zepplin Raid real or fake is another interesting picture. My mother always claimed to have been born on the night of a Zepplin Raid on the Tyne and that was 1916. History is often in the detail.
  7. I wonder how we had some kids from the camp at Nedderton Village school. Maybe the school at Hartford was full.
  8. What great pictures. I wonder if they are both Bedlington lads .
  9. I believe some of the Cornish Tin Miners came to the NE to break a strike. There is a quote to the effect that the Cornish Men even helped their wives in the kitchen. Maybe as controversial today.
  10. Have you visited the place Brian. The cemeteries in Normandy are very moving places.
  11. Could there be any CCTV footage and a name and shame campaign.
  12. It is so easy not to ask the right questions in the living years Adam. The previous generations all have amazing stories to tell. It is sad that for some families it is to late and all the history of a family dies. The folk involved in any war often do not talk about their experiences to nearest an dearest. Seth Lakeman folk musician learnt more about his Grandfather from a recording he did with people outside the family.. Go ask those questions today. The historical research starts in the living years.
  13. Thanks Brett. We have just started listening to a lady called Flossie Malavialle who is a folk singer born in France but speaks English with a NE accent.
  14. I wonder how many West Bedlington councillors took part. My guess would be two independents! May as well say well done Adam and Malcolm!
  15. This year is also one hundred years since the start of World War One. Tynemouth are going on line with their research. Maybe we could do the same. June to August and 37 days to War
  16. Keep ahaad has been used recently which reminds me we used the same word to describe the fire getting started. 'The fires got ahaad'
  17. One grandson did a project on D Day. Operation Overlord. As it is seventy years ago tomorrow, we need to record any memories. Maybe it is already to late. One relative of mine was killed in Burma in March 1944.
  18. Keep the wash house and turn it into a garden room. We may all be going 'back to the future' and need the old ways.
  19. Debate is essential to the whole thread. From the dark into the light. Well done HPW for saying what was on your mind and well done Malcolm for enlightenment. The trouble, maybe, is a lack of trust in politicians and authority. Not to mention the old coal owners. 'Close the Coal House Door' The miners who died should be remembered by all of us.
  20. Your right Tony! It was a dark dark night and now in the daylight all is revealed.
  21. A bottle I have appears to say Muter's established 1873. I wonder if that is right. I also have an old bottle that is Robert Deuchar Ltd Sandyford Road Newcastle!
  22. Hope you have had a great day. Happy Birthday.
  23. The first I heard of Purely Belter was the film. The name was taken from a book calked the Season Ticket about two lads whose aim in life is to get a season ticket for the toon.
  24. Fontburn Reservoir seems to come to mind, could be totally wrong. Another King in dangerous times. Never heard of this one. The Border Reivers needed to be as hard as nails. Hartley Pans for Sailers. Bedlington for Nailers
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