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Keith Scantlebury

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Everything posted by Keith Scantlebury

  1. It was built in 1896 as the Palace Theatre . Converted to a cinema by Walter Lawson in the 1930's. It closed in August 1966 after showing Emile and the detectives. In April 1968 it opened again as the Club Domino.
  2. Paddy's waiting at the bus stop, Mick drives up and says " do you want a lift , Paddy ?" Paddy replies " Thanks Mick, but I'd better not, in case I miss my bus"
  3. John Wales will be turning in his grave, that place is not a patch on what it was when it was his. I cant see how the restraunt would to much business as there is no parking facilities. Also, a large portion of the business came from the Percy punters, so by closing the pub to turn it into a chip restraunt has immediately lost customers (as far as I can see anyway).
  4. Percy is not a pub anymore. Its supposed to be currently undergoing a transformation into a fish and chip restraunt, another sore point.
  5. That ! I do not know. Could be that the traders all chip in for it, as the switch is in the chip shop at the end of Ravensworth Tce. The lights were a joint thing with the traders and the Parish council as far as I know, they have been up for about 3 years now and never taken down
  6. Pete they've been like that most of the year . It was once pointed out that the windows were mostly broken from the outside and that wasn't the fault of bad management, ...... so does that not mean someone has not been a bit miffed that they have just been chucked out. If you look some of those breaks seem to be 'head shaped' or 'fist shaped'
  7. I see your point Adam but Bedlington is no-where near as drab as the Station. None of those bussineses have been trading most of the year and open to the public with broken windows. Pressure can be applied to make these owners clean up their act., but owners like Tesco will be treated with kid gloves. There will be a fear that Tesco could just say bollix to the lot and high tail it out of town.
  8. The reason why the xmas lights in the Station weren't switched on this year.......... THE CHIP SHOP IS CLOSED. Apparrently, the switch is in there and as the business is closed, no-one could get in to switch the lights on. I am sure if someone HAD RANG THE LETTING AGENT, they would have been only too happy to send someone with a key so the lights could be switched on and when the time comes, off. The agents phone number, oh aye, its printed on the TO LET sign above the shop. ......... its not rocket science
  9. It will link the car park with the front of the shops, will have seats and a flowered / lawned area and will be camera'd up to discourage vandalism. It is also going to be locked at nights. As far as I know , EBPC is to pay for this work in return for (I think) 5 years rent free from Maurice Muter (who owns the land). Who is going to lock and re-open the gates each day ? What happens at the end of the lease ?. Whats to stop the landlord from taking it back when all of the hard / costly work has been done ? I think that it is a really good thing that EBPC is taking steps to brighten the place up and creating places like this in Bedlington Station. The entrance to the car park , Khans corner has been sorted out this year. Councillor Allan Stewart has worked particularly hard along with the Parish Clerk, Ron Thornton in bulb and flower planting in the last year or so (only to be let down by NCC lack of grass cutting etc and kids nicking flowers and trying to sell them door to door) but there is still a long way to go before Bedlington Station is anywhere near as good as Bedlington itself. It would help if the owners of building showed a modecum of pride and made an attempt to tidy them up. Jakes bar has been empty for about 12 years now and is derelict, even more disgraceful is the Clayton Arms. That is a business that is still trading and most of the downstairs windows are broken. Those two buildings alone are making the Station an eyesore, particularly the Clayton. It is the most imposing building here, seen by everyone passing through the Station. Allan Stewart said at the South East Area Committee meeting earlier this month that EBPC has no control or responsibility over the infrastructure, and that Bedlington Station "has never been the prettiest of places" . That may be so, but the owners of these buildings should be shamed into repairing them, or sell them to someone who will keep them in good order and The Station might just have a chance in becoming a pretty place. Until the residents and business owners start to take some pride in where they live, EBPC will be peeing into the wind in their efforts to brighten the place up.
  10. And a very happy xmas to you and yours.Just been talking to my mate who lives in Lethbridge and works for H&R trucking. He is en-route from Vancouver (stopped at Golden last night) and he just said that normally it would take about 7 hours to get back from Golden, but it is so icy that he is worried about getting back to Lethbridge in time for xmas....... but I'm sure he will.
  11. My Dad also worked at Netherton pit, he would only ever take jam sandwiches to work for his bait
  12. Nowt wrong with that, There was a kid at college who always put jam on his bacon sarnie
  13. Thanks to you all, even to the deeply confused Keith L. As for a pint Foxy, I need to keep off the sauce as a trip to Carlisle may be on the agenda (apart from that, I'm skint). How's this for coincidence. Had my dad still been with us , yesterday would have been his Birthday, 17 / 12 / 1923 --- my Dad 18 / 12 / 1955 --- me 18 / 12 / 1976 --- I got married 18 / 12 / 2000 --- youngest son born 18 / 12 / 2012 --- a grandchild is in the process of being born as I type this
  14. You sure it wasn't something else putting a sparkle in your eyes Keith
  15. That's funny (not) Keith, my sides are aching, you really should be on the stage ................ there's one leaving in 20 mins
  16. Senior moment........ till the next time
  17. Aye and Johnny Barnes' behind it Pioneer boot factory is where Andersons motors is now, on Pioneer Tce at the top of Waverley Drive. Blyth store used to order my dads pipe baccy in specially for him Scots Cake it was called. If you remember, Keith, Alan Miller was killed on his motor bike outside Blyth store, in the early 70's.
  18. Does that mean you are sitting on the fence Adam ? ARGREE , is that a hybrid of argue / agree. (only joking) Probably see you tonight as well
  19. Can't argue with that Malcolm.... see you tonight likely .
  20. Aye Pete, it was the switch on last Tuesday and a mega cock u it was too. Apart from anything else, they switched them on and nothing happened, Apparently no-one from the council turned up with the proper fuse. They're still not on .
  21. Good greif old bean , it looks like it has eaten you Alan !!
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