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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Yes the people in power need to act to sort these problems out, but they are not the cause.

    There has been a steady erosion of all standards over the last few decades, and the problem people have grown at such a rate that they could become the majority. TV and films promote violence, and gang culture,so that kids idolise this kind of behaviour.

    Their parents set no example , so they have to take one from somewhere.

    The people in power need to act now, or god knows where it will end.

    We see all the gun crime etc in London and manchester as a far off problem, but it will spread.

    I agree, kids grow up watching the !*!@# thats called "Entertainment" on TV and next thing you know we've got a society full of dole bums and drug dealers.

  2. No, you are right Blank, only the rich could afford drugs at one point and it has filltered down from them as most things do.

    It's just that people blame everything on the government too... but you dont see poor MP's.

    Their the ones that make the rules, we decide if we live by them.

    If people were allowed to smoke in pubs again, they'd do it. If we were all allowed an extra grand a week, we'd take it. If people could get away with murder, they'd do it. They would!

    So if people are allowed to live forever on the dole... then they have that choice.

    Whats ever done about it?

    It starts at the top. Thats what I mean when I say "What about the rich?" what I really mean is what about people in power (Power and money go hand in hand after all).

    Trouble is in this country we have a whole class of people who think they can do as they like, expect us to pay them for sitting on their arses and fund theier kids upbringings.

    Some people will think that that sentence applys to MP's too.

  3. I am definately not blaming anything on poor people.

    I refer to those who will not work and prefer to feed off the genuine working class / rich.

    The dole should be a safety net for anyone who finds themselves out of work, or ill.

    It should not be a way of life.

    There is plenty of work for those who want it.

    This country has seen a general erosion of all standards, and now the moronic pleb mentality is seen as the norm.

    I suppose.

    A good point, but perhaps no need for the blue language, eh? This isn't the Clayton Arms at lunchtime on Dole Cheque day, you know?

    Actually, no - I wouldnt know what the Clayton Arms clients sound like on dole day - maybe you could enlighten me?


  4. That was once part of the recruitment process...

    Basically what they did was humiliate you infront of everyone, tell you to do something, then when your half way thru they change it to something else...then something else ect ect.

    Its a good ploy actually, as it weeds out anyone with a short temper, or anyone that cant see its a test. its funny to watch how many say "!*!@# this, i aint doing that for a stupid job stacking shelves!" as thats exactly the type of person it weeds out!

    me personally, i had to do the 'house of cards' where as a group, we had to make a house of cards, but we had to estimate how many levels it would have before the end of 45 minutes.

    the thing was, after 15 minutes, as we were getting to the end of level two, they moved the goalposts, and said each level had to be colour coded.

    then, 15 minutes later they showed us the numbers on the cards, and said each level had to add up to 21.

    The idea wasnt who could complete the challange, but who could handle the change the best, without losing their temper, as many did thinking they had failed the interview!

    Others included selling a product to a manager...not as easy as it sounds when you have a tin of prunes, some tampons and a breast milker to choose from to sell to a male manager! and making a new uniform out of ASDA carrier bags, again the formula changed many times to confuse and upset people!

    I believe the latest one is a board game, where you roll the dice, pick a card and tell the group how you would handle the customer that is described on the card.

    The funniest bit is watching people lose their rag and walk out!

    Who would want to work for one of the richest companys in the UK, for minimum wage?

    Wait, I'm thinking of Tesco.

  5. You know when cattle go to slaughter , well when all the good parts get ripped of , and immediatly pack ( not hung to acquire taste) - See ASDA meat.

    The remaining carcass is blasted with steam to get the remaining " meat " off it. this " meat " is sweeped up and becomes big macs... after theyve first been coloured and had meat flavour added so as you dont notice your eating the !*!@#


    Good job I dont eat Fatdonalds then...

    I'm not joking though, this lass I know found a bit of glass in her chicken burger. She just threw it away though, she didnt go into the store to complain.

  6. They have already confessed to giving the children sleeping medication. What if they accidently gave Maddie an overdose (I know this has already been suggested by police). I mean, it would explain the tiny spatter of blood drops on the walls if the sleeping medication was administered by needle. It makes more sense, I cant see kids swallowing tablets without a fuss.

    Why did it take the two of them to go back to the room to check on the kids?

    Ah whatever, the fact is we'll never know until it is all over and done with... even then we might never know all the facts.

    I dont want it to be the parents... this world is too f*cked up.

  7. Has anyone seen the notice in the window? Which store, Somerfields?

    There are signs all over in Somerfield saying it closes on the 22nd of September. They will be moving to Cramlington.

    If you ask the store manager he will tell you about it.

    I see they are now advertising that they 'match Tesco's prices' haha, that was funny. <_<

  8. "Hamburger Pimp: At age 50 you will be found dead in a pool of your own urine, slumped in front of your computer, after a marathon stint of completing tiresome internet memes."



    Heres mine: It's short and sweet!

    Blank: At age 43 a large monkey will beat you to death, using the antiquated art of fisticuffs.

  9. People go on about Tesco having control over things... what the hell do you think Somerfield is up to?

    Is everyone aware that Somerfield own the building next door? Dont you think it's weird that it's been standing empty for over 2 and a half years when previously (before the merging) two competing stores sat side by side for years?

    Can anyone remember Somerfield coming under investigation (including the Bedlington store) by the CC (Competition Commission), whereby the CC stated amongst other things that Somerfield were leaving us with no choice but to pay high prices in their stores because there wasnt any other competitors in the area? (As in, Somerfield clinging onto it's other empty store in Bedlington, just to make sure)

    Somerfield of course replied by saying that Netto and ASDA in Blyth were competition enough and was let off in the case of the Bedlington inquiry.

    So Somerfield also has it's controlling ways on Bedlington. Now you know why the place has been standing empty for so long.

    I say down with Somerfield the stingy money grabbing !*!@# !

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