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Posts posted by Blank

  1. Good old Tesco are coming to town. Two established shops are being driven out of their premises before Tesco even arrives in town. More local businesses will go to the wall due to Tesco's ruthless business methods.

    Anyway, what are you going on about?

    Most established shops left 5 year ago!


    Tesco coming to Bedlington could help the town.

    People from Cramligton, Morpeth, Blyth and Ashington will now have a reason for coming to Bedlington. Wont this encourage businesses to set up here?

    Wether Tesco comes or not - it's our fault that small shops close and move away. If you dont want them to go then use them.

    Stop blaming Tesco, Bedlingtons been a dump for years!

  2. No way is it going to be a superstore. I've been to the one in Kingston Park a few times - now thats a superstore!

    Good riddence to Somerfield and it's over priced !*!@#. Their fruit and veg is almost always poor quality.

    Dont worry Cympil, HP is just a bit worried about how far he'll have to travel from now on to get his Greggs fatty pies!

    Poor thing.

  3. It's true: Tescos IS coming to Bedlington - and very soon!

    Has anyone seen the notice in the window?

    I know someone who's going to be working on the job of clearing out Somerfield and then doing it up again ready for Tesco. He said they have put the rent up on the Greggs shop a hell of a lot so Greggs is considering re-locating. Also, they actually own the E3 premesise and rent is also being increased there.

    Apparently they have offered money to the owner of the bed shop behind Somerfield too, but the bloke who owns the shop says he isnt moving.

    Somerfield will be closed by the 22nd September and Tescos should be open by the 14th October.

    Cant wait!

  4. I blame the kids because i see them do it, and yes, i agree, dog owners that are lazy do throw them in bushes, but not 10 foot up a tree.the ones that are up the trees are mainly caused by teenagers. Fact.

    Where are these statistics showing the age groups of people who throw dog !*!@# into trees?

  5. Why would kids want to put their hands in bins full of dog crap and carry them down the road to throw them up a random tree?

    Down by the black bridge theres like 10 bags to every tree and the ground is covered in dog mess too. Stop blaming the kids for everything thats wrong with this place, its the owners (mostly adults) that just cant be bothered to walk to the nearest bin, so they throw it over their shoulder into the bushes or trees.

  6. If it was true that Tesco was going to open up a store in Bedlington, it would have been in the papers and everyone would know about it.

    But if it did happen, it wouldnt be a big store, it would just be a corner shop type Tesco.

  7. Hi,

    Was it an opencast or was it a mine with shafts? Do you know what it was called?

    I was not worried with the Opencast until I googled and found Bedlington was the home of Europes biggest Opencast.

    I dont fancy living in a Bungalow in a few years time.

    Whats the last bus back like on a night time from Newcastle. I have lived with the last bus back to Blyth for years without a problem.

    Thanks Baz

    Its fine, it isnt busy or too crowded, obviously at weekends its a bit busier but all in all theres plenty of seats to choose from!

  8. It still exists!!

    ...but only in our hearts...

    The only place in 100 square miles that could have been turned upside down and everyone could walk on the ceiling! i miss those carpets! :P

    People getting bottles planted in their head every weekend. Burnside dole bums everywhere, spending every penny of their child benefits. Lots of scruffy children stoned out of their greasy haired heads. Couldnt go to the toilet without being harrased by scum. When you got there the toilets were full of !*!@# and puke anyway. Women with so much cake on their ugly faces it would take a pneumatic drill to get it off.

    Very classy...

  9. I believe Raisbeck recieved a nice offer from whats now arriva for the rights to the route. Possibly about 15 years ago now! at least 10 anyways!

    Does Mr Raisbeck still have ties to the Monkey? (Barrington Arms)

    Aye, 10 years would be about right...

  10. Thought it was a different company, Jordans was based in Bedlington oppisit the Bedlington Mechanic's football ground (Milne Park)

    The United bus service use to run via the main road but Raisbecks used to run by the Terrier and down Stead Lane to get to the Station.

    Does Raisbecks still exist?


    Dont think so, I remember it lasting up until I was in my early years at Meadowdale, it used to be just 10p to get to school on it. I've never seen it since...

  11. That's because they had! System building it was called. The same sort of system that brought us Ronan Point.


    Except that I think you'll find that those in Bedlington were built to a lot higher standards, and hence survived much longer. Some much later private ones at Killingworth weren't!

    You'll find that very few who lived in them (in the early days at least) had a wrong word to say about them - and that has to be the acid test. Virtually all have been replaced now, including all the prefabs (Millfield South etc.). So... I don't think you've much of a point on this one Monsta!

    No, most of them are still there at the Oval, theres only one street that I know of that has been pulled down and the rest are either borded up or rough looking.

  12. What have they replaced them with?

    Of the ones I know of (Havent been passed there for a while) they pulled a street down and now it's just grass where the houses were.

    There were a lot of houses boarded up too... dont know if it's just the fact that no one wants to live there, but there were rumors of the council trying to buy people out of their homes so that they can pull more down.

    Dont know if thats true...

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