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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Well done Adam. 'Deeds not Words' I wonder if Facebook and a simple 'like' campaign would get the required number that would shock everyone. Lots of people will not want personal details going forward to The powers that be., NCC. Investment in Bedlington is a cause that warrants respect. It requires all parties to work to a common goal. I am reading a book on a local lady. Dorothy Robson who worked tirelessly for others. 'Service not Self' Published by Greater Morpeth Development Trust and Northumberland County Council.
  2. Happy Birthday and Saint Patrick's Day Brian.
  3. Ubi Sunt or 'where have they gone who went before us'
  4. A good topic. I am going to start a new topic of 'Ubi Sunt' The Guardian in the past did a Posy cartoon strip. One that I remember was about kids sat on a wall. The guinea pig had died. Dad said 'that's it end of days' Mum said ' the guinea pig lives as long as we remember it' Gran said ' the guinea pig will go to heaven' Caption Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates welcoming the guinea pig. Kids decide they prefer Gran's version of events.
  5. Sad to hear that Ben Shelley has died. 'Ubi sunt'
  6. Why did I know the challenge would be met!!! Well done. I like the 'Mud Skippers' quote only because it shows a certain sense of humour. More down to Earth than Sand Dancers.
  7. I have not a great interest in the car engine etc but I do remember the numbers . This is my first little Mini bought from a friend and always called by the reg number. In the back is a small child who is now a fireman.
  8. Belvedere in Whitley Bay and Saveloy Dips. Wonder when that closed. Lewens in Morpeth next to the Chantry. Was it Lewens or Lewans.
  9. My dog who used to catch the Raisbeck bus to the Top End on his own. Those were the days. Gardens with veg and metal windows. Lettuce in the garden, bread out for the birds. My Dad always joked that the birds enjoyed lettuce sandwiches.
  10. I agree with both comments. A unique individual and writer.
  11. People in South Shields are the Sand Dancers and a friend from Bedlington referred to himself as a 'Mud Skipper'. On a walk with some of our children from Humford to Plessey we all ended up clarty! Fire clay maybe not to sure but very clagy.. Now get this thread on to politics anyone. How about we become the Mud Skippers.
  12. One if these days I will get to Plessey when the shop is open. Thanks toakley1965.
  13. I guess the jury is out on whether it is town or country life. There was a joke about people staying in a country house, if it was cold it could be arranged to throw another dog on the bed. I always like the challenge of dealing with the cold. Last year we stayed with our daughter in the Pentlands 1000 feet up. No heating not always water. There was a great feeling of achievement in dealing with everything that the weather and life can throw at you.. You seem to be doing well pilgrim. No Southern Softee to use John Shuttleworth's words.
  14. People coming to our town was not a problem in the past. I remember a town centre and shops that attracted a variety of people from a variety of places. The East and West end of the town were always busy. The Swimming Baths were used by all on a regular basis. The Railway line brought people to the town and allowed access to the coast. The market days were always busy. Bedlington provided everything that was required or needed. Some folk still chose never to go to Newcastle if they can help it ! Cramlington had not been invented.
  15. I agree about the demise of the hedgerows. So many are disappearing to be replaced by a fence or nothing at all. Hedge laying seems just not to happen these days.
  16. Were Woodbines called 'Coffin Nails'. Then there was a joke about saving up for an 'Iron Lung' Green Shield Stamps maybe?
  17. My guess is that Invalid Stout would be a little like Guinness but sweeter. To be taken for medicinal purposes only. That is until you got the taste for it and then who knows. Perhaps to chill at the end of a long day. Wonder what the alternative would be now in The Red Lion. I simply cannot think of it as 'Spoons'
  18. Aye HPW it all brings back memories of a life well lived.
  19. It could well be that the Inspectors are failed teachers. I have never understood how schools have got to do better year on year. How soon until there is nowhere higher to go and the only way is down. There are so many factors that seem irrelevant.
  20. So exited at the new car I forgot to say Mini Car. Sorry for the confusion foxy.. The days of the mini skirt and car are good to remember. The older we get the more we remember the past. Fashion in the Carnaby Street days was something else. I remember everyone being well dressed in London. These days it all seems a little boring by comparison. mercuryg you have great memory for details. I simply remember the old car number plates. This new Mini is very quick away at the traffic lights even though it cuts the engine to save fuel.
  21. I have just bought a new mini. First one I bought in the late 60s. So many memories. Then there is that film 'The Italian Job'. Not to mention jokes about 'Mini Me'.
  22. Careful Symptoms . May have to start imagining you. Mind nowt wrong with the Deep South , however the Red Lion could now be said to be 'gentrified'.
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