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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Not sure Canny Lass but my guess is the smell gave it away! Decorative with a purpose. Apart from the Coronation the weather always seemed fine, maybe no moss grew in those far off days of old
  2. Yep but bought in good faith by my mother. They have become heirlooms.
  3. The places where you have to put in a registration number bug me! You cannot then forward on. In Lancaster last week the parkies were so hot on the trail that one was stalking a motorist who merely pulled up for a second. Edinburgh is not to good either. My mother bought our kids two traffic wardens one year. They were to hang in the car window.
  4. There is a debate about soap or gel. The residue left by the soap is fat which can protect against various complaints. For donkey stone I now use Ariel, it gets rid of the slippy moss on our stone steps! It will also clean burnt/ on pans. Small amount and boil.! Sounds like a recipe! Other soap powders are available. The smell of wood smoke is a favourite of mine. Burning leaves etc is a hobby. I blame coal fires. We should live in a forest or on a farm miles from anyone
  5. Parking charges at hospitals generally are high and often unfair.
  6. HPW here is the coronation mug presented to me in 1953
  7. I was reminded of childhood by the smell of Cold Tar soap. Music can remind us of time and place, so can smells good and bad.
  8. Excellent information and the photo's very good.
  9. As we are going back to the future. Can anyone mind getting the last sugar out of the bag , or the last drops of milk. My dad reckoned to stir the pot of tea with a small bit of sugar. Not sure if it was to release the flavour or make it stronger. I guess both apply. Money saving tips from the old gits /sorry children of the sixties! Who would believe that we can remember rationing. National Health Orange Juice would be replaced by water
  10. Another Joni Quote ' They paved paradise put up a parking lot' Our government and local planners will soon have no green space left. Maybe we should all leave Blighty and join Symptoms. No 'plakka Geordie 's' I hear someone say!
  11. As Joni Mitchell would say' I've looked at life from both sides now' Maybe 'Power Corrupts' Harry Patch the last tommy from the First World War advocated talking because war is 'licensed murder' Problem as always is who has the power. The Miners Strike was like a war. A class war with no winners.
  12. Good luck tonight! I will think of you but not that often.
  13. Have a great day and a memorable happy birthday with no broken bones.
  14. Stagey Bank Fair! Wonder where it came from? Possibly says a lot about the ancestors. My oldest grandson in the NE has never heard the word Glaky/ Glakey he is nearly 14! Sad the old words are dying out.
  15. Did anyone say :- 'Stagey Bank Fair' for an untidy house.
  16. Rail tracks replica engines our very own Beamish. We can dream! The site of the Iron Works and the walk to Attlee Park has possibilities for the future.
  17. Symptoms your accent must have changed over the years! I think you are just being a 'Workie Ticket' or a 'Radgie Gadgie' Failing that look up the 'Plastic People of the Universe.'they were sent to prison for being controversial and playing pop music. That was in the 60's. Lucky for us we lived her in Bedlington.
  18. Tonight at 7.30. Jez Lowe is top of the bill. Beeswing and Anne Sessoms will be telling the tale of the pit disaster that happened in 1862. Nearly the entire workforce of the village was killed
  19. Ashington Colliery has been awarded 24,500 pounds for a heritage lottery trail. Imagine an Iron Works Trail with an interactive museum. Sorry Symptoms , dreams sometimes come true. Maybe we could all learn to love the interactive museum if it was our very own.
  20. Mark Allison from Blyth has run 2,300 miles across Australia. He left Perth on the 4th January and after 82 days completed his challenge. He has raised 50,000 pounds for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and The Children's Foundation. Amazing man
  21. Tales from Northumberland with Robson Green The video from ITV is now on sale at the Chantry. I believe the general release is on Monday. It is said to make Northumberland look like Paradise. In the News Post Leader they say the programmes Facebook page has proved very popular and attracted 4,600 likes . It seems it has been inundated with messages of praise. 'It made Northumberland look like paradise' Do we welcome this or would we prefer to keep Northumberland to ourselves.
  22. Great film views of Lindisfarne etc
  23. Canny Lass would 'told or telt' be included. Ie 'get him telt' Or 'get him told'
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