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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Smug superior intelligent free thinking they are all 'in' this week. What's in a little over the top ranting. Controversy sells. Bring it on. Sincerely held viewpoints. Nay bother.
  2. Lowering the tone or raising it! Not sure. Negative or positive just lets hope we see some action soon on investment in Bedlington. So many photo opportunities in the papers featuring our politicians. So many initiatives but once the election is out of the way will we see any action. So praying maybe the next option. We could feature a song 'God only knows' However it has been done before.
  3. Someone has been kind enough to loan me this book by Jack Black It is written in verse and brings back so many memories. However I have to admit to odd words that I do not know:- A Canny Cyevule? Wi knaa there'll be nee flaas? (Banner) Maybe flaws not sure. Clagger men and cleaky mats? Blaa maybe smoking/ tobacco. Words that I loved to read included :- Little Guddin. Tanky toots. Spent your wack. Couped his creels. Sowkin. Dunderheads Owld chep. Pit claes 'dadded' on the waall. Eyes stuck out like organ stops. Then there is talk about gypsy's selling pegs. So many memories. Thank you Palance
  4. Monday March 30th 2015 the History Society. Mr Bill Saunders The Cooperative Movement. Usual venue The Coffin Chapel at 7:30. Maybe we could get some ideas for a new retail initiative.
  5. Do you ever cook the mackerel in the vinegar Canny Lass. The roll mop herring was often called 'soused herring' Cooked it was always good to eat hot or cold.
  6. If on this Forum we say there is NO through traffic in Bedlington, then it could become a fact.. I personally do not think it is true. Planners can use arguments to prove they need to take a particular course of action. We want investment in Bedlington but someone reads this thread and justifies no action What we need is a retail centre and people will come along. There are so very many people who would shop locally. The issue for me personally, is that for all too long Bedlington has not provided the basics never mind the luxury items. I truly believe things will change.
  7. That is what I would call them too. Our Worlds are connected.
  8. I personally am not offended Tonyp. The story is a lesson in History Evil exists everywhere. UKIP are a political party that we need to take seriously. Whatever our political views everyone has a right to a viewpoint.
  9. A motorbike circa 1902 it seems
  10. Does anyone do herrings rolled and cooked with part vinegar and water. Mackerel are also good cooked in this way.
  11. The picture looks a little like Oradour sur Glane Tonyp. A very sad story. Hopefully never repeated.
  12. Aye names can be a problem HPW. Who could take offence?
  13. HPW listen to the Ragpicker's Dream by Dire Straits. One track "Fare thee well Northumberland"
  14. Good thought foxy. No one can disagree.
  15. Thank you threegee. I must be more careful. Trouble is there is not a lot of spare time in my life.
  16. I seem to remember some sort of 'stamps' starting in the NE. Then maybe the idea catching on. The Coop 'Divi' maybe covered in the next History Society meeting. The cards were often given away with tea. Various subjects. Now selling framed at a price. Smoking then away we go. Who knows where any thread ends up.
  17. Aye Symptoms it is getting serious. How about 'Flu ' jabs for all. Prevention then maybe no need for other health treatment. Think how much money was spent in the past on our health ! Regardless of size.
  18. Actually it seems Sting's wife may have been involved with the film.
  19. Ah ! Good pictures willy j. Those memories are important. Just been to see a film called Still Alice. Early onset Dementia, very thought provoking.
  20. Fingers crossed Musicmusik that the problem is remedied soon. Imagine a town where we all shopped locally and enjoyed the experience. It could happen, maybe not in my lifetime.
  21. Wish we all lived closer Canny Lass.
  22. Sorry about the title . The 'N' is very close to the 'B'. A ruined village in Cyprus called Pano Kividies was replaced because it was thought to be slipping down the mountain. Forty years ago you could walk around the streets of the town. Now apart from the Church nothing exists. 'What's the life of man It's no more than a leaf Life has it's seasons so why should there be grief. God or no God who knows. Ubi Sunt. Often people with no belief can become religious near the end of their lives. Often coincidence or simple incidents can convince people that there is something beyond. Robbie Robertson from The Band sings to a dead band member:- ' If your out there lay a flower in the snow'
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