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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Must remember that one Canny Lass.
  2. The guy in the picture has a flame thrower for killing weeds. I never knew they existed!
  3. Trouble is Foxy, as Paul posts :- 'Its a small World' and there are those of us who have ways of adding up all those many many years. Just as well we are not counting.
  4. Sorry my upside down World strikes again . Well side ways. However it is a serious topic.
  5. Happy Birthday Foxy. Hope the day has gone well.
  6. Any mining area seems to have a community of people who are ready to help each other. We have been to a small place in the South of France and with a mine nearby the people all seemed friendly..
  7. A friend in London worked with a lad I went to school with. He ended up showing her our school picture circa 1958! Lewisham Tesco's and the lad was called Johnson.
  8. Great pictures. Sorry to say this but the weather on our ' Mini ' adventure has been too bxxxxy hot. Now here's the thing am I allowed to say the word 'bxxxxxy'. No!!!! LOL. Sorry to say this but the weather on our ' Mini ' adventure has been too blinking hot. Now here's the thing am I allowed to say the word 'blinking'. Yes!
  9. Bilbao main station. Mini adventure!
  10. Brilliant love the very idea. Stay connected ! 'Too many users ' Bedlington can become famous for people wanting to view the Main Street !
  11. Nowt wrong with Cambois. When going past the camera we always wave, trouble is people around wonder who you are and why your waving.
  12. Not working for me in the South of France! (Mini Adventure) Swanking could be said.
  13. Now where in Bedlington could we put some stained glass.
  14. Interesting and entertaining posts. History written by the 'victors'. On the topic of the 'robber barons ' I wonder what our politicians will be called by history.
  15. In 1966/67 the test was £1 and the lessons £1. Times change which perhaps mean our kids drive less and less. Some of my kids rely on push bikes . However any accident can be near fatal.
  16. Strange how attached to cars we become! I had a bright yellow Peugeot that everyone hated then came to love. I even got attached to a boring Ford Focus. That survived with me for thirteen years and became one of the family. Neil Young even penned 'long may she run!' about his favourite car. Right now my little Mini is on an adventure 4,000 miles and counting in three months.
  17. Good point mercuryg. I got carried away with the adverts. No one has paraffin now it seems .
  18. Definitely the 'Dark Side' and how to get away with anything and everything 'allegedly' . Anyone watching 1864. War in Denmark and political incompetence In this case the 'fall guys ' , as in so very many situations , being the common man .( cannon fodder) I am not saying the 'fall guys ' here are innocent but it reminds me of , I think it was Bush or Nixon, who said when the president does it it is not against the law.
  19. This is aimed to take HPW 's mind off the accident. We drive a lot of miles each year but accept that our driving life is coming to an end. So the good things about life in the car. 'Hopping it' in the car and going anywhere anytime. Distance no object. Not being the passenger but the driver. Central London , Marble Arch , Hyde Park Corner and which bloody bridge will we go over this time. As a child those hot summers in the late 50's when we dashed to Druridge Bay to swim. The Sunday Run was different to now, usually taking in the coast, countryside even the Lake District in the car. Picnics with the Folks and extended family. Happy Days. In the late 70's 80's there were the free gifts to collect. Remember 'we're going well were going Shell' Having a tiger in your tank' Or Boom boom boom 'Esso Blue'
  20. You have got us all thinking HPW. Your post must have thrown up some interesting words on predictive text. Gan Canny or because of the accident Keep a had. We don't want you looking 'Hard up '
  21. Happy Birthday Youngun have a great day.
  22. How about:- Je suis Spartacus! Then there was Paul Whitehouse saying :- 'My name is Mixhael Caine and I'm a nosey neighbour'. What was the thread title! Oh I know 'Be Afraid'
  23. Sadly Forum meetings show how many people do not contribute but are involved. Maybe the same with the West Bedlington Council !
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