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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. There is a Geordie boy on at the Sage tonight Actuay more than one but you need to take out a mortgage to buy the tickets. Geordie girls too! Last chance maybe!
  2. Lots of coverage on the news today.
  3. I agree but why would the holes be left. It was suggested they would be grand places for birds to nest ! Maybe they would be sealed with wood or stone. This church is said to be about 9 degrees off the East /West line. It seems it maybe on a pagan site. Anyone got a compass to check out Saint Cuthbert's.
  4. Possibly but the church has no roof or door.
  5. Well it appeared and now is gone. I signed out and Ukip appeared. Not sure why!
  6. Well done the advert made it onto the site. 'Make a Noise for Bedlington'
  7. Social Media are making people more aware of the issues. No longer do people vote because of who they are and how their parents voted. Indoctrination takes many many forms. The BBC and Newspapers are just two examples. Even on this site there seems often to be only one overstated viewpoint. People have every right to be enthusiastic about the way forward but the electorate equally have the right to choose. We call it democracy and hopefully we all get the decisions right. My fear is we do not learn and end up with a divided society. Basically We are better together fighting for what we see is right and fair. Maybe not agreeing but still prepared to work together.
  8. No Adam it is a church. No one truly knows what the holes are there for.
  9. Anglo /Saxon building techniques. Why the holes?
  10. Would this fit in the modern house.
  11. The folk awards are tomorrow night on Radio 2.
  12. The BBC do not have the monopoly on biased viewpoints. Surely we all have the ability to decide for ourselves what we believe and what we do not. The petition may represent the true position but is more likely just another viewpoint.. Who wrote it and why? Can they claim to be without bias?
  13. This is an interesting time in politics. Things appear to be changing, who knows what will happen. My wish would be to see a great turnout, with people young and old getting politicians to sit up and take notice. Our young people will change things if they get involved. While our local councils have less power everyone talks about more power locally. Devolved or independent. Have the boundaries changed in Wansbeck since 1997. The figures are very interesting rosco.
  14. Next Monday 7:30 Coffin Chapel. The Bedlington History Society. The Bondagers. Dinah Iredale. A unique look at our past.
  15. It has to be :- Show of Hands and Ignorance Arrogance and Greed.
  16. The BBC has my vote, for what it is worth.
  17. A very good initiative 'Make a Noise for Bedlington.' Hope the poster appears soon Malcolm. The example of the Xmas card is either a late offering or maybe an early one for Xmas 2015. Either way hope it does not mean a delay !
  18. HPW your post 16th Sept 2014 about the ledger found in West Terrace may have a simple explanation. It could have belonged to Steven Martin and been thrown out when he died. Steven lived in West Terrace Stakeford I believe. He was an expert on The Great Northern Coalfield and I think would have spent a lifetime collecting items or ledgers that could easily have been thrown out.
  19. HPW your postings on this thread about the Whin Sill are excellent. First hand knowledge is always the very best.
  20. Perhaps say a prayer for our town too?
  21. Question Symptoms Will you be joining the queue?
  22. Sometimes 4g interferes with the signal. No reflection on our very own Fourgee. An indoor aerial from Argos can help.
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