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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. HPW I undrstood the Top Club was something to do with dodgy concrete. It was quite a futuristic building and next to our very own dual carriageway. When the coal seam folds that is dangerous. Is that right? Fascinating what you learn about the Earth beneath our feet here in Bedlingtonshire.
  2. I wonder if the sale will go through and what money will change hands. Still don't think anyone knows about what happened when Tesco's bought the site. Interesting development maybe all down to Andy Brown and his campaign.
  3. The Journal front page today:- £80m plan for homes and hotel in Morpeth. Whilst later in the day the big news for Bedlington is Tesco agree to sell their site to Arch.
  4. It is simple mercuryg they may not have a poster to display. However the lack of political posters may tell a different story.
  5. Everyone should put the posters in their windows. The Main Street businesses who do not have a poster should be noted . There are very few election posters around.
  6. Has the new police station got a problem with subsidence? I hope it is just a rumour .
  7. This campaign must go 'National'. The local press are involved and soon it will be international. (Hopefully) One cute dog, a history story, so much background worthy of recording. Now injustice. Doom and Gloom no way. Maybe Robson Green could do a series of programmes about a town's fight for survival. He did live locally for a while and shop in Bedlington! Even a fishing story How about 'Robson Green steps in to protect Crayfish at Humford.' Anything to get all the political parties working together and not being negative !
  8. Even a nomination for a 'Tony' award. Winners to be announced in New York June 7th
  9. On page 50/51 of The News Post the candidates for Wansbeck put their case for peoples vote.. Strangely it is the Conservative candidate who makes the most of the plight of Bedlington. Indeed half of his plea is given over to details of the plight of our little town . He also supports 'Make a noise for Bedlington' None of the others make comment about the state of Bedlington. Sadly it needs everyone seeing how desperatly Bedlington needs support. Maybe Saturday will see all the would be politicians turning up. If not they say more than their fine words .
  10. Reading the first post it seems these young people knew the arguments and were making up their own minds. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Given the facts people decide for themselves.
  11. The News Post leader is very interesting this week. 1) The headline is 'we will only get louder' promises pressure group (Bedlington) 2) Jayne Middlemiss is now supporting the campaign 3) There is a letter from Simon Tyler in which he claims to have 'noticed an increasing number of doom and gloom letters concentrating on Bedlington' He goes on to state that 'from the small amount of research he has conducted there is a plan for Bedlington' He asks one thing :- Keep believing in Bedlington. I think he has his wish in the campaign, maybe not quite in the way he intends. ACTIONS not WORDS
  12. The Man and the Donkey. 'He gave his life so others may live' The Customs House South Shields are commemorating his life 19th to the 23rd May 2015 John Simpson Kirkpatrick Born South Shields 6th July 1892 Died Gallipolli 19th May 1915.
  13. Thanks Ovalteeny. Good to read the article. The whole show was very good.
  14. Should have said every hotel in Newcastle must have been full. The show was a sell out.
  15. Sting , Jimmy Nail, The Unthanks, The Wilsons, Katherine Tickell and more were at the Sage Friday and Saturday. We needed to take out a mortgage to get a ticket or two but the concert was one of the very very best. People from all around the World were at the venue. The car park was not full and after there were so many people outside taking pictures You just had to be there.
  16. The boiler is in Hereford Cathedral. Actually more than just the one. Not sure if they work or how! The Mappa Mundi, an original Magna Carta, a chain library even a bishops palace make it a must to visit yesterday not tomorrow.
  17. Agreed mercuryg. These young people are the future. The old guard need to take notice and connect. Apart from certain individuals on this site there seems a lack of involvement by the political elite of Bedlington. Locally and nationally where are these people who should be fighting for our town. By their silence on issues they say so much.
  18. Anyone not there on Saturday will be noticed by there absence . The demonstration is none political but it is very much a statement. The 'elephant in the room' is simply 'WHY!'
  19. I wonder what happened to this club.
  20. Ah but do the cures work. I am not prepared to try any!
  21. Health and safety or History. Who would win?
  22. How about the Last Ship by Sting for all of them.
  23. There is a Geordie boy on at the Sage tonight Actuay more than one but you need to take out a mortgage to buy the tickets. Geordie girls too! Last chance maybe!
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