The lady's not for turning! Shouldn't this be in a simple PM to the forum admins? Petty griping aside, I, for one, salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability.
Welcome to Mr Darn's brave new world, Denzel. Old topics are locked down sharpish style and the mildest bit of salty language is jumped upon "in case the bairns read it". Fortunately, you can still post all the racism you like without fear of censure (cf "Is it Terrorists?" thread) Have fun with it!
You do realise that Cambo and Cambois are different places, don't you? Either way, your comments regarding blowing the place up strike me as rather foolish. No offence.
Monsta and Mongo . There mad!!!!!!111!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!! Question: Who would win in a fight, Michael Knight from "Knight Rider" or Terry McCann from "Minder"?