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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. That education of yours Malcolm, it is inspirational.
  2. You cannot beat the oral tradition. Your Dads story has my vote. The past was a dangerous time to live and people had ways and means of surviving. Basically no one can prove you wrong. Bedlington has my vote. Remember we do not own property we merely look after it for future generations or our children!
  3. God works in mysterious ways! Just keeping it on topic. As near as most!
  4. Aston Villa 1 Newcastle 2!
  5. Once again today in the Guardian! An article claiming Rene Descartes as a hero! By James Kelman "His use of the first person introduces that other most vital, always radical idea: the primacy of the individual perception. A sceptical voice, the child questioning the adult, the artist challenging convention, the individual challenging authority; casting doubt on infallibility and the imposition of authoritarian control. Descartes the hero. Five hundred years later, his work is still feared and hated by those who seek to impose tyranny." Could not have put it better. I would guess there will be those that disagree!
  6. Thinking about it, maybe we need a Keith with some humour. Then there is always the fact that the toon are winning, mind the game is not finished yet. Great North Run tomorrow, a way of getting rid of any negativity'
  7. Synergy where are you when we need light relief.
  8. Really suggest you read the article three gee. Keeping an open mind is surely important for all.
  9. It would be great if our station became popular around the World. Raising the profile of Bedlington. Very well done to all involved. Cooperation from painting the building to the intellectual interviews. Just shows what good people can achieve.
  10. Buy the Guardian today Malcolm. Essential reading for any politician.
  11. There are one or two threads with more information Eileen. Mainly about the odd vicar and the church. Bedlington must have so much more history to teach us. The Vicarage, who built it and for whom would be a start. It would be Interesting to speculate on what was there before! With our expertise in mining, I wonder if there are any underground passages. The Church could have had a subterranean level. Undercroft etc
  12. Russell Brand writes brilliantly in the Guardian today. He joked about the sponsors Hugo Boss flogging uniforms to the Nazis. Subsequently Charles Moore was given an award for writing a book about Margaret Thatcher. Moore used his acceptance speech to pull Brand up about his behaviour past and present. Brand points out that' if you can't criticise Hugo Boss at the GQ awards because they own the event do you think it significant that energy companies donate to the Tory party? Will that affect government policy' Corporate backers, manipulation of information, Censorship, where does the truth lie. Often a joke is a good way to raise an important issue. Never thought I would be praising the issues Russell Brand is raising. He says the glitz and the glamour are not real, you can have a better time mucking about and making your mates laugh. The night has taught him the obvious, don't trust politicians, don't trust big business and don't trust the media. Trust your own heart and each other.
  13. Folklore of Northumberland by Fran and Geoff Doel has a section called Collop Momday. It seems the day before Shrove Tuesday and the last day meat could be eaten until Lent was over; consisted of 'collop' a slice of dried salted and hung meat preserved through winter. Rashers of bacon were carried to houses of friends An effigy of Jesus in a coffin was taken house to house and money was needed to see inside the coffin. I have never heard of this custom before.
  14. Who you calling an OAP? Exercise and a blackberry pie what could be better! Maybe blackberry wine.
  15. The Burn is a great name. The water burns its way through the landscape. What about the Dyke Neuk!
  16. I think today 500 years ago, the battle took place. What a waste of life. Something to remember today, when there is talk of battle or intervention.
  17. I am learning all these new/old makes of push bikes! Cars, motorbikes etc, I am a lost cause! My old bike is a bit of a bone shaker but that adds character. My favourite car is still a Renault 4. If they still made them it would be my car of choice. My kids, sadly,would hide if I went to collect them from school in the Renault 4 Happiness does not equate with lots of money being spent. I have failed to get that through to certain of my kids. Maybe that is another topic.
  18. There is a walkway alongside a little stream, that seems like an oasis away from the roads. It is right next to the Hazelmere Estate and starts next to a bus stop. Maybe that seems a little creepy Angela. If there are ghosts or anything else I am sure it will be a force for good. Pause for Star War thoughts! The pathways to Choppington, Hepscott and then on to Morpeth are great. If you have not explored, they are brilliant. Not far away is Bothal and the Wandbeck. Truly inspiring.
  19. That is realty interesting Vic. The technology is there but all to often we do not hear about it. Not in the right way. Generators and producing our own power would be my ideal. We are paying huge sums for Turbines through our power bills and taxes, a lot of that seems to go in subsidies. If all the information was clear and transparent we would feel different I am sure. Because the turbines can go up and then down without anyone knowing what is happening, it leads to mistrust. If it was a high rise block of flats it would be different. More information!
  20. It's the enemy within Synptoms. One son informed me of its value. Seems I could put it on a website for it to be used as a prop in a film etc. Who would have thought a little bike from Blyth Coop could be worth money all these years later.
  21. The Turbines keep changing in and around Blyth. Sometimes they have the blades sometimes not. Synergy were talking to, I think, the MP for Blyth and the wind farm is to be extensive. The views from Newbiggin North Seaton etc all change. I do not watch constantly but each time I look something is different. The why and wherefore of these things fascinate me. I just am not sure we can trust the technology. The other point is the subsidies which maybe twist the market.
  22. I am guessing you are all to busy. As volunteers, your work commitment is worthy of recognition, locally and nationally. Very well done. It is a shame I cannot dedicate more time to listening. It is like having a friend in the room chatting.
  23. Let us all know what happens Neil. Scotland is to be renewable energy in total, it seems. The truth about all these Turbines is out there somewhere. When will the truth out and when will the views of the public be heard. The government need to ask themselves why so many people are against this technology. I wonder if they read the objections. If they do not then they may become unelectable!
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