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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. I will buy the sherry Canny Lass you just get over here to drink it.
  2. Sorry not a clue. C 11 G C 15 Not a clue on these odd numbers and letters either!
  3. Brilliant work Smudgeinthebudge. When do we start digging.
  4. Good Luck Adam. I heard about one petition about the old school that was presented to the council never to be seen or heard of again.. These days just one hard copy cannot be lost. The internet has it's advantages.. We need to keep this topic current. I think times will change for Bedlington and everyone will help. Some may need help to see that change is in everyone's interest. Even Ashington centric county councillors. Bedlington has the very best of locations. The Front Street is always going to be impressive. Brilliant for 'Miners Picnic's. All we need is that investment. Small steps that change everything.
  5. Sorry seems for some pictures I am on the other side of the World again.
  6. Today I took a few pictures of the Market Place Site. It is huge!i So much could replace the existing buildings. However the existing buildings are so piecemeal that maybe a fresh approach is needed. Tesco's and the other old buildings are attached to each other, and to The Market Tavern. ( Howard Arms) We need some experts to devise plans . This may mean sections are pull down' . Shop fronts that planners are insisting stay may hold up any investment. Heritage initiative may be holding things back. One old building was said to Daniel Gooch's school We have at this moment a blank canvas someone somewhere must be interested. Shop fronts could be left and behind could be new build. I challenge planners councillors local and national to come up with a plan. Not merely to replace all with houses. Plans that would benefit the community. Developers in Bedlington given permission to build but they have to help develop and invest in our town. No get out clause because 'allegedly' no one wants to live next to shops.
  7. From the Geological Survey of 1871 Geography / geology becomes History.
  8. I remember both the shafts but cannot remember which years they appeared. I wonder if they were drift mines or ventilation shafts One was opposite the entrance to Westlea and the other in a drive at Nedderton, who knows when others will appear. I understood lots of the farms were bought by the coal companies because of subsidence claims. The geological facts and the reality based on first hand knowledge is very interesting. How the seams fold, widen and are given different names is an area of knowledge just waiting for this generation to investigate. Obviously with the help of people like HPW and helpful hints from books like Steven Martin's
  9. Hope they had Davy Crockett hats for safety.
  10. I was going towards the name Netherton. Nether regions Bottom of the hill. Neterton as in Steven Martin's book Curio Regis 1207. I like the association with the Romans too. Basically anything that makes Bedlington district special.
  11. According to Steven Martin's book on Netherton the name comes from :- Nithe bottom of the hill and Ton habitation. In the 'Curio Regis' 1207 it was Neterton. Nethesington in the 18th Century estate map. I wonder where the name 'netty' came from.
  12. The coal seams are at different heights in different places . Names change depending on the colliery. It is an interesting subject particularly when you read Steven Martin's book and realise how many many pits were sunk. The drift mines or ventilation shafts can appear as 'sink holes' and cause damage to property.
  13. Bill Saundes works at Beamish and gave us 'Food for Thought' A Cooperative Society could be the answer for Bedlington and the future. Why invest in multinationals ! Local individual and different. Every town centre is the same let's make ours unique.
  14. The booklet was published maybe in the 80's It was in a series about Bedlington by Steven Martin who was Evan Martin's Dad. I have handed the booklet back tonight so sorry I cannot give exact details. The library may have a copy. Worth trying Morpeth library too.
  15. A book on Netherton was kindly loaned to me. Written by Steven Martin it gives details of the coal seams but I find I am confused . High main Low Main 5/4 Plessey Some seams are 4 feet thick but which ones. Which seams are nearest the surface? It seems there are lots of pits sunk on Netherton Moor so many names ! John Birkinshaw 1841 goes to Canada leaving the Coal Co to his two sons who get into financial trouble . Birkinshaw (John) is said to have been helping himself to Iron Company funds! So many things to learn about right here in our town.
  16. Thanks Could the 'clagger men ' be men collecting money. 'Clagging' meaning on 'tick'. The context for flaas :- The Day Netherton Won the Picnic Cup The verse goes The lads have got the banner oot Last night arooned the raas Collecting for "The Miners' Homes" Wi Knaa there'll be nee flaas. Relevant today another verse is :- Who laboured in the common cause Of "Social Evolution" Seeking without a pause A sensible solution. I'll not dispute, the good intent Of successive Local Government But if their talents they'd employed Built things up and not destroyed We'd not have had this sorry day And seen the last house swept away Netherton is seen as s place where Philanthropy was common law Kindness an Ideology. Must give the book back, I could go on with the quotes forever.
  17. 2016 August 26th to 29th the Tall Ships are to be in Blyth. It seems they then sail for Sweden.
  18. What is the perfect day in Northumberland? For us today this was it :- After a bad start. Miles of traffic following a tractor. The rain. Berwick, Spittal Beach, Bamburgh, Seahouses for Fish and Chips. The sun shinning perfect views. Felton 'Running Fox' bakery for cake. Grandchildren, Easter Eggs perfect Northumberland.
  19. Anyone remember being given some odd concoction for making Ginger Beer. I guess it must have been a yeast mixture.
  20. RIP . John Renbourn has always been a favourite in our family. One track I would recommend is Lord Franklin. The story of his attempt (Lord Franklin) to find the NW Passage through the Arctic.
  21. Best destination by 'Mumsnet' Northumberlandia continues to receive praise and awards. I feel the need to apologise to Keith on this one. However it maybe better seen from a 'Higher Plain'.
  22. The Time Team (12 strong) have been at Holystone and unearthed the remains of what they believe to be a medieval priory near St Mary's Church. Lost after Henry the eighth's dissolution of the monasteries in 1539. If buildings can so easily disappear in nearly 500 years, imagine what has been lost here in Bedlington since the Anglo/ Saxon Era.
  23. Someone on the radio said that anyone supporting Clarkson should be punched by him and then decide. Sounds fair.
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