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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Tomorrow night on BBC 2 there is a new series starting called 'Strange Days Cold War Britain'. It might interest you Symptoms if you can get it. My Uncle was in the Northumberland Fusiliers, after the escape from Dunkirk he died in Burma age 24.
  2. Excellent photos Keith. Your Mother looks very young and very pretty. Females playing football is celebrated in one of Evans Bedlington Books. (Front Cover.) The lady there was Lillian Graham, she was holding a cup. Her mother was in the picture and looked like the Mrs Graham I remember. One of our favourite films is Gregory's Girl.
  3. The story War Horse must have special significance Symptoms. Your family are true life heroes and heroines. Fantastic stories to inspire others in any generation. Next time I am at Cambois I will look for the War Memorial Reedy. The home guard photo is brilliant. So many faces look like someone I know. Then the names all seem familiar.
  4. From reading the planning comments, this appears to be behind Millfield Court. It could well be significant to our History. Another site for investigation, not far from The Old Dun Cow. Behind what was the Main Coop Building in our youthful days. A place to buy clothes and all. In other words very central.
  5. At Al's supermarket I have bought a copy of A Creeful of Coals which has been produced with a selection of issues from 1997/98. £3 The booklet says it is volume three so I have missed one and two! There is also an edition for November 2013. £1
  6. My Uncle and comrades who went into the RAF. He lived in Millbank Crescent.
  7. As it is nearly the eleventh hour of the eleventh day maybe we should also remember what the men at war did. Lots of people did not talk about their life during War. Too painful. If the memories are not recorded they will be lost. I have the DVD from Al's Store but personal memories are also important.. I know there are records elsewhere on the site but recording more about time and place could prove worthwhile.
  8. Tonight has been a concert to raise funds for a 'Women of Steel' statue'. During the last War women worked in all sorts of roles There must be stories, in our town, that people could share of the contribution women made in WW2. Land Army, fire watch etc I had one relative who went to Birmingham from the NE to work in an armament factory. The Foreign Office and Bletchley Park saw other relatives into employment unfortunately the official secrets act got in the way of any interesting tales I wonder if anyone else has memories of what contribution women made in WW2. A friend learnt Morse Code as a child, she was evacuated at the start of the war and by the end was seconded to the SAS and signals.
  9. Canny Lass you need to look at u tube and the track. 'What does the Fox say'
  10. Egg and tomato sandwiches taste so good, particularly at the beach with the odd bit of sand. Corned beef with onion as sandwiches but also made into a pie, what could be better. Don Lynn does a rather excellent corned beef pie.
  11. These pictures are from the book and show electric items. I wonder if anyone has ideas about the date.
  12. The Mrs Beeton's Cookery Book has no date on it. I bought it at Louis Johnson's years ago, it says it is a new edition? Judging by these ads I think it pre dates electric cookers, although the recipe may have been written later.
  13. Look what I have found in my old Mrs Beeton's
  14. I suppose there could be a community bonfire somewhere in Bedlington. Why let Morpeth Rugby club have the monopoly! Not the same as your own fire. I wonder if the coal fires of our past make us all nostalgic.
  15. Funny old World! The toon go and beat CHELSEA by two goals.
  16. By the way I love the cover threegee! Are you a hoarder or did you find it on the net.
  17. Dare I say three words. Emily Wilding Davison. Phew I think I got away with it! Basically ' How do you tell a Geordie, yi divent cos he caant be telt'
  18. The cemetery bonfire was always rather impressive. Even after the wood had been stolen. Guess maybe a certain author may have been bringing wood back from other woodpiles.
  19. Thank you kindly, Sir. Ah The Cellar Club, Happy Days.
  20. I would love to hear the interview again. Many of us in Bedlington also spent time in Ashington. The Portland, Harmonic Hall, Lampglass etc
  21. There are some interesting letters written by the murderer. They appear to show he was not of 'sound mind'! Post traumatic Stress from being a hero, plus a 'bent' commercial traveller who had lent him money. Lots of reasons why Amos became so desperate. Pity no one could help him before it was to late. Do we learn anything from History?
  22. Worth checking out for a meal. Charlton's revisited and the food was excellent.
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