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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. The Pumpkin Ale reminds me more of Barley Wine. Some interesting ales coming up like Doom Bar
  2. I do think all communication is good but things can get out of hand with the money motive and the abuse of individuals. The details about us all on the net is another concern. It hardly matters for old gits like me but people are giving so much away about themselves and then there are the people selling our data.
  3. All very interesting . I do need a lesson on the Mb / MB / GB details. Basically not a clue.
  4. The worst case for Bedlington was the Old Hall. I think your suspicions are well founded Symptoms.
  5. Some things I agree with in this debate others I think are too simplistic. Fear of Europe on the basis of what was a dangerous ideal based on the viewpoint of a megalomaniac is not the whole story. Living in Germany 39/45 people survived in a 'vote for me or I will klll' you environment. That does not make everyone bad. Power makes people view things from a different perspective. Ie The politician who makes the case for cleaning up the river then finds people loose jobs because the factory closes. Immigration may have got out of hand but that is because we live on a small island and some people have the idea that life here is easy. The EU may not be perfect but we need to fight our corner not moan about everything. UKIP may have the answer but I have yet to be convinced. I personally have never voted just because it was what was expected of me. I like Tony Benn because he was true to his ideals. If he had compromised, he could have achieved higher office. In Parliament the Whips Office forces people to agree with the hierarchy. Tony Benn was not a 'push over' he often spoke out of turn and finally left politics to become more involved with politics.
  6. Do not be shy Symptoms. Tell all! Start a new thread in Members Only. 'Dodgy tales of the Seventies'
  7. Then there are the 'Pension Funds' Today the news is no pay rise for health workers and eleven percent for MPs Result a 'strike' Not to sure it is a fair World, whoever is in government. The Guardian Magazine on Saturday had a lengthy article on Russell Brand. It seems his words are now studied very carefully and are on the curriculum .
  8. Just in case that seems irrelevant, the pilot was held in Colditz because he had made several escape attempts from other places. After the Spotfire crashed he walked 100 miles to an American Embassy and was turned away because they had not joined the War at that stage.
  9. Enjoyed the programme. Guy Martin's enthusiasm is infectious. I went to Colditz a few years back and the tales of escapes are brilliant. Some Ex Prisoner is alleged to have returned with a key he had made in his time there. All testament to a history to be proud of. Castles In The Sky and the development of radar was a good film / documentary last month Eddie Izzard played the lead role. Most of of it was fIlmed in Scotland but obviously shots of planes etc
  10. I remember it well. We all should have been studying but suddenly there was a social life. The records / music of the time are worth remembering, Sometimes embarrassingly so! 'I met him on a Monday and my heart stood still Da do Ron Ron Ron etc' What innocent fun and no alcohol for most of us. Boys on the left side girls the right as you went in!
  11. From early networking in the coffee shops of the 17 hundreds to today and the Internet should we celebrate or fear this way of communicating. I limit my activity to this site as it seems less about selling and more about sharing and developing a topic. Maybe I am being naive. Basically should we all join Six Townships and talk more generally about our area. Plus Facebook, Twitter Etc
  12. Would Maggie Thatcher have been successful without the oil revenues? Money to wage war. Not only on the miners. Harry Enfield's character 'loads of money' comes to mind I hope the film gives us a true insight into the history of that decade
  13. Sounds like a good programme to watch tonight Foxy. Symptoms your sense of humour could get you into trouble! I think you have been influenced by Hilary Mantel. Hope you get a decent book deal.
  14. Welcome, there is a lot to research on the site. Spoach or look through all the archive information. Then you might even want to visit the town and area.
  15. Hi Maggie From another Maggie Hope your search is successful.
  16. Once again it would be great to rewind and go to the Portland last April. I wonder if he knew he was dying. RIP
  17. This may be irrelevant but one hour download from the BBC means 600mb.
  18. Sad end, cancer does not respect age. What a career, the article is a celebration of a unique lad. Wonder where Wallsend came into his life story. The Undertakers at the Top End are now the Grenville 's. When they smile at you in Tescos you have to work out how poorly you look before smiling back. Poorly should have read 'how hard up you look' in local speak However Kensington Market was great in 1970. A friends brother was ripping up T Shirts and selling them. You could buy most things, no high street chain goods.
  19. It seems I could scare them if I became a suicide bomber. They do not go to heaven if they are killed by a woman. A joke surely in more ways than one. Obviously I am no suicide bomber. My thoughts are simple, we do not know the full story and do not really know the enemy. The news provokes a response and then we no longer win the propogander battle. Think 9/11 and what has happened since.
  20. There is a documentary film about the Miners Strike.. It has the support of many of the unions. It appears to be on at the Tyneside on the 22nd October.
  21. Eggy just get 'unlimited' and stick to Freeview. We have been trying out a cable thing for BT Sport and the time wasted is unbelievable. They tell you it is simple but all to often you need a small child to help.
  22. Wish I could comment but the worst pint was on the South Coast. What about the best! There are so many Micro Breweries now.
  23. Listening to the debate seems futile all to often. After all, immigration is a fact of life, we all feel free to travel and settle all over the World. We live on a small island and our life here is good. Even so people move to live elsewhere. I wonder where our own ancestors emigrated from. We could be surprised ! It is my opinion that the electorate are voting about a basic mistrust of all these career politicians. Even the Scottish Independence could be just a vote against all that has and is going on at Westminster. We have learnt about 'the brown paper bag system' ! In order to feel secure we have to trust our government and others to act fairly..
  24. "You are right from your side and I am right from mine It's one too many mornings and a thousand miles behind" The situation is very far from a simple case of one side being good and the other bad. For us to get involved we have to know the enemy. Forget the he did she did debate. Who and why nations and people are supporting this evil group has to be a factor. Can anyone really truly want our young soldiers involved in this battle. There are so many ethnic groups involved besides the 'Sunni and Shia factor" Mans inhumanity to man. Living in the area must be hell. We are seen as the enemy and history should be testament to the West not always being innocent. In a War situation collateral damage is acceptable. Everyone can justify action or inaction by reference to previous conflict situations. Tread Carefully Surely.
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