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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Update to No 15 & 16 from Marian Richardson - Bygone Bedlington Facebook group.
  2. We just have to hope that after four years, and we haven't been flooded or burnt out, our next opportunity to vote will be influenced by the progression of all parties
  3. With some names from the people in the photo = Facebook Bygone Bedlington members.
  4. With some names from Christine Smith Gray.
  5. Update on the year to c1965 from Christine Warne - Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  6. No 9 named as Jackie Robertosn by his wife Elizabeth Robertson, Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  7. With some names.
  8. Rosalind Read, Bygone Bedlington group, has identified herself as No 18.
  9. No 11 idendified by Diane Douglas - can't remember who named No 3 & 24
  10. Ann Hutchinson has identified No 26
  11. No 15 updated to Vivienne Dodds cos Vivienne redshaw told me
  12. Ronnie Allaway thinks No 2 could be Elizabeth Foster
  13. Karen McClenn Smith named correct spelling of surname for No 15.
  14. Joyce Main has named her brother as No 4.
  15. Louise Laskey has pointe out the correct spelling of her dad's surname.
  16. @Ann Wood nee Tennick I had forgotten that I did eventually come across all the seperate pieces of the whole photo and forgot to add it to this posting. You must have avery wide frame to display it in Thesare all the seperate pieces followed by the whole photo ;-
  17. John Henderson & Jean McDonell say No 20 is Maureen Scott.
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