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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. I hope someone invests in the property who will develop the site quickly . No more eyesore developments that go on forever.
  2. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
  3. My understanding Symptoms is that no one knows where they are and how they have been sealed until the hole appears. Subsidence around any Mining area needs careful watching. I suppose it is no different to 'sink holes' One appeared on the main A 21 to Hastings this year.
  4. That last series of thoughts should be labeled one to four.
  5. What could Bedlington spend that sort of money on! Fixing tiles maybe. Public liability . I am sure there are people volunteering to do this job for free.
  6. The Window and Odd Tiles I heard. Beware any passing politicians. The local electorate could just surprise you all. The darkest hour comes just before dawn. Now who said that ?
  7. Hopefully not with the 'Make a Noise for Bedlington ' campaign on Facebook. Seems there are 759 people who 'Like' the post up to this moment.
  8. Wey Aye Man Ah Will (Gan ) Fishing.
  9. Education education and more education what could be better. Maybe we should all join a choir too. That concert looks like a perfect way to spend an evening.
  10. Sorry I did not know him Brian.
  11. Very true. So many names that I recognise from our lives in and around Netherton. I knew the tale of Netherton becoming Nedderton but no idea when. Nedderton is still just 'The Village' to many people. Since our days at school so much has changed. There is no bus to Morpeth that now goes through Nedderton. I would not be able to get to Morpeth and Bertha Burns tea room on a Wednesday to meet my Aunty Kitty. Obviously no school there either. Happy thoughts of a life well lived.
  12. One team in 1926 was pictured on one of Evan Martin 's books. The girl with the cup was Ellen Mitchell who lived just outside Westlea. In our time she resembled her mother who was behind the team. Evan's comments inside the book reveal she was such a good footballer that at one match someone suggested she should play for Newcastle I wonder what her name was before she married. She gave our kids a three piece suite leather with fabric cushions when they lived in Ridge Terrace. She was a local magistrate .
  13. Good research Canny Lass. I would love to go back to all his reference books. Interesting what his research in the 1920's brings to light. Over the years so much has been lost. That period before the Venerable Bede is all, in the main , guess work. We are left with verbal folk tales and place names. As with Chinese Whispers you wonder just what is right and what is not. With Cuthbert and then Bede we were on the route to Lindisfarne. The Holy Island would be the place to visit, similar to a journey to Mecca by Moslems. Maybe just once in a lifetime. My feeling is that at Bedlington there was a Holy Mound' in the pre Christian period and then became Christian with Edwin and then Oswald as kings of Northumbria. Benicia . A place of safety for the Monks to hide the body of Saint Cuthbert. First from the invaders from the North and then from the Normans in 1069. The Normans, intent on settlement , invested heavily in Durham but our little place of sanctuary then becomes important too. Only at that point do we have evidence and it links us firmly to Durham. The challenge to find why Bede became Bede is possibly never going to be clear. Similarly Bedlington and Beadnell are worthy of investigation. It is always a good idea to go back to original source material but that is not available. The origins of language are disputed our migration from Africa is interesting and often disputed. Intelligent design or are we all evolved from those first basic cells. I personally have not got a clue. All is guesswork given an interest in the subject matter. Nature or Nurture led me to question everything. I used to be indecisive and now I am not sure. (As they say) Whatever or however Bedlington got its name we all know how important the place is in our lives and what a great place it was to grow up. (Past and Present) Just a few minor details to work out in the present.
  14. All very well but I still like the extra 'e' The Bedesman connection. Named in respect of The Venerable Bede. Bede / ling / ton. The place to stop off on the pilgrimage route to Lindisfarne from Jarrow. On foot or even by boat. Rosary beads, where did Bede get his name. Where did Bede and his family actually come from?
  15. I was thinking about the unfinished building in the Market Place.
  16. Well Canny Lass now we can forget the sherry! Thanks from me too Eggy. It's the little things that grow.
  17. Fat fingers Netherton of course. Then there is the failing eye sight. Bloody Cataracts. 'It's not dark yet but it's getting there'
  18. When did Nerherton become Nedderton I remember it changing!
  19. Right how about a Boutique Hotel. Seriously we have a unique selling point. History and more. Learn the language . Understand the culture. Live the dream. Over stated but nevertheless it could work. Gentrified Bedlington. Why not? King John loved our town. Blank Canvas.
  20. HPW Your first hand experiences are very valuable to any historical research. Now there are no mines, these details are important.
  21. Thanks Canny Lass . Amazing what you learn on this site.
  22. It seems this was my better half's experience:- At sixteen you could buy a BSA 250 cc. Then after passing the test a triumph tiger 110 650cc Again not a clue Second hand Morris Minor for me.circa 1967 Indicators needed to be bashed to return. Otherwise you appeared to be making a move to take off. Still felt cars to be a waste of money.
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